What does takbir mean: definition, use, types. Takbir in the life of a Muslim

Very often from people professing Islam, one can hear the phrase “Allahu akbar” and “takbir”. What do these concepts mean? What is the point they carry in themselves? How is takbir translated from Arabic?

"Akbar" in translation from Arabic means "great." In the holy book of all Muslims - in the Qur'an - many names of the Most High are indicated, but Allah is the very first of those listed. “Allahu akbar” means “the Lord is great,” his power and strength are above everything else. What does takbir mean? What does this concept matter?

Definition of a concept

The praise of the Almighty (takbir) is contained in the expression "Allahu akbar." Takbir pronounces a person during prayer, thereby he recognizes and realizes that God is magnificent and different from everything else. Compared to Allah, all worldly things have no meaning. The repeated repetition of takbir more and more indicates the strength, power and greatness of God.

Before the beginning of namaz (prayer in Islam), a takbir called tahrim is pronounced.

The frequent pronunciation of “Allahu akbar” during Kurban Bayram is called tashrik, also tashrik is used at the end of prayers and during dhikr (Muslim spiritual practice, which consists in repeatedly saying prayers in which the name of the Lord is praised).

what does takbir mean

Addicting exaltation

In the dictionary of foreign words, the term "takbir" in Arabic means "exaltation", that is, the pronunciation of the prayer form "Allahu akbar", which means "Allah is great."

Muslims use takbir very often, for example, as a sign of joy, reminiscent of the Russian "cheers." Words of praise to Allah are used as a war cry by Islamic warriors. After making a solemn or important speech, takbir is used, and it is also used instead of applause.

The call to prayer (azan) contains takbir. During prayer, “Allahu akbar” is often used.

The phrase "Allahu akbar" is written on the flags of the following states: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. These words are present in the anthem of Libya.

So what does takbir mean? This is the utterance of "Allahu akbar." Moreover, the repeated repetition of takbir is a characteristic feature of the Muslim religious ritual. Sometimes this expression is given magical significance: takbir is the basis of the ornaments that adorn Islamic buildings, often used in applied art.

Types of Takbir

“Allahu akbar” is considered in Islam as an important link between the Almighty and man. Azan (call to prayer) begins with takbir and ends with it. That is, “Allahu akbar” is the most important rule and symbol of Islam. There are such types of takbir: fard, nafil and wajib.

Takbir before prayer

The phrase “Allahu akbar” is obligatory before prayer. The utterance of these sacred words should follow after the Muslim raises his hands to shoulder level.

This position of the body indicates that takbir is the worship of the body, pronounced not only by the tongue, but also by the body and soul. With a show of hands, a person, as it were, renounces all worldly things and directs his heart and soul to the Most High.

Starting to read namaz, a person turns to the side of the Kaaba (Muslim shrine in Mecca), raises his hands and utters takbir. At this moment, for him there is nothing more important than Allah. With the help of the language and the phrase "Allahu akbar" he confirms the actions of his body.

takbir translation

Takbir Wajib

This is the same as takbir tashrik. The words of this species of takbir consecrate the Hajj season. The period of the sacrifice is a submission to the will of the Almighty. People, worshiping with their property, are as if doing their duty. The symbol of humility is the kurban (this is a ritual sacrifice) during which takbir is pronounced. Believers read prayer words for three days and then perform an animal sacrifice, after which they again read the words of praise of the Most High.


After each namaz, they perform a tasbih (they say “Alhamdulillah”, “SubhanAllah”, “Allah akbar” 33 times. This takbir is called nafil, additional or sunnah. This is what the prophet Muhamed taught, and believers after performing prayers perform his sunnah.

Praising the Almighty is the prevention of pride, vanity and selfishness. For this reason, the words "Allahu akbar" are always present at all religious holidays, both in the form of inscriptions and in the form of verbal accompaniment of events.

Takbir, as it were, kills pride in a person and at the same time magnifies the name of the Lord.

But during the rite of burial and other sad events, takbir is not pronounced. This is regarded as censure (muhrah).

Birth of a baby and takbir

takbir to Allahu Akbar

What does takbir mean in Muslim life? When a Muslim gives birth to a child, an azan (call to prayer) is read in his ears in the first minutes of his life. Thus, the first words that the baby hears are “Allahu akbar”. And they accompany him for the rest of his life. Thus, even from birth, the child through the azan is betrayed by knowledge in his mission - to be a slave to Allah.

How is takbir applied in the life of a muslim?

There is no Muslim atheist. From birth, each of them knows who God is for them. Perhaps not everyone can read the Quran in the original, but they know the main suras. In addition, no prayer goes without takbir. Throughout his life, a Muslim repeatedly utters the phrase "God is great."

takbir arabic translation

In everyday life, the phrase applies:

- during a call to prayer;

- during the performance of any charitable cause;

- during prayer;

- during the month of Ramadan ;

- on the holiday of Kurban Bayram, during the sacrifice;

- during the beginning and end of wars.

It should be noted that the use of "Allah akbar" during the liberation and predatory wars, as well as in terrorist acts, means the same thing. That is, if we compare this phrase with our “cheers”, then their use in combat conditions occurs on the same principle.

Ban on using takbir

There is no prohibition in the Qur'an, but due to circumstances, many preachers warn believers from using takbir in certain situations. Wahhabism has formed a negative attitude towards all of Islam, so accidentally pronounced words can cause panic. There is a tacit ban on the use of "Allahu akbar":

- You can not pronounce the phrase in public places, airports, supermarkets, train stations;

- You can not pray in a crowd of people;

- You can’t jokingly shout out praise.

What does takbir mean in society? The phrase itself has a purely religious significance, but has become negatively perceived by society. As in any other religion, traditional expressions and phrases are aimed at the conversion or praise of the Almighty. Traditional Islam did not invest anything bad in Allah Akbar. Numerous terrorist organizations and the terrorist acts committed by them, which claimed more than one thousand innocent lives, brought a negative meaning to it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38887/

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