How to choose a panel saw? Manufacturer's Reviews

Performing complex cutting operations requires the use of special equipment. It cannot be said that narrow-purpose installations always differ in high performance and accuracy, but in each case a bias towards one or another functional characteristic is assumed. In some cases, the emphasis is on curly cutting, in others - on the processing of blanks with non-standard sizes, etc. In turn, the format-cutting machine is used in the manufacture of furniture for cutting sheet materials. As a rule, plywood, MDF, chipboard and laminated panels are processed with this machine . Depending on the modification, cutting of plastic elements and even plexiglass is also allowed. In this case, the cut parameters can be different - the operator has the ability to carry out longitudinal, transverse and angular cutting operations.

format saw

Varieties of machine tools

There are horizontal and vertical machines of this type. In the first case, the workpiece is fed by means of a carriage moving on rollers. The fixation of this element is implemented using a transverse stop. Using a ruler, the wizard can control the accuracy of the operation. A slightly different principle of operation is realized by a vertical format-cutting machine, in which the saw system is formed by two disks - the main and cutting. The double knot of execution cut is advantageous in that there are practically no chips left after the work is completed.

Also, the equipment differs in size and, accordingly, the nature of operational capabilities. The initial level is represented by lightweight economy class units designed for operation in an incomplete shift. The middle category is allowed to work continuously for 8 hours a day. A heavy format saw is considered the most durable and suitable for working in a two-shift mode. It should be noted that such models can process blanks in batches.

Choice of Key Features

format saw machine reviews

In working with particle boards, the power parameter is not as important as the configuration itself. In this regard, the main characteristic of such machines is the cutting length. The stroke of the carriage is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the longest element. If trimming is also expected, then 1 m should be added to this value. From the point of view of the quality of the cut, an important parameter such as speed is also important. Usually, saws for format-cutting machines are tuned to a certain speed of work, therefore, for servicing materials with different characteristics, it is advisable to initially focus on units with wide tuning capabilities.

It has already been noted that the power potential does not really matter, but if it comes to choosing equipment for large-scale production, then power can be the main criterion. So, versions of 3-4 kW are suitable for working with soft rocks, and machines of 5 kW or more are also suitable for batch cutting. By the way, a powerful format-cutting machine in some versions is also able to work qualitatively with solid varieties of wood.

Structural parameters - what to consider?

panel saw 3200

From the point of view of operation, two elements of the machine are important - the carriage and the table. The first component is responsible for the supply of material. Ball carriages are used in inexpensive machines, can self-clean and remove dust, but require regular lubrication. Roller carriages are practically maintenance-free, but they are more often used in expensive models. The table parameters are no less important, since the support of the workpiece over the entire area increases the likelihood of forming an accurate and even cut. But this does not mean at all that one should only turn to modifications with large canvases. In models with retractable parts, it is possible to configure a format-cutting machine according to the size of the functional area, which allows you to work with small narrow panels and large-format plates. But, such versions are also not cheap.

vertical format saw

HighPoint Model Reviews

The manufacturer produces reliable and functional machines oriented to the needs of professionals. But, as users note, an aggregate of this brand may also be useful in everyday tasks. In terms of ergonomics and convenience, HighPoint products can be considered as advanced. There are other advantages that a professional format-cutting machine has at its disposal - 3200 mm in cut length, soft carriage stroke, long retention of basic settings and high-quality work of cutting elements.

Reviews about Proma models

This is a rare case when professional equipment is inexpensive and at the same time provides a truly high class of processing. The products of this brand are praised by the heads of furniture factories and private users. In both cases, the owners note both ergonomic advantages and a quality cut, which leaves the panel saw. Reviews regarding the performance of this unit are not so clear, although the model is positioned precisely as a professional. Regarding the possibilities of batch processing, user opinions are very restrained. Therefore, we can conclude that the machines are rather designed for high-quality, but small-scale cutting.

saws for format-cutting machines

Altesa Tekna Model Reviews

Models of this brand are quite common in the production of cabinet furniture. According to users, vertical structures, in which two saws are involved, provide a particularly high-quality result. Even laminated surfaces that are sensitive to mechanical stress are treated without chips. But there are also disadvantages that the Italian panel saw has. Reviews note that with all the possibilities for adjusting the parameters of the cut, the mechanisms for feeding and orienting the material allow some errors. True, this applies to cases when blanks are used that do not correspond to the characteristics of the table and carriage.


setup of the cutting machine

Typically, woodworking equipment is not associated with new technologies and the development of ergonomics. However, a modern panel saw shows a reverse example. The latest models are not only distinguished by comfort in operation and high power, but also by the presence of electronic systems. Digital control, in particular, facilitates the precise execution of complex cuts. The most advanced modifications allow you to programmatically set the saw settings. These and other additions significantly save the user’s time and at the same time provide a high-quality result of cutting wood material.


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