How to configure torrent? Instructions for Beginners

It's hard to imagine life without torrents. Everyone is constantly downloading something and using a variety of programs and methods for this. Usually everything goes fine until the speed starts to “sink” by a few Mb / s due to some personal characteristics of the computer, network or, more often, just settings. So how to set up a torrent, work with programs and personalize the interface?

All torrent settings

Should I change the settings?

Many users mistakenly believe that setting up the program manually will significantly increase the download speed and ensure uninterrupted file downloads in any situations. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Setting up programs will only allow you to stabilize their work and achieve maximum speed results, which directly depends on the type and quality of your Internet connection.

All programs are delivered already configured for the needs of the mass user, so manual reconfiguration of the programs is practically not required. For example, in cases where you practically do not use it or do not understand at all why this is all. If you are really interested in the question of how to properly set up a torrent client, scroll down below.

Popular programs

In fact, there are a lot of programs for downloading torrents, but there are few really good ones, and there are none at all that are close to ideal. Probably because you constantly have to look for some ways to bypass provider locks or adapt to the fast-growing speed of connections and file sizes. Popular Windows programs include:

  • uTorrent;
  • qBitTorrent;
  • BitTorrent
  • Vuze;
  • BitComet.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to consider each program in detail because of the too large volume of material, therefore only the most popular of them are presented below. By analogy with these instructions, other clients can be adjusted. Now let's take a closer look at how to properly configure the torrent client.

General information

The configuration concept is very simple: to increase the download speed, the quality of the connection using the BitTorrent protocol technology should be increased. Almost all the programs presented above work on it, which means that the general configuration scheme is not too different.

The scheme of the feasts

To more or less understand how to set torrent to maximum speed, you need to understand the following concepts:

  • Distribution - the process of distributing portions of an already fully or partially downloaded file to other network participants.
  • Peers - computers involved in the distribution.
  • Sides - computers that have already downloaded the file completely and are currently in distribution.
  • BitTorrent is a protocol used to organize a torrent network. In fact, this is why torrents exist.

It is also worth noting that some providers are seriously blocking seeding, so using torrent clients can be very difficult, but more on that below.

So, let's analyze the question - "How to configure the download torrent client to ensure the best stability?".

Main and language settings

Configuring qBitTorrent for home use

Like the previous client, qBitTorrent is well configured from the start. It quickly and without your unnecessary interference downloads a movie or game, after which it will distribute the file to other users.

You can get to the settings window with the combination Alt + O. There are a lot of options here, but they are all assembled and neatly organized, and the window itself has an intuitive interface. Let's start the setup from the main tab. At the very top is a menu of language options. If the program was launched in an incomprehensible language, you can select the desired item from the list and restart the client.

You can set the remaining settings in this section at your discretion, they do not significantly affect the client’s work. However, if you use qBitTorrent for download by default, you should check both boxes in the “File Associations” section.

There are no very confusing and incomprehensible items in this window, so we won’t dwell here in detail. You can also copy the settings from the screenshot below.

Configure BitTorrent

Continuing to configure qBitTorrent

To set the download speed, the “BitTorrent” and “Speed” tabs are important here. Let's start with the first one. Here are the parameters for connecting to peers, and download parameters. The setup is as follows:

  • We include DHT (for an improved peer search), peer exchange and search for local peers.
  • We enable encryption to bypass some possible locks;
  • In the "Queue", select the number of simultaneous downloads / distributions of your choice. The higher the connection speed, the higher the value can be set.
  • If you do not want to distribute torrents for a long time, you can set a timer to track the distribution time. The torrent itself will go away or stop.
BitTorrent Speed ​​Setting

Speed ​​Tab

There are only a few fields that are responsible for the distribution of speed. If you disable everything, you will get the most out of traffic, but at the same time, a decrease in the speed of surfing the network may be observed. Use these items at your discretion based on the speed of your Internet connection.

There is also one great addition in the form of setting the clock to reduce speed. Let's say you can set the minimum traffic usage during the day, but allow the maximum speed at night so as not to overload the network.

The program has many other settings, but they have no or minimal effect on the download speed. You can experiment with them yourself to achieve the most profitable result. Now let's look at how to configure the download in the uTorrent torrent client.

