The job description of the advertising manager: sample preparation, basic responsibilities and rights

Our world is constantly evolving, and this applies to all areas of human activity. Market relations are highly competitive, and therefore there is a need for the development of marketing strategies. Every year, new professions arise in the business sector, and the advertising manager also belongs to such relatively young ones.

The emergence of this profession is primarily due to the development of information technology and methods of promoting services. The job description of the advertising manager includes all questions of interest about what this specialist does, what rights and obligations he has, what he is guided by and much more.

What is this profession for?

The tasks of this employee directly depend on the activities of the company in which he is employed. Today, such employees are needed by trading companies, the media and advertising agencies. In a corporation engaged in trading, this employee organizes promotional companies and maintains a sales department.

job description advertising and marketing manager

For the media, it performs the function of finding customers who want to place their own advertising in a publication or buy airtime. In an advertising agency, he performs the whole range of possible tasks. In any case, all the necessary information should be contained in the job description of the advertising manager and should reflect all the management requirements for the applicant.


Not everyone can get this job. Usually, employers require a high school diploma from the applicant. University graduates who have received a diploma of an economist or a marketer can also count on a post. It all depends on the company and its field of activity. Experience is also taken into account, it must be at least a year. Moreover, applicants with experience in marketing and advertising are more likely to get a job.

advertising manager and pr job description

A mandatory requirement, which includes the job description of the contextual advertising manager, is knowledge of a personal computer, as well as text and graphic editors. Depending on the needs of the authorities, additional requirements may be put forward. The advantage will be knowledge of a foreign language, the principle of promoting products on the Internet and the ability to negotiate.


The employee hired for this position is a manager and reports directly to the CEO. In his activity, he should be guided by regulatory and legal acts, the charter of the company and directly instructions. When an employee is absent, he is replaced by an official appointed by the senior management or an assistant advertising manager. The job description drawn up directly at the enterprise should contain information on this subject.


It is assumed that when entering work, the specialist got acquainted with all legislative and legal acts relating to the entrepreneurial, commercial and advertising activities of the company. It requires knowledge of a market economy, business and entrepreneurship. He must study market conditions relating to the field of activity of the company where he is employed. The employee must know taxation, pricing, business administration, paperwork, marketing, management, sociology, psychology and business ethics.

Other knowledge

A sample job description of an advertising manager may include a list of knowledge related to the organization of advertising, the means and carriers of advertising products, modern methods of collecting and processing data, as well as forms of conducting advertising campaigns. The employee must understand how contracts and contracts are drawn up aimed at creating and conducting advertising campaigns.

job description of the manager of contextual advertising

He must study the structure of the organization where he is employed, know the technology of production, be aware of the strategy of investment and innovative development of the enterprise and its prospects. Since this is a managerial position, an employee may be required to have knowledge in the field of working with subordinates, methods of motivation and increasing the efficiency of work. Well, of course, he is obliged to be in the know about developments and innovations of local and global scale that are directly related to his sphere of employment.

Main responsibilities

The job description of the advertising manager assumes that he is organizing work to promote and advertise the company's products or services that it provides. This is done to increase sales in the sales market by transmitting information about the advantages of the company's products, its difference from competitors and the unique properties of goods and services directly to potential customers of the company. The manager directs, plans and coordinates the activities related to the implementation of promotions. Its functions include the development of advertising work plans, and this may apply to one or a group of products. And the same employee estimates the cost and costs of advertising.


The job description of the advertising and marketing manager assumes that he should take part in the formation of the product’s advertising strategy, is engaged in the selection of promotion methods, carries out color and sound design of the samples submitted for placement, distributes them to different types of media. This refers to the choice of publications and their type, which will be advertising the company, it can be newspapers, magazines, television, online publications and much more.

advertising manager assistant job description

The employee must study consumer demand and the market in the field of activity of the organization where he is employed. Based on the data, he should analyze when it is best to place an advertisement, where it will have the highest performance indicators and what scale the promotion should have. Also, based on the information received, he should analyze who will be the target audience. This refers to gender, age, financial opportunities and the scope of employment of potential buyers.

Other duties

The job description of the advertising and PR manager assumes that this employee develops advertising texts, posters, prospectuses and other advertising tools. He controls their creation, compliance with the quality and standards of the company, checks for compliance with ethical standards and compliance with the laws on fair competition.

job description advertising manager sample

Checks the correctness and legality of drafting contracts and agreements for the provision of advertising services, finds and maintains contact with the business partners of the company, organizes the collection of information, statistics and data processing, as well as expanding external relations. All this is necessary to improve and increase the effectiveness of the company's advertising activities.

Other functions

The job description of the advertising manager may include the duties of the employee, implying analytical activities regarding demand and its motivation. In other words, the employee is studying the needs of a group of potential buyers, on the basis of the data obtained, carries out the development of advertising campaigns and promotions.

Duty instruction of the advertising manager

If necessary, they may entrust him with the involvement of experts or famous personalities in the conduct of promotional events. He contacts them, draws up commercial contracts and maintains contacts for further cooperation. Also, his duties may include the management of subordinate employees.


The employee holding this position has the right to demand from his management the creation of optimal conditions necessary for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him. He has the right to inform his superiors of any violations and deficiencies identified by him at the time of the work process, if this is within his competence.

advertising manager job description

He can view all documents and decisions of the management, if they affect the scope of his activities. The employee has the right to receive information and documents from other departments of the company, if he needs them to perform work tasks. In addition, he has the right to attract other employees and his subordinates to carry out the work entrusted to him.


Employees may be held liable for failure to perform duties or neglect of the work process. He can be held accountable for violations of applicable law and causing material damage to the company. He is also responsible for maintaining trade secrets and has no right to disclose confidential information. He can be held accountable for exceeding his authority or for personal use.

Features of the compilation

The job description of the advertising manager should fully reflect all issues related to the direct activities of an employee employed in a particular organization. It should take into account all the points relating to his work, rights and responsibilities. Company managers can change its points depending on the needs of the company, but without going beyond the current labor legislation of the country. An employee does not have the right to start work without coordination with the management of this regulatory document.


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