The history of the apron from antiquity to modernity

Currently, such an apron, such as an apron, is part of the work uniform and is mainly available to staff and housewives, although the history of the apron is rooted in the past. After all, fig leaves for Adam and Eve served as nothing more than a cover for a naked body, acting as an apron.

apron story

Apron origin story

It is believed that the first aprons appeared in the men of Ancient Egypt, who were in the service, as well as among the pharaohs, in order to emphasize their status. The apron looked like a drapery of fabric attached to a leather belt. Later, the apron was made wider so that it could be wrapped around the body and secured in front. The facade of this false skirt could be trapezoidal, fan-shaped or triangular in shape.

The ancient Greeks also wore an apron, fixing it over the bottom of the blouse - tunic. Among the Cretan inhabitants, the apron dressed obliquely, covering the thigh of one leg to the knee, and was decorated with embroidered patterns. In ancient Rome, warriors, gladiators and priests wore an apron.

In the Middle Ages, the apron began to spread throughout Europe. Wearing as a uniform, he became an integral part of the clothing of blacksmiths, shoemakers, workshop craftsmen, cooks and various craftsmen.

apron origin story

Aprons for women

The history of the apron tells that over time it became an attribute of a women's wardrobe. Aprons became an ornament of a female dress and were acquired at various celebrations and trips to the light. Aprons were colorful, double, with rich trimmings, lace and embroidery. Fashion dictated the mandatory presence of an apron in every European woman. The apron was tied at the back, forming an upper skirt. Before going to the table, the woman covered the tablé dress - replacing a large napkin that was placed on her knees before eating. In special cases, the apron was attached to the cloak as a fashion accessory. In the future, the wearing of an apron became a tradition among ordinary people. Peasant girls also began to wear aprons, only as a defense of their clothes. They were sewn from simple and lightweight materials, such as linen or white linen. Wealthy ladies wore muslin aprons with lace or embroidery.

apron photo

Apron in Russia

The history of an apron in Russia originates in the 17th century. Russian aprons were sewn from fabric to cage, had red ties and were decorated at the edges with trim. The apron was a symbol of fertility and prosperity. They wrapped children in it, wishing them a happy life, filling it with grain, asking for a plentiful harvest, laying it on the threshold before the newlyweds entered the house, considering the apron as a symbol of prosperity. The apron became part of the national costume of Russian women. It was sewn from cotton, linen or wool. For the holidays they wore light aprons, decorated with ribbons, symbols of nature and embroidery. The apron was put on a female sundress and could have shoulders and a back.

The history of the apron as a decoration for rich ladies ended after the First World War. Women took over household responsibilities and the apron became an element of industrial clothing.

apron story

Aprons for children

It should be noted separately aprons for children. In the 16-17 centuries, children, both girls and boys, were dressed the same. And part of the children's clothing was an apron with fewer decorative elements, unlike the elements of the wardrobe of adult ladies. Children's aprons served as protection of a dress against dirt and dust. Nonetheless, the aprons were charming and beautiful. In the 19th century, the apron was supplemented with a breast and back and resembled a sundress.

baby aprons

In the future, children's aprons began to be worn in educational institutions. In Russia in 1896 the first school uniform for girls-gymnasium students appeared. It consisted of a strict plain dress and apron. The girls had two aprons. One apron - black - was worn every day, while the white apron was intended for special occasions. Pupils went in dresses not only at the gymnasium, but also to theaters, churches and various festivals. After the revolution, peasant children who went in everyday clothes began to study in schools, and the school uniform was forgotten. And only in 1948 the apron returned to the shoulders of schoolgirls. Today, after the form was canceled in 1992, white aprons like to wear high school graduates.

baby aprons

The role of the apron in modern life

Currently, craftsmen, such as shoemakers, tailors, joiners, blacksmiths, bakers and other artisans, use aprons, as before. Also, aprons are available at cleaners, sellers, waiters, hairdressers and housewives.

Professional modern aprons offered by manufacturers are sewn for individual professions with certain requirements. The main criterion is the presence and convenient placement of pockets. It is also important that the apron has a universal size and can be adjusted to any shape, it is not too long and free to move. A variety of inscriptions and logos are applied to the aprons on request. The material for the apron is selected to be wear-resistant, since the product will often be washed.

baby aprons

Often, mothers are faced with the fact that they are asking for an apron to be brought to a kindergarten for a child. Children are engaged in creativity, work with plasticine and paints. To keep clothes clean, and the teacher did not waste time dressing each child, he needs a baby apron. The apron, the photo of which is given above, can be sewn with your own hands.


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