How to take badger fat when coughing an adult: methods and recommendations, reviews on the effectiveness of treatment

Spasm of the bronchi, which is manifested by coughing, is an unpleasant symptom of respiratory diseases. Traditional healers know many ways to overcome this pathology. Since ancient times, doctors have used badger fat. Cough in adults and young patients cured this folk remedy. The positive effect of this method of treatment is also noted by representatives of modern traditional medicine. About how to take badger fat from coughing in adults, we will tell in this article.

How to take badger fat

Product Features

The composition of badger fat contains many useful substances. Among them, fatty acids that support metabolism protect against the development of cancer (oleic). Linoleic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. It significantly reduces blood cholesterol, protects against the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

In addition to fatty acids, fat contains retinol, the use of which is justified for preventive purposes in chronic diseases. The beneficial properties of this product are determined by the nutrition of the badger. The animal selectively selects food choices. Most often, these are tree roots, berries and a certain type of insects, healing herbs. All nutrients accumulate in the body fat of the animal. They support the body during the winter during hibernation. For this reason, the use of badger fat for coughing in adults is quite acceptable.

When it enters the body, useful substances instantly break down into vitamins that strengthen the immune defense and have a healing effect.

The use of badger fat

Where is badger fat used?

From ancient times, representatives of traditional medicine appreciated the healing properties of this product. With success, they used it to treat various diseases. With its internal intake, the gastrointestinal tract improves, the emotional background is normalized, and immunity is strengthened. The use of drugs made on the basis of badger fat for external use helps to accelerate the healing of fistulas, ulcers and other non-healing wounds. Effectively, this is a healing agent in the treatment of colds, with all its accompanying symptoms.

Modern doctors are aware of the beneficial effects of this substance in the treatment of hypertension, ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, in the rehabilitation period after surgery and beyond. Not only in the treatment of cough in adults, badger fat is effective: its beneficial properties are actively used in cosmetology. Masks and balms, lotions and creams based on this product smooth small wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, prevent and stop hair loss.

Where is badger fat used?

And although the healing agent has a wide spectrum of action, experts consider the treatment of badger cough fat in adults to be the most effective. Especially when combined with echinacea extract. Despite the many useful properties, it is important to know how to take badger fat when coughing in adults correctly. It is important to strictly control the amount of product so as not to harm the body. But before proceeding to the description of the prescriptions of medicinal products, you should know what natural badger fat looks like in order to avoid the acquisition of counterfeit.

What does a quality product look like?

Badger fat is a white, sometimes creamy, substance. There is no quality product in yellow. An unpleasant putrefactive smell, a bitter or sour taste should alert the buyer. Such indicators, as a rule, indicate that the shelf life of the fat has expired or it was stored incorrectly.

Fat badger harvested by hunters-trappers. To preserve medicinal properties, it is important to properly melt it and prepare it. For medicinal purposes, fat is taken only from healthy animals. For this, the veterinarian examines the animal and issues a special certificate. In accordance with the developed technology, fat is melted in a steam bath or in a Russian stove.

Quality product


Fat is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container at a temperature of +4 to +6 Β° C. In the cold, the substance hardens and acquires a dense consistency. Badger fat melts at a temperature of about +34 Β° C. At room temperature, it becomes viscous. Folk doctors believe that badger fat stored in autumn is most effective. At this time, animals accumulate a maximum of useful substances in its composition.

Useful properties of fat

Such an effective natural remedy, like badger fat, was used by doctors from ancient times. The great Avicenna wrote about him in his Treatise on Medicine. And today it is actively used as an alternative therapeutic agent. Its effectiveness is due to the unique composition:

  • vitamins A, E, PP, K, B2 – B6, B12;
  • fatty polyunsaturated acids (Omega-3, Omega-6);
  • micro and macro elements;
  • cytamines (bioregulators);
  • minerals.

Fat allows badgers to easily endure long winters. It contains substances that are even able to dissolve shot in a wounded animal. Doctors have long noticed that badger fat:

  1. Effective in the fight against colds, allows you to quickly get rid of paroxysmal and severe cough.
  2. Successfully treats frostbite, burns, psoriasis.
  3. Quickly and gently copes with diseases accompanied by cough. This is due to polyunsaturated fatty acids, which act as anti-inflammatory agents.
  4. At the cell level, bioregulators act. They normalize the metabolism, activate the absorption of nutrients, which is always very important for the body, which is weakened by viruses and infections.
  5. The bactericidal property of organic acids is known. Vitamins A and E activate their action, as well as the function of cytamines. In addition, they stimulate the synthesis of hemoglobin.
Useful properties of fat

Together, all this leads to an increase in the body's resistance to infections and the restoration of damaged tissues. Judging by the reviews, badger fat from coughing in adults is effective in diseases such as:

  1. ARVI.
  2. Flu conditions.
  3. Angina.
  4. Bronchitis.
  5. Chronic and acute inflammation of the respiratory system.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Bronchial asthma.

It is important to know that badger fat is used both as an external agent and for internal use. External use is advisable:

  • with dry and wet cough;
  • with a burn of any degree;
  • with bites of animals and insects;
  • with osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis;
  • with frostbite, chapping of hands and face;
  • lacerations and cuts.

How to take fat?

Now you need to figure out how to use the drug. For treatment, use a natural melted product or a pharmaceutical preparation in capsules. Badger fat when coughing in adults can be used in any of these forms: they have identical properties. They differ only in the methods of use.

Capsules are intended for internal use only, and melted fat can be used for both internal and external use.

