Hairpin on hairpins: photos, hairstyles

Today, modern girls need a lot of effort to be beautiful and well-groomed. To care for the body and hair takes a lot of time and money. The standard of beauty today is considered to be long healthy curls. Not all women can boast of such a natural gift. What to do if you want to feel like a long-haired Barbie? In this case, you can use a beauty accessory - false locks of natural hair on hairpins .

hairpin lock

Positive aspects of overhead strands

Having a hairpiece on hairpins (clips), the girl in a few minutes can do a luxurious hairstyle. Today it’s not at all difficult to buy false hair locks on hairpins. Online stores are simply full of variety of offers. Special knowledge and skills in order to fix them on the head are not required. This innovative implementation looks very natural. If you choose the exact color of the hairpiece, then no one will distinguish it from your own curls. It is worth listing a number of features that provide false hair strands on hair clips:

  • an opportunity to save finances and not to use correction and increase of locks;
  • protection of own hair from harmful chemical effects;
  • a chance to engage in an active lifestyle;
  • obtaining the desired length and volume;
  • the likelihood of a new image at any moment;
  • a way to create hairstyles for special occasions, weddings;
  • the ability to change a short haircut for long curls;
  • color experiments.

Aspects for acquiring hair on hairpins (tresses)

Many suppliers of natural hair clips on hairpins offer their customers a detailed catalog on their use. Is it worth it to buy these hairpieces (tresses)? There are several aspects for buying overhead hairpins on hairpins:

  • for their manufacture uses natural raw materials - genuine human hair;
  • they have a natural structure, lively appearance, pleasant to the touch;
  • tresses are easily fixed and removed at home;
  • give a chance to change images;
  • the laid on lock on hairpins has reliable fixture and tailoring;
  • hair clips (clips) have a silicone layer that fits snugly to the hair and does not injure them.

fake hair strands

How to fix tresses

Where to start attaching a false lock on hairpins? So, here is a set of tresses. Most often in the package there are 7-8 strands on the clips so that they can be evenly distributed throughout the head. The box can also have spare hairpins, in case any one breaks. First, an overhead lock is fixed on the hair clips in the back of the head. For this, a horizontal parting is made in the lower part of the nape. Then each strand of hair is opened, the hairpiece is placed on your hair and the clips are closed. This reliable mount will stand for sure. After that, they rise a little higher up the back of the head, make the next parting and attach another strand. So repeat again. Then parting at the temples, and fasten there two strands on each side. Silicone insert on the clips allows you to have no doubt about the reliability of fastening. Under the hair, the hairpins will not be visible at all, since they are on the inside and have a shade of strands.

Smooth hair on the clips can then be combed slightly and fixed with varnish. Curly curly tresses do not require special styling, they hold so well.

Types of hair on clips

Today on sale there are a wide variety of false hair locks on hairpins. Thermo-tresses that can be twisted are popular. Some girls prefer perfectly even hairpieces. They shine brilliantly and look natural. There are quite long strands, up to 70 cm.

The faux hair on the clips is just a huge selection. Young girls like fashionable neon locks. These hairpieces of bright colors are suitable for parties, carnival costumes. Violet, pink, light green, blue, orange shades of such false curls are offered.

Wavy tresses amaze with their attractiveness . The hairstyle with them immediately takes on a festive well-groomed appearance. It is possible to buy only an occipital consignment note with hairpins or, on the contrary, a temporal one. Tresses can be very thick to give volume, but can be more rare. They weigh very little, up to 200 g. The variety of shades of natural hairpieces is very large, so you can very accurately choose your own locks for the color of your own curls. The cost of natural overhead curls will depend on their length. Natural strands from 50 cm have a price of 3 800 rubles., From 65 cm - 5 800 rubles.

hair extensions on hairpins

Tail made of false hairpins

It's no secret that a universal hairstyle suitable for any situation is a neatly assembled tail of hair. The main thing is to choose the right height of the tail so that the hairstyle fits the shape of the face. Girls with a triangular and oval face can perform the fox tail when the bulk of the head are voluminous, and the ends are straightened.

