Cross training: meaning, exercises

Cross-running requires good physical fitness. Strength and speed are far from all the qualities that are necessary to achieve high results. One of the most important components in this process is cross training. It includes a whole range of exercises. What are they and their significance in physical education? We have to figure out these issues.

cross training

Why do you need training?

Cross - running over rough terrain. This is an athletics discipline that aims at the harmonious physical development of a person. Cross-country exercises have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: they develop muscle strength , strengthen the nervous system, improve blood circulation and respiratory work. In addition, cross-country develops the quick wit of a person, the ability to overcome obstacles and distribute their forces. Of course, all this is given over time. And starting a cross simply at will is dangerous for an unprepared organism. For this, there is cross training. Its main tasks are:

  • endurance training;
  • development of speed, strength and agility;
  • nurturing the need for independent physical activities.

cross run

Warm up

Cross-training lessons should begin with a warm-up. It can last from 5 to 15 minutes. Do not be zealous to save strength for basic exercises. The warm-up complex includes different types of walking (on toes and on heels), running with a step step on the right and left side, and breathing exercise. As a general warming up of the muscles of the body, you can use the classic head and arm rotations, forward / backward bends , lunges and jumps.

Training Tools

Cross-training may include certain items. They are sticks, dumbbells, stuffed balls, gymnastic wall, bench, jump rope and even barbell. All these attributes are intended for a greater load on the muscles of the body, the development of attention, dexterity and are gradually included in the preparation process. This can be pull-ups, jumping with the ball, throws and passing it between the participants in a special way. The main rule for performing exercises with objects is the duration and repetition of approaches.

cross training at school


Actually, cross-training includes exercises that, for the purpose of training, can be divided into three categories:

  • On speed. Such exercises include variable running on segments of 50 and 100 meters. It is necessary to alternate jogging at maximum speed. Also in this category includes relay (continuous) running. The segments are 100, 200 and more meters.
  • On total stamina. This includes uniform running at a speed of approximately 5-7 km / h. The duration of the exercise can be 30-90 minutes. Variable running is also included in this category. The scheme of it looks like this: 50 m fast, then 50 m slowly (as rest), 100 m fast, then 100 m slowly. Time training should be no more than 40 minutes. Another exercise is variable-speed running. The distance can be from 1 to 3 km. The alternation of speed occurs over time. For example, 3 minutes fast run, 5 minutes slow and then increase.
  • For special endurance. Only two exercises are included here: variable-repeated and repeated-tempo running. The first is overcoming short segments at medium speed. Pauses for rest are walking or slow running. The second exercise involves overcoming longer segments (from 500 m to 5 km) with light jogging with pauses for rest in 5-8 minutes (walking).

cross run

School lessons

Cross-training at school begins around the 4th grade and, of course, differs in the degree and complex of exercises from adult (professional) training. As a rule, it takes place in a playful way (salki, snipers, relay races). This approach allows you to simultaneously maintain the interest of students in cross-country running, to develop their attention, agility and endurance. As an additional motivation, certification is also used in the form of passing standards.

Useful Tips

Cross - running, which has its own rules and features. Obstacles on the way make it difficult and at the same time interesting. We’ll share some helpful tips for beginner runners.

The start is very important. The shorter the distance, the higher the speed should be. As a rule, any cross-country run begins with the so-called high start. What does it mean? During the team β€œTo the start! Attention! March!" the position of the runner is changing. It tilts the case forward. And the higher the speed required, the stronger the slope should be. Leaning on the hand, the runner can make a quick and strong leap forward and win for himself a couple of seconds. At short distances, this technique is especially valuable.

The running technique plays an important role. It should be free, fly-over. In this case, the body should be slightly tilted forward, to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs. If the runner is short, he does not need to adapt to the wide, sweeping step of tall athletes. The main thing is that all movements are natural, light and relaxed.

cross training lessons

When running, the feet should be placed first on the toe, then move to the heel. Running on the entire surface of the foot slows down the runner, makes his legs heavy and quickly takes away strength. When moving on soft ground, marshy terrain or sand, to maintain speed you need to take short steps, and put your foot on the whole foot. It is better to overcome steep climbs with a step, and when lowering the body, take it back and lean first on the heel with a step.

All these techniques should be worked out in cross-training. And do not forget about a comfortable training suit, a full sleep and a diet.


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