A bit about uTorrent

The most common torrent client is uTorrent. By the way, BitTorrent is built on the basis of the source code from uTorrent, so it is configured exactly the same and there is no need to consider it in a separate order.

Both beginners and advanced users can use this program. Moreover, the program is suitable for installation on a server or use at work and has many useful functions for this. Next, consider how to properly configure the torrent client of this manufacturer.

Language settings


It’s quite difficult to configure if you don’t understand anything, especially if the interface is not even in English, but in Japanese, for example. Therefore, for starters, let's figure out how to set up a torrent in Russian.

Language parameters can be changed during installation, and already in the running program. This requires:

  1. Go to the main settings window with Ctrl + P.
  2. In the first upper field, select the desired language.
  3. Reload torrent.

Now you use the language you want and you can understand in more detail how to properly configure the torrent. In the open window, in addition to the language, there are other settings, and we will consider them.


One of the most important tabs. Here are collected parameters that will tell you how to properly set up a torrent connection. It is worth taking this section as seriously as possible. So, actions with parameters:

  • It is advisable to use ports above 10000 in order to exclude mixing with service ones. If in doubt, generate a port using the “Generate” button. Disable auto port detection to keep the connection to the current port all the time.
  • In the same window we enable UPnP and NAT-PMP redirects. This is necessary for simplified connection and management of network devices. In the future, it is correct to establish connections, with the exception of situations when protocols cannot be started.
  • It is also worth adding uTorrent to the Windows Firewall exceptions so that during operation it does not consider the program to be malicious.
Speed ​​adjustment

Speed ​​tab

Let's stop a bit here to find out how to set the torrent to maximum speed. Here you can determine the restrictions on the traffic used. Actual for busy and weak connections.

In this settings section, you can increase both the output of the torrent and the reception speed. The most correct decision will be the distribution of parameters depending on the speed of your tariff plan, this will allow and share files and quickly accept them.

The window should look like this:

  • It is advisable to set the return limit to 0, if the network allows. A torrent is capable of not only downloading files, but also distributing them in pieces from each downloaded computer. If the Internet is used during downloads, you can specify this parameter less than your rate of return of the tariff plan by about 20%.
  • Uncheck “Distribution speed if there are no downloads”.
  • We set the reception speed limit to 0 to get everything from the network. In this case, the rest of the traffic will suffer, but the download speed will increase.
  • The maximum number of connections is 250.
  • The number of compounds is 50-80.
  • Download slots for one torrent - 4 and a tick on “Add slots if the download speed is <90%”.

Well, we figured it out, but we will not stop. Let's move on to the next tab to configure the torrent even better. As a rule, the default settings are correct, and you do not need to change them.

Configure BitTirrent

BitTorrent Tab in uTorrent

This tab defines the settings for the client to work outside the computer.

  • Using DHT provides a search for torrents standing on the distribution, without using a tracker.
  • Check the boxes for "using uTP and UDP protocols." Due to the specifics of their work, they allow you to download files faster.
  • You should also check the “Exchange of feasts” checkbox. The function allows you to exchange peer addresses on already connected machines, thereby speeding up their search and connection, and, accordingly, loading.
  • Scrape requests allow you to get information about sids and peers on the tracker. Now it is used rather mediocre, so the check mark is optional, although it will not affect the work if it is nevertheless installed.
  • We enable encryption to reduce the possibility of interception of seeding by the provider.

Such parameters will help to configure the torrent for both downloading and for acceptable distribution.

It is worth saying that a finer and deeper configuration will only slightly improve the stability of work and connections, but it will practically not affect the download speed. Therefore, if you are only getting acquainted with the torrent, such settings will be quite enough.

In conclusion

So we figured out how to set the torrent to maximum speed, regardless of the client used. It should be noted that no matter what parameters are specified, it will not be possible to get 3 Mb / s from the original 1 Mb / s, moreover, the download speed will always be lower than the one stated in the tariff. The same applies to bestowal. Nevertheless, speeding up the download is always useful, because due to one wrong checkmark, you can get a "drawdown" of several tens of percent of speed.


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