How to pump up at home without exercise equipment? A set of effective exercises for different muscle groups

To gain muscle mass at home, one desire will be too little. To do this, people apply techniques that will build an athletic body. Home workouts require a lot of knowledge. If a person wants to pump up in such conditions, then studying the rules and recommendations of experienced athletes will help him.

How do people gain mass

During training, the human muscles are constantly deformed. Until the moment when a visible result appears. The rate of mass growth is determined individually by the body. Also, progress depends on the phase in which the musculature is located. Everyone is interested in how to quickly pump up at home. To do this in 2-3 months is almost impossible. For full development, it is necessary to spend several years on training.

What happens at the start of the journey

The preparatory phase lasts 2-4 months. It completely restructures the work of the human body. The muscle energy supply system undergoes major changes, as they began to consume more energy. At the same time, the human nervous system organizes a more coordinated and streamlined work of muscles. Under the conditions of the load, the bone-ligamentous apparatus is adjusted. Metabolism begins to function differently.

Experts do not recommend at the very beginning of training to rush to gain weight. Before you quickly pump up at home, you must go through the first phase. Also, at the very beginning, a person needs to follow the exercise technique. A responsible approach to this stage provides a good "foundation" for further mass gain.

Muscle enlargement

Specialists call this phase hypertrophy. It lasts for two years. This stage is characterized by an increase in muscle fibers. For several years, an athlete is able to realize the potential of his muscles. If you regularly engage, then body weight increases by 20 kilograms.

Following hypertrophy is hyperplasia. This period is characterized by the division of muscle fibers. During the phase of hyperplasia, the athlete increases his weight by another 10 kilograms. It lasts for one year.

When these phases pass, the human body adapts to the loads. As a result, muscle mass stops growing. However, bodybuilders are doing their best to expand the capabilities of their body. All training of athletes is aimed at improving the functioning of systems that inhibit muscle growth.

Is it possible to pump up at home

You can make a relief body in almost any environment. Briton Charles Bronson managed to pump up while in prison. This man is known all over the world. Since he did not have exercise equipment and good nutrition. Around the athlete there were only 4 walls. And he ate only prison food. Now Charles does 2000 push-ups daily.

Following the example of a prisoner, almost everyone can build muscle. You can train at home and increase strength without special simulators. However, this is quite difficult to do. Since such training is less convenient when compared with gym classes. Also, to increase weight, you need to follow the techniques and rules of other bodybuilders.

Essential Muscle Enlargement Requirements

Athlete diet

For weight gain, athletes follow only two principles. It may seem to a person that this is easy. However, in practice, everything is different. Basic requirements how to pump up at home without exercise equipment:

  1. Diet. The athlete must comply with the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories. Food promotes muscle growth. Nutritionists recommend: buckwheat porridge, fruits, vegetables, meat, cottage cheese. The bodybuilder diet is half the success.
  2. Intense training. Muscles get used to exercises very quickly. Therefore, a person needs to progressively train. For this, bodybuilders think out whole plans. The most common method is to prevent the muscles from getting used to the load.

Compliance with these principles provides a person with further success in gaining mass. Exercise without exercise equipment at home requires constant practice. A person needs to learn new techniques that his body is not used to. Otherwise, muscle mass will not grow.

Basic mistakes of beginners

Beginner mistakes

Such information is useful to almost every person. Since many newcomers make the same mistakes. If you familiarize yourself with them, then the effectiveness of training will increase. At home, gaining muscle mass is more difficult than in the gym. Therefore, many people cannot pump muscles. Common mistakes novice bodybuilders:

  • High expectations. The concept of an ideal figure in a person arises when he looks at the covers of glossy magazines. Men are depicted on them with a beautiful and sculpted torso, wide biceps and a pumped-up press. However, all these muscles are the fruit of lengthy training. Bodybuilders spend about 5 years on achieving results.
  • The desire for a relief body. To increase weight, you need to enjoy every workout. When playing sports through strength, a person will not achieve high results.
  • Procrastination and laziness. Because of these factors, people cancel workouts. This is especially true for people who are interested in how to pump up at home without exercise equipment. Since in such an environment it is easiest to postpone the lesson the next day.

