"Olmeka" (tequila): photos, reviews, composition. How to distinguish a fake?

"Olmeka" - tequila, which is rightfully recognized as one of the best alcoholic beverages in the world. Many experts consider it worthy of the highest praise, and for Mexicans it is a real subject of national pride.

A bit of history

The first mention of tequila dates back many centuries. According to myths, in the territory of modern Mexico, even before the appearance of the ancient Incas and Aztecs, the Olmec tribes once lived. It was then that people learned to make a drink from blue agave, which they began to call honey water. It is said that the supreme gods liked this infusion very much, and they forbade the strangers to disclose the secret of its manufacture. Many years have passed since then, and now Olmeca (tequila) has become not only an attribute of any local holiday, but also a real business card of Mexico.

olmeca tequila

In general, blue agave is a fairly popular plant in North America. Fiber was mined from it in antiquity, which was then used to make paper, clothes and other household items. As a result of this treatment, a large amount of juice is usually released. Local residents learned how to make a drink from it, which was called "pulke". In fact, he became the progenitor of future tequila.

The subtleties of technology

“Olmeka” (tequila) became the way everyone knows it now, only by the end of the 19th century. By this time, people had learned many secrets regarding the rules for preparing alcoholic beverages. In particular, they understood what distillation is. In the north of Jalisco, whole plantations of blue agave were planted. It turns out that such arid land is needed for the normal growth of this lily. Not far from these places is the small town of Tequila, whose name gave the name to the new drink. The manufacturing process of this product begins in the field. Here, for eight years, plants reach the desired degree of maturity. Workers then pick up fleshy fruits, chopping them off the root and freeing them from long, fleshy leaves. For some time the product is kept in special storage facilities, and then it goes to special stone stoves for cooking. At this stage, the starch contained in the pulp under the influence of high temperature turns into sugar. The resulting mass is pressed out on industrial presses. After that, it enters the vats for fermentation, where sugar is converted into alcohol. Yeast and distilled water are also added here. Fermented mass goes to double distillation, which takes place in special vacuum apparatuses. Now the finished product goes to a special storage, where the right time is maintained.

Product classification

Mexican tequila is divided into two categories:

  1. Product made only from agave. It refers to premium drinks.
  2. A drink that produced 49 percent sugar from other plants.

As you know, any strong alcoholic drink is characterized by its exposure. Olmeka (tequila) is also divided into 4 types, depending on this indicator:

  1. Blanco, Plata and Silver. The drink is bottled immediately after its production or within a month after that. This tequila is called “white” or “silver”.
  2. Joven or Gold. The drink is also considered young, but different colors are used to give it color, taste and aroma.
  3. Reposado. The product is considered “rested”, as it is in oak barrels for three to twelve months. During this time, it acquires a certain shade.
  4. Anejo. Such tequila is considered "old" or "seasoned." She is waiting in the wings for three to ten years. True, after the seventh year a small characteristic bitterness may appear in it.

Typically, the manufacturer tries to indicate all these characteristics on the label so that the buyer has a complete picture of the product. In addition, Olmeka has three lines of taste:

  1. Olmeca - single or single.
  2. Olmeca Altos.
  3. Olmeca Tezon.

Each of them can be made in accordance with one of four known types.

Unbiased opinion

Studying the opinions of customers, we can conclude that very many people like the “Olmeka” tequila. Reviews of most of them relate to the unusual taste of the drink. Take, for example, Olmeca Blanco.

tequila olmeca reviews

It is a perfectly clear liquid with a light, subtle aroma of agave. Pleasant sweetness makes the product tender and soft. It is especially pleasing that it completely lacks any aromas or flavors of fusel oils. But still it can not be compared with Olmeca Gold. The pale golden product exudes around itself a fruity aroma of grapefruit with a slight haze. The rich taste is complemented by tart pepper and honey sweetness. Typically, the strength of such a drink is 38 percent, but those who have tried it claim that this is not felt at all. After 2-3 glasses, a pleasant dope appears in the head, but there will be no hangover if you do not sort out the quantity. But there are those who prefer Olmeca Anejo. Basically, they are connoisseurs of tequila, who appreciate the qualities inherent in any product with a long exposure.