Ideal for overhead strands ponytail, as it requires thick hair. The collected tails look great to the side. In order to make it easier to collect curls, you can purchase a ready-made tail of natural hair on a crab. Such a cunning hairpin will allow you to very carefully hide all the differences from your own strands. Various braids, flagella can be braided from such tails. It is good to supplement them with various accessories: elegant hairpins, satin ribbons.

fake natural hairpins

False natural locks on hairpins for short hair

Many girls often change their image, make themselves various haircuts. It is a mistake to consider that false locks are not suitable for short hair. If they are properly fixed, then you can quickly turn into a long-haired Malvina. The main thing is to choose the correct length and color of tresses. Reviews of overhead strands on hair clips (natural) indicate that they are ideal for short hair. Natural strands can be twisted, straightened, tinted and perfectly masked to fit your own.

Overhead bangs

The newest unique accessory is a false bang on hairpins. So that a girl can quickly change her appearance, just take a natural false bang. With this accessory, you can precisely choose the shape and length. These devices are superimposed very quickly at home. At the base of each such fringe there are special hair clips (crabs) with which it perfectly attaches to your hair. The color of such an accessory can be very accurately selected identical to its own. The bangs can be cut, washed, dried, laid with an iron.

hairstyles with false hairpins

Haircuts with hair on clips

Any hairstyles allow you to do false locks on hairpins. Photo articles demonstrate this. They can be worn loose, make a ponytail, twist as a chignon, braided into braids. The original solution will be a variety of waterfalls on one side. It’s very good to decorate them with flowers and beads. To wear tresses, hoops, tiaras, hairpins, dressings are suitable. A very stylish solution would be to perform a Greek hairstyle with a bandage. And it is not necessary to twist all the hair through the bandage. Some strands can be left free. This styling looks very romantic, suitable for an easy summer look.

Even short-haired beauties will be able to shine with complex styling with long curls. It can be wavy bunches and French braids and other incredible hairstyles with false hairpins.

false locks on hairpins photo

Natural Tress Care

False natural hair requires the same care as your own. Then they will look attractive. Such care does not take much time and allows the strands to serve their mistress for a long time. Here are some tips for caring for hairpins:

  • Attached tresses should be treated with care, do not sleep with them. After that, they can deteriorate or damage your strands.
  • Before fixing, tresses require careful combing. You also need to comb your hair.
  • If you are allowed to wash the strands on the hairpins, then they must first be removed from the head.
  • No need to wash tresses more than once a week. The washing procedure is best done with shampoo for dry hair, then apply a balm for nutrition.

The procedure for washing overhead strands is as follows:

  • skeins are well combed;
  • each strand is wetted with water;
  • every tress is washed with foamed shampoo;
  • excess shampoo is removed and moisture is wrung out;
  • each curl is treated with a nourishing balm;
  • after washing off the balm with a towel, moisture is squeezed out;
  • each tress is dried by a hairdryer;
  • dry locks are combed with a comb with rare teeth.

Masks and balms for care

For various products from natural hair (tresses, wigs), as well as those in need of intensive restoration, a special balm "Almonds and Honey" has been developed. It is sometimes used by girls in cases of overdrying after coloring or chemical exposure. This product contains extracts from honey and almonds. Also in it are vitamins, amino acids, minerals, useful to the hairline. They nourish the hair cells very deeply.

Specially for tresses, a wonderful Keratin mask has been developed. This tool does not allow the hairs to tangles, eliminates dryness, softens, restores the structure of the hair. Strands with "Keratin" become bright, shiny, filled with strength and tone. The mask contains a lot of keratin, which is also present in human curls. False natural hair perfectly accept it, therefore, have a chance for recovery. Many beauty salons and hairdressers use this Italian mask.

tail made of false hairpins

Natural Tress Reviews

Many buyers worry about the quality of natural tresses. Reviews of many girls suggest that you should not be afraid to buy them. Some customers wear them daily, wind them up, line them up, put them in different hairstyles. They are very obedient, they are not felt at all on the head. A variety of shades of tresses also shocked a large number of clients. Some girls say that they acquired overhead curls for special occasions, they helped them feel like the queen of the ball.

If people do not know about the presence of false strands on your head, then they will not even be able to distinguish them from their own. For many, it's just a dream hair! Many get used to tresses so much that they swim with them, sunbathe, dance. A very important aspect of the girl is the correctness of the selected shade. It will be useful to attach tresses to grow their strands a little.


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