Who is the wanderer? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Do you like to travel? Now tourism is a fashion. If people cannot afford Paris, then they will certainly go to Turkey. They also travel around Russia and study their homeland. It is believed that this is more patriotic. But in the end it is a matter of taste. Let's talk about the wanderer - this is one who is radically different from a noble tourist.


Tourist photographs the area

The word is familiar to all those who love fairy tales. Who has no work, daily worries and plenty of free time? That's right, in magical stories a wanderer is an ideal character, because anything can happen to him.

If we take more recent examples, then the film "Route 60" comes to mind. The main character is a wanderer, but the difference between the image we are used to and the Hollywood one is that Neil is a boy from a good family. Usually tramps do not have such luxury.

Well, let's talk about the notions of pilgrimage in the context of the difference between the tourist and the object of study, but for now we will stop the flow of associations by definition from the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Wandering person (usually homeless or persecuted).
  2. A man walking on a pilgrimage, a pilgrim.

By praying, the word is rather strange for the modern ear, they mean pilgrimage to holy places: monasteries, temples, skete.


Rila Monastery

Sometimes it happens that the meaning of words is not too clarified by the explanatory dictionary. If a similar embarrassment occurred to the reader, then let him not despair, for already synonyms for the meaning of “wanderer” are in a hurry to help:

  • traveler;
  • tramp;
  • wanderer;
  • pilgrim;
  • pilgrim.

If you mentally exclude from the list of "traveler", then there will remain nouns that cause some kind of bright melancholy and sadness. They roam homeless around the world and have nowhere to lay their heads to them. On the other hand, a pilgrim and a pilgrim nevertheless go for a certain purpose, while the rest simply wander. It so happened that they especially have nowhere to go in this big world. However, sadness is enough. One way or another, we already know the meaning of the word "wanderer", so we can move on to the subtleties.

Wanderer, traveler and tourist

Typical tourists

Is there anything in common between these nouns? Yes, people hiding under such definitions cross space. Some for the sake of entertainment, and some because of necessity.

Probably, there are many small differences between the words "wanderer", "traveler" and "tourist". But the main thing that distinguishes the traveler, tourist and wanderer is the concept of well-being and dysfunction. The traveler may be rich or poor. A traveler can even be a wanderer when the latter wants to soften his position in the eyes of other people. Remember the conversation between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua. The wanderer told the prosecutor that he was traveling from city to city, and the official scornfully called him a tramp.

Another thing is a tourist. One who travels comfortably and under the supervision of tour operators cannot be called a wanderer in any weather. Traveling a wanderer is a necessary measure. For a tourist, this is relaxation and satisfaction of the lust of the eyes. But they probably have a common desire to conquer space. Otherwise, they are different.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38709/

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