How to cook juicy chicken breast at home?

how to cook juicy chicken breast
Want to learn how to make juicy chicken breast at home? There are some wonderful recipes. Here, for example, is a recipe for a delicious Chinese dish that we want to share! Believe me, your family and guests will be truly impressed and will want to cook this delicacy again and again. What you need? 5-6 chicken breasts, one glass of pure water, two teaspoons of vegetable oil (well, if you find sesame seeds), ginger or soy sauce, two glasses of rice, one packet of frozen vegetables (about 300-400 grams), salt, pepper to taste , garlic and sesame seeds. So, here is the recipe for juicy chicken breasts. Start by mixing ginger or soy sauce with water and sesame oil and mix well with a whisk. Feel the wonderful aroma of sesame oil? Place the whole chicken fillet in a deep baking dish and fill it with the sauce, cover with a lid, or even better with foil, and place in an oven heated to 350 degrees. Cook for about 30-35 minutes. In order not to overexpose the dish, start a timer.

juicy chicken breast recipe

After the timer beep announces that the cooking time is up, remove the lid from the mold or remove the foil and cook the chicken for about twenty minutes, until it gets a brown crust. How to cook juicy chicken breast with vegetables? You just need to add vegetables to the dish! Open the bag with the frozen mixture and pour into a chicken form, salt and pepper, leave in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

While chicken and vegetables are cooked, you need to cook rice. It is best to use a rice cooker for this, but a regular pan is also suitable. Add salt, a couple of black pepper peas, a spoonful of chopped garlic to the rice. It is better to do this at the very beginning of cooking, so that rice absorbs the aromas of seasonings. Once the fillet is ready, remove it from the oven, cool a little, cut into small slices. Put the rice on a plate, put slices of fillet and vegetables on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Everything can be served!

how to fry juicy chicken breast
Breast in the oven is delicious, but how to fry juicy chicken breast in a pan? Quite simple! You need a breast or prepared fillet, spices or fresh herbs, seasonings, garlic, salt. Take a chicken, if it is a breast, then carefully separate the meat from the bones and rinse in water, then cut into cubes. Peel two, three cloves of garlic, chop with a knife or use a garlic squeezer. Heat a deep frying pan with butter, put the fillet cubes and garlic. And how to cook juicy chicken breast in a pan so that it really is not dry? Fry over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, make sure nothing burns. If you doubt whether the chicken is ready inside and do not want to take risks, add half a glass of water, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes. For the aroma, you can add fresh herbs or fragrant seasonings. The finished dish is best served with vegetables or rice, decorating beautifully on a plate.

Now you know how to cook a juicy chicken breast and you can always please your relatives with a tasty and healthy dinner.


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