System Administrator Summary. System Administrator Professional Skills

Everyone will ever face the problem of finding a job. It doesn’t matter in what way this search will take place, in newspaper ads, on the Internet or simply by acquaintance, but still it’s time to ask for a resume, which is the most effective way to find a new job. The summary should summarize the most important human biography facts related to work experience and knowledge.

On a note

Each organization, looking for a system administrator, has its own specifics of work, which includes certain skills in completing tasks. The range of companies is diverse, so employers prescribe the desired professional skills of a system administrator to take on this position.

system administrator resume
The resume of the more suitable candidate for the proposed vacancies is carefully considered by the employer, after which an interview is scheduled. In small-scale companies, sysadmins often have to deal with non-direct responsibilities in addition to the main work, these include refilling cartridges, reinstalling operating systems, purchasing various equipment, and even interacting with providers. Therefore, the summary of the system administrator must be filled even with such trifles. It may also be that you will have to do the work of a network administrator, who must connect and maintain switches and routers, configure virtual networks.

Day in the life of the system administrator

Each working day the system administrator promises him certain events. It is necessary to solve all the problems that arise, because it is for this sysadmin that they take the staff.

System Administrator Summary
You also need to configure the equipment, test new versions of programs, carry out scheduled work related to process optimization. This should also be mentioned in the resume of the system administrator. There are still features in the work of the system administrator, this is the state of alert, in which the system administrators are constantly located. At any time, something may break, and you have to go to the company’s help at any time of the day (this moment must be taken into account). However, this drawback is not so great for people who are passionate about computers. Programmers are encouraged to work in a large number of changing, improving technologies. For many held system administrators, computer hobbies were the beginning of great professionalism. Self-assembly or repair of their first computer equipment could not fail to interest future specialists. For people in love with IT technology, working as a system administrator is something like a game, only for playing, you can get money. Great job!


There is a community of programmers called DOU, confirming the fact that most often young people work as programmers, the approximate age of which varies from 25 to 27 years, and they earn in these positions from 600 to 1800 US dollars for their work. At the same time, young specialists already have quite an impressive experience; some have already had it for about five years.

System Administrator Professional Skills
Of course, in order to find a solid company and get an employee there, a programmer needs to write a resume of the system administrator. It happens that a person himself cannot create a resume due to inexperience, but now this is not a problem at all.

Sample system administrator resume:

Contact Information:

  2. The actual address (postal code).
  3. Email address, skype.
  4. Contact phone number (code).

General information:

  1. Citizenship.
  2. Floor.
  3. Family status.
  4. Schedule.
  5. Place of work.
  6. Desired Salary.


  1. Company.
  2. Work period.
  3. Position held.
  4. Responsibilities.

Additional Information:

  1. Knowledge of foreign languages.
  2. Computer skills.
  3. Possibility of business trips.
  4. Skills.

It will be useful to know

When compiling your resume on the work of a system administrator, you must especially pay attention to the strengths, focus on work experience, but more on that later. Since a couple of minutes is enough to read the resume, you must immediately interest the employer with information about yourself in the resume. You should never forget that the resume is your business card, distinguishing you from all the candidates involved in the job search. The work of the system administrator is inextricably linked with specialization in the IT-technology field. Setting up and maintaining all computer equipment, its stable operation are also included in the duties of a system administrator.

Where to begin

What you need to write in the resume of the system administrator, example:

  1. A prospective specialist must first fill out contact information in a resume. In this section, you should indicate your personal data: last name, first name, address must be written in full, do not forget about the index. You must also indicate your contact phone number with the code of the country, city or mobile operator. Be sure to include your email and skype. All these data are necessary so that the employer can contact you in the most convenient way for him.
  2. It is advisable to fill in the column on marital status, citizenship, because the more you write about yourself, the more likely it is that they will choose you.
  3. Also indicate a schedule that would be most preferable for you.

Diplomas and certificates

When compiling a resume, the system administrator must indicate the education received. Basically, a resume consists of one or two pages, so you should not write down your studies starting from school. If you already have serious work experience, focus on it.

System Administrator Summary Example
However, it is necessary to indicate the educational institutions important for the qualification, faculty, and specialty. It will not be superfluous to indicate all the awards received during the study. Perhaps in certain disciplines related to programming, you had certain achievements, it is also necessary to write about this. The presence of additional education is encouraged: participation in seminars, training in courses and trainings.


The qualification in the resume of the system administrator is of no small importance, but the personal qualities of the future employee must be carefully examined. A sample resume of the system administrator may include the following points about the personal qualities of the applicant:

Sample System Administrator Resume

- has extensive knowledge in various technologies and systems;

- loves self-education;

- knows how to quickly find information to solve the problem;

- has a high level of resistance to stress, perseverance and patience;

- may take responsibility.

Indicate that you know how to configure operating systems, understand the principles of operation of network protocols and equipment. You can work with mail and domain services and know several programming languages, which, of course, will be a huge plus for you.

The most important thing

Work experience has always been and will be the main link. Employers are very carefully acquainted with this section in the resume, which is why it should be correctly presented. The first in the resume should be information about the employment at the last place of work. You must specify:

sample system administrator resume

- Name of the organization;

- type of activity of the organization;

- term of work (from and to);

- position held;

- performed duties;

- achievements in the current position.

It is advisable to provide the phones of those who can give you a recommendation.


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