How to make an Instagram post: step-by-step description and recommendations

"Instagram" is one of the most common social networks in the world. That is why many modern users are wondering how to post on Instagram. The page promotion here is considered not only profitable, but also in demand. Productive profile promotion contributes to the influx of a large number of visitors, which in the future will bring considerable income. And the influx begins, as a rule, with interesting content, photos and videos, the quality and quantity of which depends on the likelihood of promoting "Instagram".

The question of how to make an Instagram post from a computer is still relevant, despite the existence of a sufficient number of third-party clients in the computer version that support various functions of this social network. However, working with a personal computer for most users is much more convenient than with mobile devices.

Publish to Instagram via computer

Indeed, publishing through a computer is more than realistic. There are several options for making Instagram posts through a computer:

  • Using online resources
  • using computer clients of the social network "Instagram";
  • using the emulator.

Each of the methods is effective in its own way, however, today many online resources work on a paid basis, which allow you to publish a post on Instagram directly in your browser, or promote the publication by viewing and win likes.

Everything would be fine if not for paid resources. Therefore, they are often used by representatives of large companies involved in the promotion and promotion of their own brands.

There is also a way to post on Instagram using a computer. In this situation, we are talking about various PC clients, some of them provide the ability to add posts, and some only view posts of other users.

And as always, you can use emulators - specially designed applications that allow you to work using mobile programs on your computer.

How to make a link to the publication on Instagram

Make an Instagram post from a computer

To publish a post, you must do the following:

  • While viewing a post in the news feed, you should touch the icon, which is in the form of a paper airplane, which is located under a specific video or photo.
  • At the top there will be the possibility of creating a story with a similar post. It is necessary to touch this inscription.
  • As a result, the selected post can be seen in the history in the form of a sticker. You can choose a background color, size, and also move the sticker as desired, after which the story is ready for publication.

The posts that the user shares in the history display the names of the authors of the posts. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when you touch a photo in history, the user automatically switches to publication. You can only share posts of open accounts, since publishing closed content will not work.

Repost photos on Instagram

How to make instagram posts via computer

You can repost photos by following these guidelines:

  • select the photo that you want to add to the feed;
  • take a screenshot of the screen;
  • crop a photo in a graphics editor if necessary;
  • Add the resulting photo to Instagram.

This method allows you to be content exclusively with the standard functionality of a personal computer or smartphone.

How to repost from Instagram to other social networks

How to make a link to the publication on Instagram

"Instagram" provides users with advanced features and allows you to share content not only within your network, but also beyond. Today, the problem of how to repost an Instagram post has found its solution. It is enough only in the presence of other social networks to connect existing accounts with each other. In the updated versions, the user, by publishing posts, can select the necessary network from the list in which he wants to place a photo or video.

The publication of the photograph in other social networks is possible both at the time of adding, and at any later time. At the same time, both the photograph and its description are duplicated.

Adding Instagram posts from your phone or tablet

Despite its simplicity, the procedure for adding and editing publications requires preparatory steps and knowledge of the interface.

How to repost Instagram posts

If a user has recently created a page on a social network, then before hitting the whole world with the quality of his content, he will need to perform the following actions:

  • after installing the application on the phone on the left side of the screen, click on the icon with three buttons;
  • Scroll to the end of the page in the context menu and click on the “Edit Profile” button;
  • in the center of the page you can see the user's avatar, which should be clicked to go to the settings window;
  • select “New photo”, after which the system will offer a number of options.

The system can offer:

  • upload photos from the gallery by selecting the necessary file and pointing to the checkmark;
  • Import publications from other social networks due to the ability to link accounts.

It should be noted that the date the picture was taken does not matter. You just need to select the appropriate publication and import it on the main page, which can also be commented and evaluated. Apparently, there is nothing complicated in how to make the publication on Instagram from a phone or tablet, if you follow the recommendations listed.

Adding photos to Instagram from your phone from the gallery

You can upload a photo that is located in the memory of your phone or tablet, if it was taken no later than the last 24 hours. The function works rather strangely, however, the social network is not yet able to provide other ways.

How to post on Instagram from your phone

How to make an Instagram post from a phone to a story? You should use the recently introduced Stories feature. The process is as follows:

  • After opening the mobile client, the user enters the publication mode using the swipe to the left. You can also use the active “+” button, which is located on the left side of the screen.
  • A camera appears. Then you need to click on the image of the gallery, located next to the central button of the picture, and select one or more files.
  • A profile should appear in the profile that was downloaded from the phone’s memory.

If at the entrance to the gallery the list is empty, then this means that the user has no photos taken in the last day. It’s not possible to add other photos or videos to Instagram.

Removing Instagram post

How to remove Instagram post

Unfortunately, some of the posts on Instagram may not be as successful as we would like. They not only do not collect likes, but also become the object of the most inappropriate comments. There are many reasons why users often want to get rid of posts that are unpleasant for them. You can remove content from Instagram in the following ways:

  • Permanent removal. You will need to select a photo and click on the options icon on the right. As soon as the pop-up menu appears, you must select the "Delete" option.
  • Safe removal. This method allows you to transfer publications to the archive. As a result, the content will be available only to the owner of the profile on Instagram and hidden from the eyes of unauthorized users. To do this, select the failed image and click on the ellipsis in the drop-down list "Archive".

Publications deleted in a safe way can be viewed, they can be shared with subscribers and friends, and most importantly, they can be restored at any time.


Now, thanks to tips on how to make a publication on Instagram, each user will be able to post interesting and high-quality photographs and video materials in their own profile. There are also integrated promotion services on Instagram, such as Doinsta, Pamagram and Zegram, in case the growth in the number of followers leaves much to be desired or if you need to safely promote your Instagram account in a short time.


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