Badger Fat Treatment

Reception schedule

Not the most pleasant smell and taste of fat is masked with honey, jam, drink it with warm milk, washed down with a rosehip broth or other medicinal herbs. The reception schedule for this tool can be represented as follows:

  • inside, fat-based preparations are taken half an hour before meals;
  • the number of daily doses varies from 2 to 3 times (depending on the condition;
  • the duration of treatment should not exceed one and a half months;
  • if necessary, repeat the course 2-3 times a year.

Regardless of the method of use, the badger fat is heated before use. For this, the portion necessary for one procedure is taken out of the refrigerator 20-30 minutes before the planned use. When the fat acquires a jelly-like consistency, it is ready to eat. It is not recommended to heat it in a microwave oven - this makes the product lose its properties.

How to take badger fat when coughing an adult and a child? Yes, yes, do not be surprised at the question. This natural remedy is effective for treating severe cough not only in adults, but also in young patients. To do this, the fat is diluted with warm milk in a ratio of 1: 3 and given to children under 10 years old with a dessert spoon, and for adolescents - a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner.

With infusion or broth of wild rose

With a decoction or infusion of rose hips, badger fat is most often used for coughing in an adult. How to drink it in this case? For this, a decoction is preliminarily prepared from two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried fruits and two glasses of boiling water. The composition should be placed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour or brewed in a thermos for two hours. It is necessary to dissolve 20 grams of fat in it and mix thoroughly. Take the composition half an hour before meals three times a day.

Honey and fat. For immunity

To strengthen the body's strengths, activate protective processes and reduce perspiration, it is important to know how to treat cough in adults with badger fat and honey. Mix a spoonful (tablespoon) of both products and add the mixture to a glass of warm milk. Stir well and take in the morning and before going to bed at night.

Aloe Fat and Juice

A combination of badger fat with aloe juice is very effective in treating cough. Aloe juice and fat (1 part), honey (3 parts) are mixed and taken in a spoon (tablespoon) in the morning, afternoon and evening, washed down with warm skim milk. Aloe juice, which is part of the product, is a powerful antiseptic, and therefore the effect of treatment is significantly enhanced.

Tibetan Monks Drink

To prepare a healing potion, you will need fat (100 g), propolis (1 g), mummy (1 g) and cocoa powder (100 g). A teaspoon of such a concentrated mixture is diluted in 220 ml of warm milk and taken in the morning and evening before meals.

Bronchitis treatment

Many patients with this disease know how debilitating the cough accompanying it can be. It is difficult to get rid of it even with the help of modern medicines. It would seem that many symptoms of the disease begin to recede (high fever, weakness), and cough continues to torment day and night.

How to treat a cough?

Traditional healers recommend in this case to use the following composition:

  • 8 dessert spoons of badger fat;
  • dark chocolate (100 gr);
  • 6 spoons (teaspoons) of cocoa;
  • 100 grams of butter.

Admittedly, fat has a very unpleasant taste. Therefore, dark chocolate will correct this lack of a remedy. Melt the fat and butter in a water bath. Then add crushed chocolate and cocoa powder to the mass. You will get a thick aromatic mass that will help an adult cough. How to take badger fat in this case? In acute bronchitis in an adult, a therapeutic agent is taken on a dessert spoon twice a day before meals. Children from 10 to 14 years old are given one dessert spoon before breakfast. Kids from 8 to 10 years old - Β½ dessert spoon.

In acute bronchitis, the duration of treatment does not exceed two weeks. In the chronic form of the disease, it can be one and a half months.

Badger fat in capsules

Rubbing with fat. The nuances of the procedure

Rubbing badger fat when coughing in adults gives excellent results. Typically, a small amount of product is applied to:

  • feet;
  • back
  • chest;
  • shoulder blades.

It is better to carry out such a procedure at night. Apply fat in a circular motion. As soon as a slight burning sensation, grinding stops. You can wear socks, warm underwear, cover the patient with a blanket. You need to know that the fat absorbed in the laundry, as well as the unpleasant odor with a simple washing will be difficult to neutralize. Most likely, you will have to say goodbye to these clothes.

Remember that at an elevated temperature, any warming procedures cannot be carried out, including rubbing badger with fat. This can worsen the condition of the patient.

Children, as a rule, refuse such a massage due to the strong smell of the drug. In this case, try to apply the product on the legs and put on the baby socks.


Even knowing how to use badger fat from coughing in adults, it is important to know about the rules for using this remedy. Therefore, we offer them for consideration:

  1. Fat badger can not be used to treat children under 3 years old. And up to 6 years, only rubbing is allowed.
  2. The dosage should be strictly observed.
  3. It is not recommended to use badger fat for people who have problems with the liver and disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. The substance may cause individual intolerance, and this should also be considered.
  5. Badger fat preparations have high biological activity. Therefore, people with an accelerated metabolism should be wary of such therapy: preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary.

And one more rule for anyone interested in how to treat badger fat cough in adults. This product cannot be considered as the main means of therapy. It is effective only as an adjuvant in complex treatment.

Patient reviews for treatment

The overwhelming number of patients who used this folk remedy believe that it significantly accelerated recovery. However, they do not recommend abandoning traditional methods of treatment. The intake of fat inside, as well as grinding, helps gently and fairly quickly soften and remove sputum, relieve debilitating bouts of night cough. To increase the effectiveness of treatment and prevent the occurrence of negative consequences, strictly follow the dosage and doctor's recommendations.


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