The composition of the product

The composition of the Olmec tequila deserves special attention. First, you need to pay attention that the product is more reminiscent of moonshine.

composition of tequila olmeca

It differs from Russian vodka in the presence of esters and various higher alcohols. Mostly ethyl acetate can be distinguished among them. A liter of the finished product contains about 50 mg. It would seem nothing special. But it is worth remembering that this chemical compound is nothing but a solvent, which, by the way, is also known as the food supplement E1504. It is clear that drinking such a drink in large quantities is not recommended. A hangover in this case will be difficult to avoid. Do not forget also about fusel oils. But in seasoned tequila, they are much smaller. The reason is that the wooden walls of oak barrels absorb these components, purifying not only the chemical composition, but also the taste of the product itself. You should also not discount the fact that all these ingredients have a negative effect on the human liver. This should always be remembered before making a final decision about the choice of a drink.

Price of pleasure

How much does Olmeka tequila cost? A photo can sometimes give an answer to this question.

tequila olmeka photo

When considering goods on the counter, you need to understand that a drink like Blanco or Silver will be cheaper than the rest. The reason is that this is a young product. It is poured immediately after manufacture, and then immediately sent for sale. A bottle of such a Mexican-made drink with a capacity of 0.7 liters in Russian stores will cost about 1,500 rubles. Gold type tequila will cost customers a little more, although it is also an unsustainable product. The question is technology. The fact is that at the last stage of production, food colors are introduced into the composition to give the drink a golden color. In part, this also affects its taste. For such a bottle you will need to pay about 2000 rubles. Those who want to know the taste of this seasoned tequila should buy a drink like Anejo. True, in this case, the purchase price will be at least 3000 rubles. But experts say with confidence that the product is really worth the money.

Significant differences

People often try to purchase certain products, following fashion or public opinion. This makes it possible for clandestine manufacturers to sell their goods. Its cost is usually much lower than a natural product, but many buyers, in the pursuit of cheapness, agree to such conditions. Sometimes this results in the most unexpected consequences.

tequila olmeca how to distinguish

Firstly, the quality and organoleptic characteristics of counterfeit products do not correspond to a natural product. It turns out that a person tried, but did not recognize the real taste of the drink. Then why buy it at all? Secondly, unknown technology and suspicious production conditions can lead to the fact that the product will be completely unsafe for health. So what exactly is the Olmeca tequila? How to distinguish a real product from a fake? There are three main characteristics for determining authenticity:

  1. The surface of the bottle in places where there are no patterns must be rough.
  2. The top of the screw cap, on the contrary, should be smooth.
  3. Under the shoulders of the bottle there is a pattern in the form of a curved line, between the bends of which are two small circles. Forgeries instead of them have one oval of medium size.

Knowing all these subtleties, you can easily avoid cheating.

Personal control

Many buyers do not even realize that, for example, a fake of the Olmeka tequila can meet them at any time. Therefore, you must always be on the alert and remember all existing rules.

fake tequila olmeca

First you need to carefully consider the bottle itself. It should have a rectangular shape and an appropriate volume. Then you need to check for engraving in the form of a corrugated pattern in the upper part above the label. Some experts say that this is not just a decoration, but real hieroglyphs from the time of the ancient Olmecs. It is said that these symbols partly affect the taste of the drink itself. After this, you need to check the cork, and then carefully look at the price. Sometimes you can find a bottle of tequila on sale, next to which there is a price tag of 400 rubles. It is clear that in this case there can be no talk of any Mexican drink. You don’t even have to transfer money in vain, as it will be a complete fake. If the drink has passed a comprehensive check, then you can safely lay out the amount requested by the seller. But it’s better to do it all the same in a specialized store.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38686/

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