How to spell "neatly": spelling of the word

How do you spell the word "neatly"? Difficulties arise not only in children, but also in adults. In the article, we will describe how to spell "neatly." We also define the part of speech, the etymology and lexical meaning of this language unit. We also give examples of use.

Part of speech

First of all, it is worth figuring out to which part of speech the word "neatly" refers. In order to find the answer to this question, you need to understand what function it performs in the proposal, what it points to.

Children wear clothes neatly. By logical reasoning, one can understand that to “neatly” it is necessary to ask the question “how” This word indicates a sign of action: they are worn (how exactly?) Neatly. This is an adverb that indicates a course of action.

as spelled neatly

Spelling rules and etymology of the word

After the part of speech has been determined, we can proceed to the spelling rules. Not everyone knows how to spell the word "neatly." Here are typical mistakes: spelling one consonant "k", the vowel "a" at the end of the word.

The adverb "neat" comes from the adjective "neat." Which first appeared in Latin (accuratus). Then it migrated to German (akkurat) and Polish (akuratny). Linguists argue that only in the eighteenth century the adjective "neat" appeared in Russian speech.

A test word that would indicate a double consonant "k" does not exist. So it was in the original version (doubled "s" in the Latin "accuratus"), so this pattern remained in the Russian language.

As for the vowel “o” at the end, it is pronounced in the stream of speech as sound [a]. The most optimal way to remember how to spell “neatly” is to remember one grammar rule. If an adverb has the prefix "s-", "do-", and also "iz-", then the vowel "a" (clean) is put at the end.

The adverb neatly does not have the prefixes listed. In the end, write the vowel "o".

neat spelling

The lexical meaning and examples of use

It is important not only to know how to spell “neatly”, but also to understand the interpretation of the word. The explanatory dictionary presents the lexical meaning of the studied dialect:

  1. Keeping order, carefully. Grandmother carefully collected peas scattered on the floor and threw them into the street. Things were neatly folded in a suitcase.
  2. With great care. The patient was carefully carried on a stretcher to the hospital. We walked carefully so as not to get dirty in the mud.
  3. On a regular basis. The young man carefully paid bills so as not to accumulate debts. The patient should carefully take the medicine and not disturb the heart on the little things.

These are all interpretations of the word being studied. It is believed that the best way to remember how to spell “neatly” is to make sentences with it, to include in dictations. In case of any difficulties, consult a spelling dictionary. It is important to immediately correct the mistakes made so as not to remember the false spelling. The adverb "neatly" has no test words, so the correct spelling is worth remembering.


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