Can't learn the language - try changing the context

learn to speak english

Probably, a stuffy room and a desk are not the best place to learn a language. Do not tune in the right way and travel in a stuffy subway car to courses and vice versa. Try a change of scenery and compare the results - the difference is likely to be noticeable.

All you need to start is a tablet (although a smartphone is also suitable), skype and quite a bit of money to pay for tutoring. A little is not an exaggeration. For example, on a method is described how to learn to speak english for only $ 20 a month, studying with a native speaker several times a week.


The golden mean: homework is not distracting here and the office “dress code” is not crushed. You can retire to the meeting room, fast Internet and silence are integral attributes of learning English on Skype in a creative environment of entrepreneurs and IT specialists. As a pleasant bonus, tea, coffee, cookies without any restrictions.


Allows you to combine business with pleasure. For example, if you didn’t find a partner for a business lunch, a Skype tutor can replace him - the good Wi-Fi in catering establishments is not uncommon. At the same time, you can discuss culinary delights, which will probably come in handy on your next vacation when studying the menu with marine reptiles somewhere in Greece or on the islands.


Perfect for systematic classes with a tutor on Skype, as well as an economical option so as not to spend too much on food. As a pleasant bonus, various treats that will not let you get fat, interesting events and games. The developed social component of these places will help to switch after classes to another type of activity. Simple and tasteful.


Perhaps, someone might find this way of learning a language too exotic. But if you have to spend several hours daily in city traffic, why not take advantage of the high-speed mobile Internet. At the same time, communication with a tutor will help brighten up "leisure" and learn a few grammatical constructions. You can even several floors for heart-to-heart communication with other road users. But it's better somewhere in Asia or Africa.

While walking

Why not - don't be afraid to break stereotypes. Unless you have to additionally spend money on a headset. You can go to your favorite park or finally find time to visit the sights in your hometown. This is a ready-made topic for communication with a tutor, and definitely a useful stock of new words.

On the beach while on vacation

Now you can find SIM cards that offer reasonably affordable rates for mobile Internet abroad. For example, Lufthansa, along with MTX Connect, offers unlimited Internet access throughout Europe and the CIS for 10 euros per day. It's better to spend free megabytes in English on Skype than Facebook seals.

Instead of an afterword

I would like to offer a plane. Until recently, one could not even dream of such a thing, but today advanced airlines offer Internet access for some 20 euros on some long-haul flights. Everything would be fine, but access to Skype is blocked for ethical reasons. However, in this case, it’s easier to find an English speaking partner on board.


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