What to do in case of an earthquake? Earthquake Safety

Any natural disasters cause a panic among the population. In order to avoid improper actions, each person must know how to behave during such situations. One of the most common natural phenomena is an earthquake. It is unrealistic to prevent it, but you can save your life. The main thing is not to succumb to public panic and maintain a sober mind. But in order to understand what to do in an earthquake, you need to know what this cataclysm represents.

More on the phenomenon

what to do in case of an earthquake

Earthquakes occur due to vibrations and shocks of the Earth's surface, they are caused by tectonic processes or can be triggered during a strong explosion. In fact, such phenomena occur quite often on our planet, but not all lead to disastrous consequences. Many occur under the thickness of the oceans, and we simply do not feel them. In any case, everyone should know what to do in an earthquake. It depends on the correctness of actions whether you save your life or not.

Some earthquakes under water cause severe tsunamis that collapse with powerful force and take millions of lives. Humanity will never be able to control geophysical planetary processes. That is why there are services that track the foci of development of a future disaster and take appropriate measures to save the population.

Classification of earthquakes according to points

earthquake protection

There is a specialized earthquake scale that measures magnitude and intensity. The latter is calculated in points that are established from the deformation of the earth's crust and the degree of destruction of surface buildings and structures. Consider a more detailed twelve-point Mercalli scale:

  • 1 - Such shocks are completely unnoticed by people, only high-precision devices respond to minor fluctuations in the earth's crust.
  • 2 - Oscillations are felt by residents of high-rises. The rest will not pay attention to this phenomenon.
  • 3 - Noticeable vibration occurs on the last floors of a high-rise building. Chandeliers can swing, water is shaking in a glass. The car in the parking lot will turn on the alarm due to noticeable vibrations.
  • 4 - Can be described as an earthquake of moderate strength. Everyone who is in the room will definitely feel the movement of earth plates. Doors and windows begin to loosen, and the glass emits a characteristic chatter. This is especially noticeable in the middle of the night, many wake up.
  • 5 - Such an earthquake does not go unnoticed, everyone feels the oscillations of the earth's surface. In many apartments, cracks appear on the windows, objects fall from the shelves.
  • 6 - Fluctuations cause public panic. Everyone starts running out into the streets, and pieces of furniture move around the apartment on their own. Heavy objects fall from shelves. Even the trees emit a characteristic rustle of leaves, trunks are heard cracking.
  • 7 - A sufficiently strong earthquake that knocks a person down. Many buildings are covered with cracks, unstable soil collapses. Water in lakes and rivers sharply becomes cloudy from the sludge raised from the bottom. The furniture breaks, the dishes break.
  • 8 - An earthquake that destroys buildings. The branches on the trees break, the ground cracks underfoot.

earthquake safety regulations

  • 9 - A catastrophic situation, during which buildings are destroyed and many people die. Dams are destroyed, water pipes burst under pressure.
  • 10 - The earth does not just fluctuate, it moves, and entire cities collapse. As a rule, a couple of hours before the disaster, animals begin to panic, which foresee an early death. Huge cracks form in the soil, water splashes out of rivers and lakes. Rails are deformed.
  • 11 - Almost all buildings are destroyed, only a few buildings manage to survive. Railway tracks are deformed for kilometers.
  • 12 - A real disaster that destroys all life. Even riverbeds change, and fountains begin to beat out of the ground out of the blue. Brand new lakes are being formed, the landscape is transforming beyond recognition.

The higher the earthquake scale, the more difficult it is to correct the consequences. During big disasters entire cities die, people are left homeless. Their houses are turning into ruins, and rescuers still take the bodies of the dead from under the rubble for a long time.

How is magnitude determined

what can not be done in an earthquake

The magnitude of earthquakes is established on the basis of the data obtained from an accurate measuring instrument - a seismograph. Its more common name is the Richter scale. It was developed back in 1935, and has since been widely used by specialists around the world. It is the amount of energy that is released during the disaster that is taken into account in this scale.

Below are the main numbers by which the magnitude of any earthquake is established:

  • 2.0 - very weak tremors that not all residents are able to notice;
  • 4,5 - moderate oscillations of the earth, causing movement of objects and minor damage;
  • 6.0 - tremors of such force that buildings are destroyed (during them itโ€™s hard for people to stand on their feet);
  • 8.5 - catastrophic consequences (entire cities literally turn into a pile of garbage).

Scientists believe that cataclysms with a higher magnitude than 9.0 cannot happen on the planet.

Better to prevent than to fix later.

Competent protection of the population from earthquakes significantly reduces the overall percentage of victims. If a possible source of a future disaster is established, then people must be evacuated. But in any case, everyone should take care of their own security. You need to be prepared for such an incident all the time and know exactly what to do in the event of an earthquake.

First, take preparatory measures to help deal with panic and unforeseen natural disasters. If you live in a seismically dangerous area, there must be a standard set of items at home that are designed to survive in a dangerous situation. Be sure to collect all the documents and keep them in a conspicuous place.

