The crisis of two years in a child - features, signs and recommendations to parents

In the article, we consider a crisis of two years in a child.

The transitional stage of development in children occurs at the age of one and a half to two years. Someone may experience crisis phenomena later. It all depends on the characteristics of the development and upbringing of the little man. Psychologists are sure that age-related crises are necessary, in this way the psyche of the child is improved.

crisis of two years in a child

Crisis or not?

Quite often, children who have reached the age of two have a so-called crisis. During this period, the child’s behavior changes dramatically and strongly, he becomes very moody, begins to arrange tantrums for any, even the slightest, reason, tends to do everything on his own, without the help of adults, and he meets any desire or request extremely negatively and negatively. As a rule, such a period in children lasts up to the age of three years.

What is going on with the baby?

Manifestations of stubbornness and negativity in a child during a crisis are connected with the fact that he begins to realize himself as a separate person, and seeks to express his will in any way accessible to him.

There are certain recommendations for a crisis of two years in children. We will talk about them below.

During the crisis, the baby’s parents face a difficult task: the child needs to be supported, but at the same time, not lose his own authority in the eyes of the child. At this age, it is important to convey to him in which cases he can make independent decisions, and in which - no.

Causes of constant vagaries and failures in a child

So, what is a two-year crisis in a child?

child psychology at 2 years

At about 2-3 years old, most babies begin to perceive themselves as an independent individual and talk about themselves exclusively in the first person. The simplest and most accessible method for a child to demonstrate to others his independence in a given period is self-will and negativity. Refusing to do something and saying to parents such words as “no”, “I don't want”, “I won't”, the child is trying to tell the elders that he has his own opinion, which should be reckoned with.

What you need to know about the child in order to survive the crisis of 2 years? The kid, having learned to give negative answers, a certain period of time can not unlearn it and continues to express his disagreement. He perceives this as a kind of new game with which he is not able to part until the moment he has enough of enough.

The crisis of 2 years in children and the period of denial proceeds differently for everyone.

Patience and patience again

The only way out of this situation for parents and relatives is patience. It is necessary to try to convey to the child what is considered with his opinion. In this case, all the negativity of the baby will gradually dry up and come to naught. Most often, after the completion of the crisis of two years, the child begins a period when he is quietly developing.

The correct perception of children's hysteria

Often the wrong reaction of relatives to hysterical manifestations in a child provokes the emergence of an even greater protest on his part. Hysteria is the main method by which the baby tries to achieve the desired and affect adults. Hysterical seizures can be accompanied by spitting, biting, throwing out various objects and toys, and in some cases choking attacks can occur. If you do not once show firmness, you can make it clear to the child that such behavior on his part is effective. Accordingly, tantrums will begin to arise more often. Subsequently, this may be fraught with the fact that the baby will begin to use parental love and pity for their own purposes, to manipulate adults.

The rules for raising a child of 2 years are important to strictly observe.

how to overcome the crisis of two years

Natural behavior

It must be realized that the excessive stubbornness and violent seizures that accompany the crisis of two years are quite natural. This behavior, to one degree or another, manifests itself in all children of this age. Do not prematurely start to sound the alarm about this. Anxiety should arise only in cases where the child begins to throw up tantrums very often, several times during the day, that is, when hysterical behavior becomes permanent and it is generally impossible to agree with the child.

Methods of dealing with hysterical behavior

The best way to deal with tantrums during a two-year crisis in a child is to prevent them. Moreover, this method is much simpler than trying to stop the tantrum. Parents of a two-year-old baby should pay special attention to the following tips from psychologists and educators:

  1. Consent. In the event that the object or action required by the child is safe for himself, his health and others, then parents can accept the demand of the child.
  2. Switching the attention of the child. An attempt to keep the child busy with something else and distract his attention from what is desired helps to avoid a growing hysteria.
  3. Persuasion. Parents can try to persuade the child, explaining to him the reasons that impede the fulfillment of his requirements.

However, it is hardly worth agreeing with children on everything and indulging them only so that they do not make tantrums and are obedient. In the case when it was not possible to prevent a tantrum, and it has already begun, it is important to give the child time to calm down. At the same time, you need to keep your own calm. The best strategy is to give your child some time to be alone with himself. This approach will allow the baby to show that his hysteria will not be successful and will not lead to the desired result. Having been a little alone, the child will quickly stop screaming and crying, will find a more fascinating lesson for himself, probably, he will make contact with adults on his own.

