Cafe "Ugolek", Rostov-on-Don: address, mode of operation, menu, approximate check and reviews

This establishment offers guests to plunge into the atmosphere of cool drinks and delicious food. In the cafe "Ugolek" in Rostov-on-Don, you can have a hearty meal both alone, and with your family or in a fun friendly company. Here you can also order food delivery service to the office or home. According to reviews, the Ugolek cafe in Rostov-on-Don is exactly the place where you can find the most delicious barbecue in the city.


Appetizing kebab is an indispensable attribute of a good mood on a festive, weekend or weekday sunny summer day. Everyone who is looking for a delicious barbecue in Rostov, experts recommend going to an institution located near the zoo. In the cafe "Ugolek" in Rostov-on-Don, according to regulars, meat is cooked in a really high quality.

Cafe on the lake.


The facility is located in the Oktyabrsky district, 270 meters from the Puteprovod. Address of the Ugolek cafe: Rostov-on-Don, Zmievsky passage, 16.

Which hotels are located nearby?

Within a radius of 3-4 meters from the cafe there are several hotels. The distance from the cafe "Ugolek" (Rostov-on-Don) is:

  • to Albergo Luciano Hotel: 1.94 km;
  • to the hotel "Dumas": 2.25 km;
  • to the hotel "Star": 3.46 km;
  • to Ramada Hotel & Suites: 3.47 km.

Nearest restaurants

Near the cafe "Ugolek" in Rostov-on-Don there are several restaurants. If desired, they can "continue the banquet." The distance from the barbecue is:

  • to Coco Pizza: 0.54 km;
  • to the Golden Ear: 1.32 km;
  • to the Golden Ear: 1.61 km.

About nearby attractions

There are interesting places near the kebab house in which its visitors can have fun or take part in an educational excursion. The closest points of interest from here are:

  • to the Rostov Zoo: 1.08 km;
  • to the Zmievskaya Balka memorial: 0.22 km;
  • to the Eternal Flame memorial: 3.21 km;
  • to the bust of Semen Mikhailovich Budyonny: 3.35 km.


Visitors call the "Ugolok" an incredibly beautiful establishment with a cozy summer terrace, a well-groomed courtyard and attractive facades. In the courtyard of the barbecue there is a wonderful broken lake, where you can admire the beautiful snow-white swans. The menu of the Ugolek cafe (Rostov-on-Don) presents a wide assortment of various aromatic, juicy and tasty dishes on the grill: cheese, barbecue, vegetables, kebab, wings, mushrooms and fish. The cafe has high-speed internet (free), guests are given the opportunity to pay by credit card. The delivery service in the cafe "Ugolek" in Rostov-on-Don can be used by those who wish to order meals home or in the office. Messengers will promptly bring an order to anywhere in the city. According to guests, the institution has a very nice and friendly staff. Most customers call the prices quite attractive.

Beautiful swans.


Ugolek has a veranda where visitors can indulge in a great pastime in the fresh air. This place cannot be considered habitual for many barbecue-diner - this place is pleasantly distinguished by its cozy interior and the presence of a real eco-zone for relaxation, where visitors like to walk and where you can take a beautiful selfie in the lap of nature. The decoration of the barbecue, according to visitors, is very beautiful. Going inside, guests see a cozy spacious room, a kitchen on the grill, from the windows you can see a beautiful picturesque natural corner. Visitors can relax while admiring how ducks and graceful swans float on the lake.

The interior of the cafe.

About the menu

The most important thing in any cafe is food. The guests are very enthusiastic about the food prepared at Ugolka: in their opinion, the kitchen is here - you will lick your fingers! Lovers of kebab and kebab are especially delighted - the choice of these dishes prepared by local masters on the barbecue is truly huge. For meat, you can order greens, cheese, salads, vegetables.

