The biggest hands in the world - description, features and interesting facts

In connection with the great attention that one of the inhabitants of our country by the name of Kirill Tereshin received, the people became interested - who has the biggest hands in the world? Let's try to understand this issue, and at the same time we will find out how safe it is to get involved in increasing volumes using chemistry.

the biggest hands in the world

Worthy of a record!

At the moment, a man named Hussein Bisad has the largest hands in the world. It is hard to believe, but the length of his palms is 26.9 cm. In April 2007, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records came to the UK to measure and record this fact. Hussein himself turned out to be a welcoming and cheerful person, which immediately located the chief editor Craig. The record was recorded, and Bisad received due attention to his person. Having the biggest hands in the world and at the same time turn out to be a mischievous and funny guy - what could be more interesting for fans of this record holder? The American arm wrestler Jeff Deb is not far behind Hussein. The size of his palm can be judged by the photo. An impressive sight!

man’s largest hand

Sport and more

They ate talking about the volume of hands, then undoubtedly, first of all, all represent bodybuilders. You can argue for a long time whether it is beautiful or not, but to argue that this is a huge work is pointless. Despite the mass of stereotypes, these people deserve great respect, as proof of which we present a list of truly outstanding athletes who will make many of you change your mind. You will also find out who has the largest hand volume in the world!

Jean Pierre Fuchs

A bodybuilder from Switzerland began to train at the age of 16. A year later, he noticed that he was quite different from his peers - his weight had already reached 100 kilograms. In 1993, he took part in the amateur bodybuilding world championship, where he took fourth place. The next year he again appeared before the judges and took the league title.

The guy began his career growth - he began to appear for magazine covers and received a lot of profitable offers from various companies. But the tragic incident broke all his plans - once during a training session he unsuccessfully lifted a weight of 310 kg and fell, breaking his leg. A difficult recovery process followed, but the young man was never able to return to his previous stresses. For another 4 years he participated in various competitions, proving to the world his strength of mind and stamina.

the biggest arms in the world of bodybuilding

Nasser El Sonbati

The German athlete was not interested in bodybuilding - as a teenager he was not interested in this. In his student years, curiosity led Nasser to the gym. He left there one of the most famous strongmen on the planet.

The guy showed a real natural inclination for bodybuilding - his muscles grew very quickly. The results that other athletes have been going for years, the athlete showed several months later. The first competitions in Germany did not bring him fame. Not wanting to give up, the young man went to Yugoslavia, where his forms were appreciated - he became a real star. Nasser could not only boast of muscle mass - he has several degrees in history, political science and sociology. He was fluent in seven languages. The athlete passed away early - at 47 he died of kidney failure.

the biggest hands in the world synthol

Paul Dillette

A former football player from his youth began to create a relief of his forms. At age 26, he tried to take first place in competitions in North America, but that year, luck did not smile at Paul. He ventured to speak at the next championship and subdued all the judges. The unconditional victory and triumph of the bodybuilder became the most significant event in his life. Surprisingly, the athlete developed his own training system, which was based on a scientific approach. He approached the iron, being in a state of affect, which contributed to a sharp surge in adrenaline in the blood. That is how he achieved his magnificent results.

the largest hand volume in the world

These were the most significant figures with the largest arms in the world of bodybuilding in the last century. Now you will not surprise anyone with these volumes, but their names are worth knowing, if only because they achieved such results through training. Now let's look at the current heroes, whose merits are very doubtful.

Blood and sweat

Yes, we will talk about anabolics. After all, looking at Denis Sester is simply impossible to believe that such results can be achieved only through physical training. The volume of biceps is 77.8 cm. This is an absolute world record, and you can safely hand him the medal for the "Biggest Hands in the World". Interesting fact - Denis was a follower of the previous record holder named Grego Valentino. The teacher’s result was more modest - 71 cm. At 23, he already had a volume of 53 cm, but this seemed to him not enough. He began to increase his biceps due to anabolics and other chemistry. Reckoning was not long in coming - liver cancer. Denis followed in his footsteps, as evidenced by his completely unnatural shape of his hands. It can be deservedly called the largest "synthol" hands in the world.

the biggest hands in the world interesting facts

The impressive results of modern heroes

For those who failed to achieve such high results as the two previously voiced characters, there are also a couple of lines in the article. They could not overtake, but came close to the champion volumes.

  • Canadian athlete Greg Kovach - 67 cm.
  • Two-meter bodybuilder Noech Stear - 66 cm.
  • Briton Zach Khan - 61 cm.
  • Lithuanian athlete Robert Burneyka - 61 cm.
  • Phil Heath and Lee Priest - 56 cm.
  • Wrestler Robert Svenson and Manfred Heberl - 63 cm.

"Synthol" does not happen much

In order to talk about the safety of Synthol, it is worth knowing what it consists of. Until now, no one knows the real formula of this substance, and everyone who makes it on their own risk being left not only without a result, but also without hands. The approximate composition of Synthol is 85% oil (sesame or coconut, caprylic acid), 7.5% lidocaine, 7.5% benzyl alcohol. How safe can such an explosive mixture be? If Western “strong men” give injections in the clinic or after consultation with an experienced doctor, then Russian “heroes” make synthol at home and inject it with liters.

the biggest hands in the world

Hands-bazookas, or How to become Bezrukov literally

Internet heroes such as Kirill Tereshin cause only two reactions in adequate people - bewilderment and disgust. A thin Pyatigorsk guy managed to pour a few liters into his own hands and is not going to stop there. He makes the drug at home and even manages to sell it to people who are not quite intelligent to him. You cannot look at this person without tears. And these are tears of pity not for him, but rather for his mother. The poor woman goes on television with her son in the hope of returning his mind to him.

the biggest hands in the world

Doctors literally shout that he will soon lose both hands, but the syntolist does not take their word for it, because there were no precedents! The guy should know more about the substance itself and those who have already suffered from its use. For anyone who thinks about this, the possible consequences are listed below.

  • Risk of nerve damage and paralysis of the limb.
  • Risk of infection.
  • Numbness of the extremities due to constriction of the vessels by Synthol.
  • The ingress of oil into the bloodstream and, as a result, vascular embolism.
  • Swelling at the injection site.
  • The development of an allergic reaction.


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