With a crisis of two years in a child and tantrums what to do? If the hysteria lasts a long time, you can again try to calm the baby, distract his attention, and regret it. It is very important during hysteria to maintain one’s own position, not to yield to the child, not to do as he wants. When making decisions, it is necessary to remain fair, wise and consistent. This will allow the right way to cope with a hysterical seizure and understand the psychology of the child at 2 years old.

crisis 2 years in a child how to survive parents

freedom of choice

A child, like any person, should have the right to make his choice. In the crisis period, in 2-3 years, volitional qualities begin to form in the baby, for the normal formation of which he needs to be aware and understand his independence at the moments when he makes the decision himself. If the child is denied the possibility of choice, it is possible to disrupt the development of a purposeful and self-confident person.

But the complete freedom granted to a two-year-old child is also not the best solution. An ideal option would be to give your baby the freedom of choice through questions with tricks. For example, you can let him choose which platform to go for a walk, which shovel to take with him: small or larger.

What other features of the crisis of two years are there?

Do all children have a crisis?

Almost all kids face a crisis, but it occurs in everyone with varying degrees of severity and intensity, which depend solely on individual characteristics. Often, crisis manifestations in babies are so inconsequential and short-term in nature that their parents simply do not notice them.

The behavior of the child during the crisis period will depend entirely on pride in his achievements, self-will, the formation of an independent personality, and psychological changes. The help of specialists may be required only in the only case - if a child who has reached the age of three years will not have the listed qualities.

So, the child began a crisis of 2 years, what should I do?

crisis of two years in children recommendations

Recommendations for relatives, parents

Parents, relatives of a baby experiencing a crisis of two years, should adhere to the following recommendations of psychologists:

  1. The crisis should not be taken as a negative situation. The crisis is an incredibly important and useful stage in the formation and development of a child from the point of view of psychology, and any manifestation of it at an appropriate age is normal. As a result of their suppression by force, many problems can arise in the future.
  2. It is always necessary to evaluate the actions of the child, and not himself. It is necessary to make clear to the child that parents may be unhappy or may not approve of his actions, but this will not affect their trust and love. Punishment should be based on just such a principle.
  3. It is important not to respond aggressively with one’s part in response to the baby’s aggressive behavior when, for example, it scatters toys, tweaks, bites, screams, and fights. Anger and anger in this case are unlikely to help solve the problem. The child must understand that some things in the world are permanent and unshakable, do not depend on his feelings, for example, this is maternal love. This knowledge will encourage the child in the future to resort less to tantrums and cries in order to defend their own point of view.
  4. An important role in determining the boundaries of the child’s psychological space is played by the prohibitions that he has to face. It is important to remember that any prohibition must be justified, and the justification, as a rule, is associated with the health and safety of the baby. The ideal option is when all the adults with whom the child is in close contact observe these prohibitions, not paying attention to the vagaries.
  5. The consequences of a crisis of two years always directly depend not only on the child, but also on the attitude of the parents to the situation.
    crisis of two years in a child hysteria what to do

What will be useful for the child?

It will be very useful for the development of the child if:

  1. Adults will periodically allow the child to say no.
  2. Adults will exclude scandals and quarrels among themselves in his presence. As a rule, children adopt a model of behavior precisely from their parents.
  3. Parents of the baby will try not to use the particle “not” in their speech, communicating with the child.
  4. Parents will try to keep moderation in the word "no" and prohibitions.

Next, find out how to overcome the crisis of two years?

Game techniques to combat child obstinacy

Some methods will help to cope with the stubbornness of the child:

  1. First of all, you must try to distract the child and turn his attention to something interesting for him. This activity or subject should have a greater informational or emotional burden.
  2. Joint business helps a lot. If the baby refuses to do something, you can offer to do it together. It is necessary to divide everything equally, for example, if mother and child sweep cookies crumbs together, then one of them should sweep the garbage into a pile, and the other should collect it with a dustpan and throw it away, or vice versa.
  3. Game forms of tasks. When a child refuses to dress, one can imagine that the items of clothing are magical and can turn the baby into his beloved fairy-tale hero. When the child refuses to go somewhere, you can turn the road to the goal in search of treasures hidden along the route.
  4. Application for reminding sound effects, notes, circuits, drawings and other visual aids. For example, you can draw a child what item of clothing for which he should wear. You need to place such a scheme in an accessible place for him, so that he can always look at it.
    what you need to know about the child in order to survive the crisis of 2 years


According to psychologists, a crisis of two years, you just need to survive, armed with patience. It should be understood that the desires and needs of the child are very important for him and play a big role in the process of his development. You need to become a worthy example for your child, then the crisis will pass in the shortest possible time.

We told how to survive the crisis of 2 years in a child’s parents.


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