Tasty and simple: how to cook crucians in the oven

Baked fish is a royal dish. It can be prepared in such a way that even ordinary river or lake crucian carp seems paradise pleasure. Here are some simple but very good recipes.

From the pan to the oven

how to cook crucians in the oven
How to cook crucians in the oven - the first way. If your fish is quite large, then clean it, rinse well, cut off the heads and tail. Then separate the fillets from the bones and cut the fish into portions. Pour fresh milk into a bowl, salt it a little and lower the fillet there for 3-5 minutes. This is necessary so that the meat loses an unpleasant lake smell and becomes softer, softer and sweeter.

Before cooking crucians in the oven, they should be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs and sent to a skillet with butter to fry a little. Then the pan is sent to the oven. Only preheat it. The skin will begin to brown after 5-6 minutes. Within 10 minutes, the dish will be completely ready. If you bake with the spine, it will take about 12-15 minutes. After the specified time, remove the fish, put it on a heated dish, pour the oil and juice that stood out when frying. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic.

baked crucian in the oven photo

Here's how to cook crucians in the oven in accordance with the national traditions of Russian cuisine. The dish goes well with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, fresh vegetable salads or sour cucumbers. And what if the fish is very small? Of course, you need to clean it anyway. And also soak in milk, bread in bread or flour. Then put the pan in the oven and keep there until the fish are dried. Then they can be nibbled without peeling - they will bake well. It turns out very tasty. This is one of the secrets of how to cook crucians in the oven with bones.

Crucian carp in sour cream

Another original Russian dish is fish in sour cream. Traditionally, crucian carp is taken for her. Baked in the oven (photo attached), he was served at the table even at dinners in the old noble estates. Original and delicious recipes are used now. For example this: prepare 1 kg of fish, a little less - potatoes, 1 cup (250 g) sour cream, 2-3 eggs, 300 g of fresh mushrooms. You will also need a little hard cheese (30-40 grams), a couple of tablespoons of flour and cooking oil.

baked fish crucian in the oven

Our fish (crucian carp) is cooked , baked in the oven, in this way: carcasses are chopped, cut into pieces, salted, sprinkled with black pepper, sent to flour and then fried until crisp. Separately, fry chopped mushrooms and potatoes, which should be cut into thin slices or slices. Then, eggs and mushrooms are sliced ​​in circles (placed in a pan), covered with potatoes and sprinkled with sour cream sauce. The sauce can be made in advance: boil sour cream, pour a teaspoon of flour and pour the same amount of oil. Just bother to prevent lumps. Boil a couple of minutes, salt. Rub the cheese on top of the fish in the sauce and pour it over the butter. Can be creamy, just melt first. A frying pan with food is placed for 6-7 minutes in a hot oven. As soon as the sauce is browned, the dish is ready. Sprinkle with chopped greens dill or parsley and serve.

The fish will have a wonderful taste!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3886/

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