Gas station "Gazpromneft": reviews, description of the network, fuel quality

Among all gas stations in Russia, Gazpromneft gas stations stand out special, reviews of high fuel and quality service are forcing an increasing number of car owners to use their services. According to opinion polls, about 40% of drivers prefer to refuel here, and their number is growing steadily every year.

About company

High-tech equipment used in drilling oil and gas wells is a hallmark of Gazpromneft, which was established in 1995. The main occupation of the enterprise is the development of deposits, mineral processing and the further sale of the resulting petroleum products. As of 2019, the company is one of the leaders in the oil industry in the Russian Federation, annually it produces more than 85 million tons of minerals.

gazpromneft gas station reviews

Most of the products are sold at Gazpromneft gas stations, customer reviews in this case are one of the most important production factors that allow to achieve high fuel quality. Any car owner can leave their wishes for improving the quality of service and fuel at a gas station, as well as the company's management is actively working with reviews on social networks and at various auto forums.

Now the company is actively modernizing its own refineries. This has already brought the first results - the company was one of the first to completely switch to the production of Euro-5 fuel. In the very near future, Gazpromneft plans to significantly increase the depth of petroleum product processing, and also to bring the resulting fuel to world-class environmental and technical standards by 2025.

Gas station network

More than 1800 stations where you can get fuel and the highest quality service - the main component of the network of Gazpromneft gas stations, customers indicate in their reviews that they are glad to use them not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in Europe. Motorists can use the special loyalty system "We are on the way" and get a bonus card that allows you to count on receiving special offers and additional points from the company.

In parallel with this, a mobile application is running that allows you to build the most optimal route between gas stations. In addition, with his help, a motorist can clarify the presence of a certain type of gasoline at a gas station of interest, control his own bonus account, and also receive data on additional services. In addition to fuel, drivers can purchase related products at gas stations, visit a cafe and even pump up tires, which is very convenient for long trips. There are ATMs at some stations, which is also an additional advantage of this network of gas stations.

How high quality are gasoline sold here?

One of the main reasons forcing drivers to choose Gazpromneft gas stations is gasoline reviews. According to experienced motorists, the fuel sold here does not contain additional impurities, the vehicles refueled by it serve much longer than usual and do not require additional maintenance and replacement of parts. According to company management, this effect was achieved through additional inspections in laboratories for compliance with GOST.

gas station operator gazpromneft reviews

After processing at the refinery, the fuel is sent to tank farms, where it undergoes additional quality checks at local laboratories. All parameters of the arriving fuel are recorded in the documentation, if it meets the requirements, it is sent to gas stations by road. Upon arrival at the gas station, gasoline and diesel fuel is always tested for water and impurities.

Every month, the company’s management organizes a sudden check of each Gazpromneft gas station, in the reviews the drivers repeatedly indicated how they became unwitting witnesses of such inspections. Low-quality fuel was immediately withdrawn from refueling machines for additional inspection. Due to such a large number of checks, it is possible to achieve high quality gasoline and diesel fuel, which is very much appreciated by motorists.

What do customers say?

Motorists are mostly satisfied with Gazpromneft gas stations, in their reviews they note the positive attitude of the staff towards customers, as well as the opportunity to receive a number of additional services at the same time as the car refuel. Some drivers are pleased with the presence of the bonus program, but at the same time note that it does not provide a large number of opportunities compared to similar competitors. According to them, bonuses are problematic to spend on promotional offers, since they are launched quite rarely.

Often, the negative of drivers is caused by queues at gas stations, this is especially true in those cities where their number has recently decreased due to legal disputes. In the winter season, you have to wait 15-20 minutes, which causes certain inconvenience. Also, some car owners note the high cost of prices in stores located in the premises of gas stations, according to them, products can be purchased much cheaper at other points of sale.

Gas stations in the main city of the country

Drivers in the capital make special demands on the fuel that their own vehicles refuel, which is why they receive the most information about the work of Gazpromneft gas stations in Moscow, and they are not shy about indicating factors causing negative and positive in their reviews. In total, 201 gas stations are operating around the clock in the capital and the Moscow Region (as of January 2019), most of them are refueling, with which you can also pump tires.

gas station gaspromneft gasoline reviews

Drivers from Moscow most often have to deal with queues at gas stations, as more than 10 million cars that constantly need fuel daily run in the capital. The company's management carefully monitors the demand for their services, which is why in the near future 5 more gas stations are planned to be built in Moscow, which will allow to unload the existing stations and take on additional flows of drivers from remote corners of the city.

If we talk about the general perception of Gazpromneft gas stations in Moscow, in the reviews you can find more positive information than negative. Motorists here appreciate the speed and quality of service, and gas station staff, in their opinion, fully meets these criteria. The quality of fuel being poured is also satisfactory, although drivers who have refueled their cars in the region note that the quality of fuel at local gas stations is worse than what can be found at Moscow stations.

