Soullessness. What is the absence of the soul as the most important thing in man?

Today, such a concept as “soullessness” is becoming increasingly relevant. What happened to people, that many try to realize themselves, to fix their problems, but are not even interested in the difficulties of their relatives and friends? They say that earlier people around were more responsive than now.

Heartless people in a busy city

Soulless what

Examples of soullessness are fixation on one’s personality, ignoring others. In the bustle of the city, each person’s goal is to earn more in order to become successful. Time is money, so people are not used to spending it on helping strangers. However, there are places where people are more united than in big cities. For example, villagers, as a rule, cannot boast of good earnings, and everyone can only rely on the minimum family budget. But everyone has their own farm, planting beds in early summer, harvesting in the fall. Relations in the villages are built on mutual assistance. Today you help your neighbor with field work, and in winter, if you run out of food, this person will not refuse you. In an urban environment, such an attitude is very rare, everything is measured in money. For any help they are used to charging a fee.

Who are these soulless people?

examples of heartlessness

What is soullessness? What is a man without a soul, without the most important component of his essence? Here is just one example. If a person suddenly falls on the street, then only some will help him, others are easier to pass by.

Why do people go about their business and show soullessness in the 21st century? What should happen to a person so that he does not show sympathy for others? “I have absolutely no time to help my neighbor, I am in a hurry” - this is an excuse for many. But is it so difficult to take a couple of minutes to raise a fallen person or ask if everything is okay for a person who suddenly stops and shows with his whole appearance that he is feeling bad?

Not helping doesn't mean being soulless.

Many talk about soullessness. What is the absence of a soul, in fact, only a few know. Rumor has it that among Russians it is wide, unlimited, and many use it. Many beggars stand on the streets and ask for money. Some came from another city, and they don’t have the money to return, others ask for money for an operation for their child, who may die very soon. It’s strange to see such people in the same place in a few years, if you gave the first one exactly as much as he lacked, and the second claimed that the child had only a few months left to live. Thus, they try to put pressure on pity to make money. The Russian man is generous by nature, and if someone asks him for help, he will certainly respond, but if the request has not been made, then most likely he will pass by. It is not necessary to help those who do not need this, but it is always better to ask whether a person needs your assistance in something or at least sympathy.


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