How to write and speak correctly: lie down or lie down?

Disputes have long been debated about how it will be right - lie down or lie down. However, none of the parties almost never justifies their choice, but is only guided by their intuition, which, incidentally, quite often fails. In this regard, we propose to devote this article to this topic.

lie down or lie down

general information

“Lie on the floor” or “lie on the floor” - which of the following expressions is correct? Before answering the question posed, it should be said that the spelling of some verbs in the Russian language, which have the form of an imperative mood, directly depends on the processes of alternating consonants in the root of the word. That is why many people have logical questions about how to write and pronounce such lexical units, while not making a single mistake. For example, which of the above forms of the verb is correct: lie down or lie down?

Basic rule

Verbs used in the imperative mood express a motivation for a specific action, request or order. As a rule, such lexical units are used in the form of a second person. It should also be noted that the forms of the imperative mood do not change in time, they are formed from the basis of the future simple or present tense with the help of the zero suffix, the suffix -–, the zero ending or the ending -the . Also, the verb imperative is often added particle- ka , softening the order. Here are some good examples:

  • Run
  • Run
  • be patient;
  • be;
  • come on;
  • read and so on.

Lie down or lie down?

It should also be noted that in the Russian language the imperative mood of verbs is formed only from the base of the infinitive. Moreover, in this form, alternation of consonants in the root is possible (for example, [g] and [h] with [g] and [k]). Let us present this feature with a clear example:

lie on the floor or lie on the floor

  • run - run, run (alternating [w] with [g]);
  • oven - bake, pecks (alternating [h] c [k]);
  • cut - cut, cut (alternating [h] with [g]).

It is this feature of the presented rule that explains the doubts about the spelling of the following words: lie down or lie down. However, this alternation applies to several other forms. So, the imperative mood verb “lie” is formed from the base of the infinitive “lay” (imperfect form). It should also be noted that the mentioned lexical unit differs in meaning from a similar, but not alternating, consonant in the root form “lie down”, which is formed from the indefinite verb “lie down”.

Formation of imperative verbs

How to pronounce: “lie down to sleep” or “lie down to sleep”? Of course, only the first option will be true. To prove this statement, let us consider in more detail how the form of the mood (imperative) of the verbs “lie down” and “lie down” is formed.

  1. The root of the indefinite form of "go to bed" is -law- . In this embodiment, the alternation of consonants is fundamentally absent. Therefore, in the imperative mood, this verb will look like this: "go to bed," "go to bed."
  2. The root of the indefinite form of "lying" is -lee- . In this embodiment, there is an alternation of consonants in the root - [g] with [g]. Therefore, in the imperative mood, this verb will look like this: “lie down”, “lie down”.

how to lie down or lie down

What causes confusion?

Many people argue about how to lie down or lie down. But why do such doubts arise at all? Experts say: this is due to the fact that the alternation of consonants in the root during the formation of the imperative mood does not always occur. That is why in Russian speech, instead of the correct form - “lie down” or “lie down” - quite often its incorrect version arises - “lie down” or “lie down”. Moreover, often another mistake is made in the text. So, many people simply lose the soft sign.

How to remember?

In order not to confuse the above options with the erroneous lexical unit “lie down” in written and spoken language, you should understand the differences in the ways of forming imperative forms of the verb “lie down” and “lie down”. The following examples can be used to memorize and compare:

  • Correct: "Lie next"; “Lie on the bed, you will be more comfortable on it”; "Lie down comfortably and fall asleep faster"; "Go to bed, because it's early to get up in the morning."
  • Wrong: “Lie next”; “Lay on the bed, you will be more comfortable on it”; "Lay comfortable and fall asleep faster"; "Go to bed, because getting up early in the morning."

To summarize

Now you know how to use the imperative form of the verb "lie". To consolidate the material, we will give you brief recommendations on the use of this lexical unit in speech:

lie down to sleep or lie down to sleep

  1. “Lie down” is the only correct form of the mood (imperative) verb pl. numbers.
  2. The erroneous version of “lie down” is formed due to the imperative mood of the word “lie down”.
  3. The “lay down” form is formed from a base in which there is no alternation of such consonants as [g] and [g]. As for the “lie down” form, it arises with the alternation of root consonants.


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