The adjective "dull": meaning, synonyms, interpretation

Despondency is a mortal sin. But, moreover, giving up gloom is impractical. There is no problem with despondency for a modern person, but here is boredom, what to do with it and how does it differ from sadness? Let's take it in order. But the main object of study is the adjective “dull”, and we will analyze it.


Sad dog

Anything can be striking in melancholy: a person, a film, relationships, clothing style. The adjective expresses a surprisingly wide range of meanings. To narrow it down somehow, you need to use the dictionary, let it enlighten us, which meanings are accepted and which are not.

So, in a smart book the following is written: “He who experiences or induces despondency, expresses despondency.” Has it become clearer? Apparently not. Actually, such definitions really clarify little. Let’s deal with the noun “despondency” now. So, despondency is “hopeless sadness; depressing boredom. " The source, as you might guess, we used the same.

After we understood the semantic content of the noun, and the adjective “dull” ceased to cause such difficulties.

Boredom and sadness

The dog is aware of the unbearable lightness of being

It is interesting that the explanatory dictionary brings two different states into one definition - sadness and boredom, although, probably, as a result, it is difficult to distinguish one from the other as a result. But nevertheless, boredom is generated, as a rule, by satiety, and sadness is caused by the impossibility of achieving some goals or the meaninglessness of achieving them, however, sadness is already difficult to distinguish from boredom here.

What is the difference between the meaninglessness of the goals achieved and the fatigue from the monotonous activity, when it poses the same tasks for a person, the implementation of which does not bring any satisfaction or inspiration? However, it seems to us that there is a difference. Sorrow is a more productive and concrete feeling, while boredom, as a rule, is pointless. It occurs when a person gets tired of life, not because of specific problems, but in principle. He reveals the meaninglessness of action as such.

True, if you go down from the philosophical heights, then such a state of mind can only be a sign of fatigue, and a weekend or vacation will easily remove the gloom. Life will sparkle with new colors, and even the worst weather will not seem dull. Often, the subjective state of a person colors the world in a certain color. Not without reason during depression, the world sometimes really loses its color, everything turns gray.


Dog in longing

Let's see what replacements exist in today's research object. Like it or not, any word needs analogues from time to time. Therefore, let's see what we have:

  • boring;
  • sad;
  • gloomy;
  • dreary;
  • depressed;
  • hopeless;
  • gloomy.

Of course, there are many synonyms for the meaning of the word “dull,” but we chose these, as they most accurately convey the contents of the object of study. Yes, do not forget about the shades of meaning in each, so replace the adjectives carefully and carefully.

Why can not be discouraged from a practical point of view?

Believe it or not, dejection is not only a sin in the religious sense, but also impractical. Even among believers, despondency is considered a sin, because it seems to disconnect a person from the community, incapacitate him and prevent him from fulfilling his functions - family or community. In other words, the adjective “dull” is not too revered among believers, and this is absolutely correct.

But reasonable people understand that a person who does not take any stimulants cannot be “positive” all the time, because life is diverse and difficult. What to do? You can be sad, but in moderation, not particularly carried away.

Some kind of image is needed to understand how you cannot be homesick. Russian literature at our service. If a person has ever read F. M. Dostoevsky, then he understands that he should not pick his own wounds and direct the sting of reflection against himself. Over many characters, the classic spread its black wings of longing.

And remember: if you want to gnaw, never read two Germans - M. Heidegger and A. Schopenhauer. Yes, and of course, Dostoevsky’s remarkable prose under the strictest ban.

Now it’s clear, we hope that “dull” is not only an adjective, but also a certain value judgment.


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