The most important rules

what to do in an earthquake

Consider the main measures for preparing for the disaster, as well as what to do in case of an earthquake:

  • In your house, there should always be a conspicuous place a first-aid kit with all the necessary medicines. Be sure to put a lighter and a battery powered radio there.
  • Get a small fire extinguisher, check its serviceability.
  • Situations can be different, therefore it is better to know elementary rules of first aid. In an emergency, you should be able to independently help others and yourself, take the necessary medications and apply tires to the fracture sites.
  • At the slightest jolts, immediately turn off the taps that deliver gas, water and electricity to your home.
  • It is better to attach heavy furniture securely to the floor so as not to be crushed by your favorite chiffonier.
  • Always keep in mind the plan of action and evacuation, consider where it is better to hide with all family members.
  • Do not hold heavy or breaking objects on shelves.
  • Have a supply of water (at least a small flask with you).

Earthquake safety precautions

earthquake scale

Each person first of all independently provides his own safety in the event of an earthquake. If you feel tremors, then do not try to move in a panic state. If you are indoors, it is better to immediately select a safe corner and lie on the floor. Do not forget to protect your head with your hands from possible fragments and falling objects. Do not get up until you are sure that the tremors have completely stopped.

According to statistics, many people die from the impact of falling objects. These are cabinets, televisions, heavy figurines, etc. You can escape from a collapsing building, the main thing is to choose the right tactics. In any case, keep calm and do not run along the street or indoors.

Follow all the rules in an earthquake, which are developed by rescuers, and then you save your own life. Be sure to lie on the floor and move only crawling. Standing, you are likely to receive much more serious damage.

If you live in a dilapidated brick building, then at the slightest jolts grab documents and run to the street. Try not to stand near skyscrapers and trees, find an open safe area.

Non-standard situations and how to survive in them

earthquake safety

Follow all safety precautions in the event of an earthquake. If you are in a crowded public transport, it is better to leave it and take a horizontal position.

Even being in the elevator suggests that the person will lie on the floor. Thus, you can protect yourself. As soon as everything stops, go out on the first floor and run to the street. If the doors are locked and you feel that the building has undergone significant damage, wait for the help of rescuers.

While in the stadium or in the theater, stay in place and cover your head with your hands. In such a situation, there is a high risk of dying from a crush, so do not give in to panic and try to calm others.

If you are driving, then plug the machine in a safe place. There should be no buildings, lampposts or bridges nearby. After that, do not go outside, stay in the car. It is best to turn on the radio and listen to the authorities' recommendations for further action.

Every urban and rural resident must know the safety rules for an earthquake. If your house is located near the dam, move to a safe distance from it. When in a mountainous area, make sure that you are as far away as possible from the hills.

A person who moves in a wheelchair must block the wheels of the stroller, otherwise they will spin on their own, and such an uncontrolled situation will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Compliance with the above rules will ensure maximum safety during earthquakes.

What is banned?

Most people die due to wrong actions. They unknowingly put their lives in great danger. Remember what you can not do in an earthquake:

  • Do not move around the building and do not try to run outside if you live on the top floor;
  • in no case stand in the doorways;
  • do not panic and act without fuss.

These actions will certainly provoke adverse situations that will threaten your life. Now you know what to do in an earthquake and how best to not behave.

The main actions after the earthquake

earthquake safety measures

Not always protecting the population from earthquakes is successful, often the consequences of the disaster are terrible and require round-the-clock work of rescuers. Specialists get people out from under the rubble and provide emergency medical care. If near you you hear people talking, but you canโ€™t move, be sure to give a sign, shout with all your might.

Debris cleared after the rescue of the population. Heavy equipment is fitted with the help of which the wreckage of the destroyed structures is taken out.

If a catastrophe did happen, what should I do? Rescuers advise to behave as follows:

  • Try to get to your feet and examine all parts of the body, you may have a pain shock.
  • Take a look around, find out if there are people near you who cannot climb on their own. Help them get out from under the rubble.
  • Calm children and keep them in sight, explain that parents will soon be found. It is necessary to take care of the kids until the child psychologists and other specialized help arrive.
  • Check for gas leaks and leave the room at the slightest odor (explosion may occur).
  • Do not panic and be prepared for repeated shocks.

Only confident action will save your life. You should always clearly know what to do in an earthquake. If possible, turn on the radio. Listen carefully to what to do during an earthquake. State rescue services at the slightest danger get in touch with the population. Only in this way can large-scale human losses be prevented.

The main thing is to behave correctly and be able to calm others. Panic aggravates the situation. Only well-thought-out actions save lives.

The most devastating earthquakes in history

what to do during an earthquake

  • 1139 - a disaster in Ganja. Shock strength was noted at 11 points. Killed more than 200 thousand people.
  • 1202 - a natural disaster in Syria and Egypt. About 1 million people died. The earthquake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most destructive in history.
  • 1556 - about 850 thousand people became victims of the earthquake in China .
  • 1737 - as a result of the strong shocks in India, about 300 thousand people died.
  • 1883 - the eruption of the volcano Krakatau entailed one of the largest earthquakes in history. Killed more than 40 thousand inhabitants of the islands of Java and Sumatra.
  • 1950 - the earthquake in India was so strong that seismic instruments went off scale and could not establish the magnitude of the vibrations. After five days of continuous shocks, the eastern part of India has turned into ruins. Killed 6 thousand people, because it was shaking not in a densely populated area.
  • 1995 - tremors of 10 points claimed the lives of many thousands of Sakhalin residents. The city of Neftegorsk disappeared from the face of the Earth.
  • 2010 - shaking in Haiti. Killed 150 thousand people.
  • 2011 - a terrible earthquake in Japan caused a tsunami, a significant leak of radiation and the death of about 30 thousand people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38700/

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