One of the most popular meat dishes in the city is barbecue. It is cooked in Ugolka from fresh home-made meat purchased from proven farms. All dishes - and delicious kebab, and kebab, and pork, and duck - you can taste in the cafe, as well as order their home delivery. According to reviews, the diner serves good beer and tea.

Skewers of homemade meat.


According to regulars, the prices in this cafe do not bite at all. In their reviews, guests assure that a delicious dinner at Ugolka is not expensive, but, as a rule, it brings a lot of positive emotions and pleasant taste experiences. The cost of a portion of barbecue is:

  • lamb: 138 rubles .;
  • pork: 140 rubles .;
  • from veal: 87 rubles;
  • from salmon: 250 rubles .;
  • from quail: 120 rubles.
Menu Position

The cost of a serving of other dishes is:

  • chicken wings: 45 rubles .;
  • chicken tobacco: 160 rubles .;
  • baked potatoes: 28 rubles;
  • mushrooms on the grill: 65 rubles.

A portion of kebab is:

  • from veal: 180 rub .;
  • mutton: 180 rubles .;
  • chicken: 150 rub.

A snack in Coal is also quite inexpensive. Serving Price:

  • fresh cucumbers: 30 rubles .;
  • fresh tomatoes: 30 rubles .;
  • fresh bell pepper: 30 rubles .;
  • sauerkraut: 15 rubles .;
  • pickles: 30 rubles;
  • salted tomatoes: 30 rubles .;
  • vegetables baked on a fire (tomatoes, eggplant, pepper): 350 rubles .;
  • cheese: 60 rubles .;
  • white sauce: 50 rubles .;
  • red sauce: 40 rubles .;
  • pita bread: 10 rub .;
  • greens (cilantro, dill, parsley): 50 rubles.

Delivery in a cafe

Delivery of barbecue in this diner (anywhere in the city) can be ordered daily, from 11:00 to 21:00. Delivery of the order from 1000 rub. in the cafe "Ugolek" in Rostov-on-Don (the phone is easy to find on the institution’s website) is free. Orders are accepted within 30 seconds; couriers deliver hot kebab quickly to customers.

Helpful information

The institution with a capacity of up to 60 people works round the clock, seven days a week, delivery service - from 11:00 to 21:00. The cafe has a veranda. Guests are provided with:

  • dishes of Caucasian cuisine;
  • food delivery service;
  • the service "Takeaway";
  • Wi-Fi
  • table reservation;
  • organization of banquets;
  • the amount of the average bill: from 700 rubles.

Rating institution: 3.45 points out of 5.

Guest Impressions: Positive

For many visitors, "Ugolek" is a favorite place in the city: here it is satisfying and tasty, and most importantly, very inexpensive, guests share. The institution is called the best barbecue in Rostov, which very tasty cooks meat dishes: barbecue, kebab, duck, quail and more. Many visitors like mushrooms and vegetables cooked on the grill, which are also called insanely delicious. Visitors thank the owners for closely monitoring the quality of the products. According to many reviewers, “Ugolek” is a pretty cozy place overlooking the lake, where charming swans and ducks swim, here you can perfectly relax in nature, without leaving the city limits. The visitors thank the staff for their professional and high-quality service, and invariably friendly and welcoming attitude to the guests.

Dishes menu.

Negative reviews

Among the general positive in the responses there are notes in which guests share their disappointments and disappointments. So, often the reviewers say that in Ugol they were served barbecue made of stale or low-quality (ie too fat) meat, they were weighed or served not fast enough. They also note the insufficient efficiency of couriers from the delivery service who do not deliver orders on time or deliver cold barbecue to customers.


Nevertheless, regulars traditionally recommend this place to friends for visiting and organizing festive and solemn events here. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to call this place suitable for romantic dates, the guests of Ugolka share. You should not expect any frills from him. But for a fun company with a good appetite, this diner is just that. By the way, it’s allowed to bring alcoholic drinks with you, thanks to which, guests say, you can save a budget.


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