Everyone can fight these factors. The most important thing is to start loving the process of gaining muscle mass. This is facilitated by serotonin, a hormone of joy. It is released during exercise. As a result, the athlete can become a little happier.

Common home exercises

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

At the very beginning of training, additional equipment is not needed. It will be enough human body mass. Thanks to its own weight, the athlete will be able to perform many exercises. These include:

  • Variations of push-ups.
  • Pull-ups with a narrow and wide grip.
  • Different options for lunges.
  • Biceps flexion.
  • Triceps bleeding.
  • Push-ups while standing on the head.

This is not all the exercises that people do at home. Training can be thought out independently, adding something new. In classes, sometimes you need to use even your own exercises. Since the most important task of training is muscle load. If an athlete adds a rubber band to the exercises, then there will be even more different variations. For example, pull with a narrow or wide grip, swing your arms forward, pumping your biceps and so on.

Further advancement

Simple exercises will bring a person small results. In the future, we need to seriously develop. To do this, we need a more complex training program for men on weight, as the athlete becomes stronger and his weight will not be enough. The load can be increased in two ways:

  • Go from easy to hard. To do this, change the technique of exercise. For example, eliminate support and pull yourself. Then you need to increase the number of repetitions. If an athlete pulls up 5 times, then you need to try to do more. Gradually, a person will be able to do 12 repetitions.
  • Increase weight. Gradually, the body will adapt to the loads. In this case, muscle endurance will be trained. This can only be avoided by increasing the load. There are special vests and weights belts or hard rubber bands. Also, a person can use a simple backpack. It must be filled with books or other heavy objects.

Almost all exercises an athlete can complicate. To do this, you need to think. The extra weight makes the muscles grow. If a person does not do this, then muscle mass will stop increasing. Therefore, the training program at home for men should be constantly improved. Muscles should not get used to the load.

Strength training at home

How to learn to push up

All exercises that a person performs with his weight are significant for the development of functional strength. The athlete does not use additional weights, so he focuses more on fast pace and repetitions. Thus, the muscles are loaded even more. Also, classes at home are quite safe. In the gym it is much easier to get injured. How to pump up at home without exercise equipment:

  • Start classes with squats. This exercise involves 80% of the muscles of the entire human body. Squat also produces the most testosterone, a hormone that helps increase male strength. Therefore, such exercises are most effective for gaining muscle mass. In addition to this, training will help people who are interested in how to build a man’s legs at home. Before starting the exercise, you need to do a warm-up. With it, the risk of injuring muscles and ligaments is reduced. After this, you need to put your legs wider than your shoulders, and turn the socks to the side. Keep your back straight while squats. Buttocks must be taken back. Keep your knees forward while squats. If it’s hard for a person to keep his balance, then you can reach out in front of you.
  • Push ups. For beginners, this exercise will seem very difficult. Many are interested in how to learn to push up on the floor. At the very beginning, if you can’t do full repetitions, you need to kneel down. After that, put your hands wider than your shoulders. So you can pump muscles. When a person learns to do 30 repetitions, you need to increase the load. To do this, put your hands in front of you, and keep your legs close to each other. Athletes recommend slow push-ups from the floor at home. The advantages of such exercises are that the muscles of the back, arms, neck and chest are worked out.

You can use such training even at a party. Since they do not need additional burdening. Experts recommend performing exercises with a lot of variations. After that, the novice athlete will no longer have a question, how to learn how to push up from the floor. When a person can do 60 repetitions, you should increase the weight with a backpack full of books. You can put any heavy objects in it. All these exercises should be performed by both girls and men. However, they are designed for the stronger sex.

Other variations

Back push ups

To perform back push-ups, a person will need a chair, chair or bed. With the help of such trainings, the athlete will work out the triceps and chest muscles. To perform the exercise, you need to stand with your back to the chair, grab it with your hands and begin to push up. The back and head must be held straight. Backward push-ups are one of the best triceps exercises at home. Since it has a big load.

Using squats against the wall, the quadriceps are well designed. Lean against her tightly. Then start doing exercises. You should squat until your feet form an angle of 90 degrees. You cannot rely on them. If squats are hard to do, then you can start with the high chair exercise.

