"Andriol": reviews and effects of the drug

A relatively new drug that appeared on the market only in the 80s, which is an oral steroid used to build muscle with minimal side effects, is Andriol. Reviews about it can be read only positive, the article will tell about this drug.

Composition and action of "Andriola"

The main ingredient of this steroid is testosterone undecanoate. One capsule of the drug contains 40 mg of the active substance dissolved in oleic acid.

andriol reviews

When absorbed in the intestines, the steroid is almost completely converted to dihydrotestosterone. This means that there is a deliverance from the side effect of many similar drugs - possible gynecomastia and excessive fat deposition during use. Andriol, reviews of which can be easily found, affects:

  • Muscle mass. Visibly accelerates muscle growth.
  • Libido. Increases sexual desire.
  • Emotional condition. Enhances a sense of satisfaction with life.

Testosterone is the main male hormone. The more testosterone a man has, the more courageous he is. Therefore, Andriol, which increases the level of the hormone, not only allows you to increase muscle mass, but also allows a man to become more courageous. Another steroid action is an increase in sexual desire. Initially, steroids were prescribed to older men with sexual dysfunction. Steroids put them on their feet, allowing them to lead a full, happy life. So the stories that steroids affect potency are true. That's just anabolic steroids improve potency, and not worsen it, as is commonly believed. Such receives Andriol reviews. Bodybuilding is the main area of ​​its application.

"Andriol" for bodybuilders

Despite the fact that the drug has been used relatively recently, it has already gained fame as one of the most effective oral steroids. In its pure form, testosterone is known to be effective only in the form of injections, since when applied in the form of tablets it settles in the liver, where its effect is neutralized.

andriol instructions for use

In the case of Andriol, which contains the active substance testosterone undecanoate, the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream in the intestine, which helps to achieve the desired effect. In this regard, Andriol has already gained the fame of a revolutionary steroid. One of the main side effects - the negative effect of all oral steroid preparations on the liver - this steroid is absent while maintaining the declared effects. So what causes “Andriol TK” in bodybuilding reviews are mostly positive and is used quite widely.

Who needs to take Andriol

andriol tk reviews

The drug is useful for the following categories of athletes:

  1. Lovers who have reached the genetic ceiling and wish to go beyond it without harming their health.
  2. All reasonable athletes who have reached the age of 18 who wish to “break through” prolonged stagnation using steroids with minimal side effects.
  3. Active athletes in preparation for the competition. “Andriol TK”, reviews of doctors confirm this, it is quickly excreted from the body, which allows you to undergo doping control, while gaining a competitive form.
  4. Men with sexual problems. However, before using Andriol, you should consult a doctor after passing the necessary tests. Perhaps he will recommend using a different treatment or a different steroid.

"Andriol": instructions for use

This drug is best used during weight gain in conjunction with another steroid of similar effect.

andriol bodybuilding reviews

It is categorically not suitable for drying, as it retains water. Some athletes who take steroids for a long time use small doses of this steroid as PCT. This approach causes a lot of controversy, but it is believed that Andriol, weightlifter reviews talk about it, can help restore the natural level of testosterone after more "heavy" steroids.

Most often, Andriol is used in tandem with Deca or Sustanon. In this case, they talk about him as a drug that works in conjunction with more famous steroids. There is also the option of “solo”, however, the effectiveness of low doses of the drug may disappoint fans of iron sports. Professionals advise fans to use Andriol as a “solo” in a dose of at least 280 grams, which is 7 tablets per day. There are no “ceilings” in dosages. But if we talk about specific numbers, then do not use more than 400 mg of Andriol during the first course. In the future, you can increase the intake of the drug, reaching up to one gram per day.

Side effects, storage

andriol tk bodybuilding reviews

They are minimal. We can say that with proper use of the steroid they will not be. The maximum possible side effect that can be obtained by using Andriol is there are such reviews - this is acne. And then not on the same scale as when using injectable testosterone or other steroid drugs. Side effects on the liver are absent due to absorption of the drug in the intestine. A negative effect on the reproductive system is a decrease in libido after drug withdrawal. And if we take into account the fact that this steroid is often used for PCT, when more "heavy" analogues are inappropriate, we can say that there are no side effects from the genital area.

The drug should be stored in a cool, dark place. The optimum storage temperature is 5-15 degrees. Therefore, having bought Andriol, it is best to hide it in the refrigerator.

Why not wait

Do not wait for tens of kilograms of muscle gained. Most of the steroid effect is the accumulated water. Yes, after the course, with a competent approach, it is quite possible to save several kilograms of muscle. However, such a result, which can be obtained by using injectable drugs with the corresponding side effects, should not be expected. Therefore, we can conclude that “Andriol”, the instructions for use of which is quite simple, is a good steroid for amateurs who do not want to spoil their health by using “heavy” drugs, as well as a good addition to injectable steroids.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38697/

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