What is the situation in the Northern capital?

The central unit of the company is located in St. Petersburg, where the construction and further distribution of Gazpromneft gas stations began at one time. But despite this, in the Leningrad Region there are only 82 gas stations, most of them located in the capital of the region and in the surrounding area. Despite the complaints of motorists about the lack of stations, it is not known whether the company management has any plans for the construction of gas stations in this region.

gas station gazpromneft in spb reviews

So far, drivers have to be content with the number of Gazpromneft filling stations in St. Petersburg; in the reviews they indicate that, in addition to the lines at the gas stations, a certain negative factor is the location of the stations. So, those who often travel to Petrozavodsk by car via Sortavala on the A-121 highway, say that from St. Petersburg to Priozersk there is not a single gas station of this company. The quality of service at the gas station remains consistently high, almost all local drivers are satisfied with the staff and the services offered.

Gas stations in the Siberian region

High-quality fuel should be available throughout the country - this is the rule that the management of Gazpromneft adheres to, so the company's gas stations are present even in the most remote corners of Russia. However, the easiest way is to use their services while in a large federal center, for example, the Novosibirsk region. There are more than 100 gas stations evenly distributed throughout the region, while the quality of the services provided here is somewhat lower, in particular, the services of a refueler can be used only in the regional capital.

gas station gazpromneft novosibirsk reviews

If we talk about the opinion of drivers about Gazpromneft gas stations in Novosibirsk, they say in reviews that sometimes one has to face the lack of the right brand of fuel at the stations, which causes some discomfort. Also, not at all gas stations there is a toilet for visitors, which also causes a negative among vehicle owners. Motorists evaluate the quality of staff’s work quite high, noting that operators always notify about current promotions and advantageous offers.

What is the work at the gas station?

The easiest way to start a career in this company is from the position of operator of the Gazpromneft gas station, in the reviews the current employees say that working here is quite comfortable. The duties of the gas station operator include settlements with customers, making coffee and hot dogs, laying out goods in the store, maintaining order and cleanliness in the entrusted premises, and also receiving and checking incoming fuel. At first glance it seems that the functionality is quite wide, but in fact it is shared among all employees in a shift, so it does not take so much time to implement it.

operator cashier gas station gaspromneft reviews

Employees working at gas stations say that there are a number of factors that motivate them to work here. First of all, we are talking about white salary and official registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the company also offers its employees to use the VHI policy, insures them against various accidents, and also allows you to choose the most convenient work schedule. The average salary in the regions is about 18-22 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 25-28 thousand.

According to the reviews of Gazpromneft gas station operators, workers here can earn more than usual for this, it’s enough just to periodically go to work part-time on their weekends. Since many employees do not consider this profession prestigious, they try to climb the career ladder as quickly as possible or leave the company altogether, providing a certain level of staff turnover. The company is interested in providing the highest quality service to customers, so employees often have the opportunity to earn extra money.

What do the operators say about their work?

Since the labor market in the regions is quite limited, the provincials seriously consider working for themselves at Gazpromneft gas stations, and the feedback from the company's employees helps them make a final decision. Employees note that they are often lucky with the team in which they have to work, the friendly attitude of colleagues and their willingness to help in the most difficult situations contributes to productive work and good results.

Timely payment of wages without delays is also one of the advantages of working as a cashier at Gazpromneft gas station; employees indicate in the reviews that due to the stability of payments they can form a family budget without fear of any cataclysms. At the same time, all calculations are as transparent and accessible as possible for employees, which is very convenient.

There are also negative aspects in the work at Gazpromneft gas stations, in the reviews the employees note that they often have to deal with claims customers and resolve conflicts as soon as possible. Some current employees are dissatisfied with their direct management, in their opinion, inexperienced managers who are not interested in developing subordinates and helping them achieve high results manage stations. It is worth noting that the corporate culture of the enterprise is well developed, so any employee can contact the appropriate unit in the event of a conflict and it will be resolved.

How to get a job?

If you are looking for work, be sure to pay attention to Gazpromneft, the key difference between the company and many others in the labor market is the availability of free training for employees. For several years of work at the enterprise, with due persistence and zeal, you can significantly improve your own qualifications and climb the corporate ladder to a key position. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of your work, it will be the decisive factor when considering resumes for higher posts. For employment, it is not necessary to have a specialized education, after training a specialist is assigned a certain category that allows you to work at the station.

gas station operator gazpromneft reviews

It is recommended that you prepare in advance for an interview to work at Gazpromneft gas stations, in the reviews, employees note that they have to undergo testing and a personal conversation with an HR specialist. You can send your resume using the official website of the company, you can also leave your data at any gas station, the processing time for such applications usually takes 2-3 business days. There are company divisions in each region, so absolutely everyone has a chance to get a job, the main thing is to make a little effort and prepare a high-quality resume.


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