You can also pump leg muscles with lunges. Beginners love to swing when they transfer their body weight to their limbs. This can not be done, since there is little load on the legs. During repetitions, the torso of a person should be in a level position. The technique of exercise requires practice.

Light exercise

exercise plank

A newcomer should add a bar to his list. To complete the exercise you need to rest your toes on the floor. Bend your arms at your elbows and set in front of you. The stomach and spine should be kept straight. Weight will be held by the forearm and shoulders. A timer should be used for this exercise. Run the bar for 90 seconds. This exercise also has another variation. To perform, you need to keep all the weight on one hand. The oblique muscles of the abdomen will be loaded.

Using the Superman exercise, athletes pump the abs and back. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach and begin to raise your arms and legs up. In this position, you must be a few seconds. After this, repeat this action 10 more times.

You can also pump the press using twists with leg lifts. To do this, lie on your back. Heels should not touch the floor. After doing the exercise, connecting the knees and chest. Thus, almost all the abdominal muscles will tighten.

Many people are interested in how to build shoulders at home without dumbbells. To do this, you need to learn how to stand on your hands, leaning on a wall. Then try to touch your head to the floor, and then rise. At the very beginning, this exercise is difficult to do. In this case, you need to seek help. Another person can hold his legs, thereby reducing the load.

Exercise "Burpy" is suitable for people who are interested in how to pump up at home without exercise equipment. With it, almost all the muscles of the body are tensed. Standing in a starting position, a person needs to quickly lie down on the floor and push out. After that, get up again and make a jump. Then return to the starting position. Then again repeat the entire algorithm of actions. Athletes recommend doing a Burpee for several minutes.

Weekly Exercise Program

This is a universal complex that will suit every person. In it, you can change some exercises or complicate them. A week should devote 3 days to training and 4 days to rest. Exercise program:

  • Monday. At the very beginning, conduct a five-minute warm-up. After that, do twisting 4 sets of 15 times. Next are the pull-ups with a wide grip. You need to do 4 sets of 10 repetitions. After proceeding to push ups. You need to do 4 sets of 20 times.
  • Wednesday. Warm up before training. Then do lunges. You need to do 4 sets of 12 repetitions. Then proceed to the squats. Do 20 reps with five sets.
  • Friday. Perform a warm-up for five minutes. After doing exercises on the press. Lie on the floor and raise your legs up. Do 4 sets of 15 times. After that, start push-ups. This should be done 12 times in 4 approaches. If there are bars, then they also need to deal with. The recommended load is 10 repetitions of 4 sets.

The rest of the days should be given to rest. Also, many are interested in how to pump their arms with dumbbells at home. To do this, add the exercise using this equipment to your workout. 20 reps and 5 sets should be done. The recommended weight of one dumbbell for a beginner is 8 kg. Gradually, the load should be increased. To grow muscle mass, you need to eat and sleep at least 8 hours a night. Specialists recommend eating 6 times a day. The diet should be 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. Also 0.5 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of food should be at least 2000 kcal. Nutritionists recommend eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and various cereals.

Exercises for girls

Warm up before training

There is no fundamental difference between the strong and the weaker sex in training. The principle of the muscular system is the same for both men and women. Training program for girls:

  • Squats These exercises must be loved by every girl. Since the legs are all overweight. In some cases, you can increase the load of the backpack. Squats should be done 2-3 times a week. The exercise should have 20 repetitions of 5 sets.
  • Pumping the abdomen. Home exercises for the press for girls do not fundamentally differ from men's. It is best to do twisting and lifting legs up. All exercises are performed while lying down. 12 reps should be done with 4 sets.
  • Pumping hands. To perform such exercises, push-ups on the knees are most suitable. 10 reps and 5 sets should be done.
  • Exercises for the back. Better to use the Superman technique. At run time, the girl needs to lie on her stomach. Then raise your arms and legs up. In this position, you need to be 2 seconds. It is best to do 10 reps on 4 sets.

Bodybuilders recommend giving 1-2 hours a day for classes. These strength training at home will help the girl’s body look fresh and beautiful. A variety of exercises can be rope, elastic tape, hoop. Muscles quickly get used to the load. Therefore, you need to bring something new to every workout. Eating a girl who does sports also needs to be eaten right. The diet for training is 1800 kcal, 2 grams of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.


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