Wastewater treatment plant: methods and techniques

Water supply is a prerequisite in the engineering support of a residential building. The system is formed by several functional blocks, among which the supply and output infrastructure. Moreover, at the stage of drainage, a crucial stage of treatment is provided. This is the most important condition for maintaining the regulatory environmental background, not only within the home, but also in the urban environment as a whole. The sanitary and hygienic indicators of the area depend on how well the sewage treatment plant is installed in the communications of a separate facility. In multi-apartment buildings, this problem is solved by managing organizations, and in a private house the owner takes it directly.

sewage treatment plant

Wastewater and treatment standards

Contaminated domestic wastewater is far from homogeneous. It is formed by many groups of elements, most of which are hazardous to various degrees. First of all, these are mineral substances with which effluents are filled both at home and in the environment. For example, a storm sewage treatment plant, which involves the installation of coarse filters, is precisely focused on combating such pollution. They are of inorganic origin, may include salts and particles of soil, and in rare cases, chemical compounds. Organic inclusions, the basis of which are decaying residues of animal and vegetable origin, are much more dangerous. Chemical elements, including household polymer ones, also make up a considerable share of this group of pollution. Why should wastewater treatment relieve? Each stage of filtering takes on a certain category of unwanted elements. For example, in accordance with the regulations, a complete cleaning cycle should allow at least 0.1 mg of iron per liter to pass through the drains.

Mechanical methods

storm water treatment plant

The simplest, but important stage of cleaning, during which the disposal of coarse-grained elements is carried out. In particular, it can be leaves, food debris, particles of soil, sand and small stones. To eliminate such inclusions, coarse filters are used that are installed on the sewer line. This may be a surface wastewater treatment plant at the site, which will serve both the domestic drainage line and utility channels. Despite the outward primitiveness of such cleaning, it performs multi-stage filtering. At a minimum, even simple plants require three stages of purification, including sedimentation, filtration and filtering. At the last stage, sand traps come into play, which save the drain from small but visible foreign bodies.

Biological methods

domestic wastewater treatment plants

Bio plants are not always used in the domestic sphere, but their presence significantly improves the quality of water treatment, and in some cases gives the effluents qualities that improve further purification processes. To solve the problems of biological filtration, different systems are used. For example, biofilters act as microdrainage. The membranes installed in them contain sand and gravel, which also allows for aerobic function. In the industrial sector, a biological wastewater treatment plant is used in the form of a closed tank into which oxygen is supplied. An important condition for the operation of such facilities is the production of activated sludge, which decomposes organic compounds. In the sludge layer there are various groups of bacteria with properties that are useful for cleaning. The principle of operation of biological ponds is similar to this method . Their feature is to ensure the natural conditions of wastewater treatment without technological support for filtering by artificial means.

Physicochemical Methods

compact wastewater treatment plant

A group of methods that is also not very common in the domestic sphere, but it is used quite widely in the industrial sector. The most effective technology for physico-chemical cleaning is considered to be coagulation. It allows you to increase the deposition processes, which facilitates the work of an already mechanical filtration system. The chemical effect is expressed in the “sticking together” of small particles into larger ones, and the physical means of cleaning just remove the elements formed by coagulation. Absorption treatment plants for domestic wastewater are also popular in large enterprises, but they are more often used as an auxiliary filtration technique. This method can be called point - it is optimally suited for removing certain types of contaminants, including dyes, fertilizers, etc. Treatment with potassium permanganate and chlorine can be referred to crude chemical cleaning methods. This is the simplest method of getting rid of pathogenic inclusions, which has proven itself well in the household.

Wastewater disinfection

With varying degrees of effectiveness, disinfection can be performed with the same chemistry, but such products are of little use for regular use. Modern disinfection is increasingly provided by equipment with ultraviolet rays. This light spectrum destroys microorganisms without leaving harmful traces. It was the safety of the method that led to its widespread use - from the treatment of domestic and sewage to the maintenance of factory waste. Directly at the facility, an ultraviolet wastewater treatment plant is mounted in the channels for the passage of effluents. Passive irradiation is provided without the need for additional structural solutions. However, ultraviolet lamps only work with drains prepared for fine cleaning. That is, at first the same stage of rough mechanical cleaning follows, and then the disinfection stage can be organized.

Sediment elimination

surface wastewater treatment plant

The passage of wastewater through the filtration channels in itself is the engine of the cleaning process. But also, as the operation of water utilities is in operation, sediment accumulates. These are the most harmful and sometimes toxic dangerous elements that should not only be removed, but also disposed of in special ways. First of all, centrifuges that also perform dehydration are used to extract the sludge. Typically, local wastewater treatment plants contain decanter mechanisms for loading and unloading sludge. After that, the collected material is subjected to a series of operations for preparation for disposal, including pasteurization, conditioning, drying, thermophilic stabilization and composting.

Technical organization of cleaning

Before installing the equipment, a comprehensive solution project is developed. It indicates the means by which cleaning, placement configuration, installation requirements, etc. will be carried out. Usually, the entire installation process is implemented in three basic steps. First of all, communications are mounted. This may be a piping system, energy supply, sometimes ventilation and air conditioning devices. Next, the direct implementation of working equipment in the created infrastructure is carried out. Depending on the selected operating principle, the wastewater treatment plant may provide for direct installation in the circulation channel or for the placement of a separate unit-tank with active elements in which the serviced liquid will accumulate, filter and discharge. The third stage is the implementation of commissioning operations, in which the verification and adjustment of equipment is carried out.

biological wastewater treatment plant

Installation work

The installation method depends on the scale and technical conditions for the organization of the cleaning system. At large enterprises, the principle of local construction of technological units is often used, which are composed of functional elements - membranes, motors, control relays, etc. As an alternative solution, treatment equipment manufacturers offer the placement of ready-made monolithic blocks on the output channels, for which it is enough to prepare the foundation . In everyday life, a compact wastewater treatment plant is mainly used, which is integrated into the canal through ordinary plumbing operations. The filter is installed and fixed by mounting fittings, and during operation, the user can only replace the membranes with a certain frequency.

Automation of cleaning systems

Integrated treatment systems, which include several stages of water treatment and filtration, are provided by software controllers. These are devices that allow automatic operation without user intervention. The cleaning parameters are fixed by sensors sending data to the control unit. Further, according to the previously entered threshold values, decisions are made to turn off, turn on or change the operating parameters of a device. The installation of integrated wastewater treatment is also not without emergency alarm systems. As a rule, they are triggered in the event of a power outage, overflow of individual nodes, or when a certain component fails.


complex wastewater treatment plant

Wastewater treatment systems should be selected based on many parameters - from the nuances of the design to the way they are managed. But the main criterion is still the principle of filtration. In the simplest versions, the wastewater treatment plant provides only a surface mechanical screening of unwanted inclusions. Such equipment is suitable for use in the household. But for industrial facilities, it is desirable to choose integrated solutions that provide for multi-stage cleaning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38893/

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