Extra long square: haircut and styling options (photo)

A correctly selected hairstyle is able to hide the imperfections of the face and emphasize its merits. The most popular haircut of recent years can rightfully be considered an extended square or an extended bean. But is it right to call such a bob? What types of haircuts are there? What coloring is worth trying for those who have long been wearing graduated asymmetric caret?

elongated rack with a high crown

Who should do such a haircut

Often, before going to the stylist, many girls look at fashionable haircuts. Elongated caret has long been based on the first lines of various ratings, so itโ€™s rather difficult to leave such a hairstyle unattended. And although it is said everywhere that a caret with lengthening is the most optimal haircut for any type of person, itโ€™s worthwhile to figure out whether such a statement has reason.

Before deciding on a haircut, you should stand in front of a mirror with loose hair and evaluate four indicators as self-critical as possible:

  1. Face shape.
  2. Hair type.
  3. Their density.
  4. Lifestyle.

To summarize, a caret with elongation is a haircut that requires constant care. Therefore, those who do not have time for a hairstyle in the morning should not cut their hair. The exception is girls with thick hair, who can turn to an intelligent master who knows how to graduate. This is a special type of cut of strands that helps maintain the shape it sets.

A narrow face and sparse hair is an inappropriate basis for a square in any form. And if the hair is also thin or split, then achieving the desired effect will not be easy at all. Nevertheless, if you really want to, then you can pick up several options, which will be discussed below.

A wide chin or well-defined cheekbones, an oval face and thick curls are what are considered ideal for an extended bean. Protruding or too big ears are a perfect reason to make yourself such a haircut.

It is curious, but there is a popular belief that for a round face, an elongated square is not suitable. Such a statement is a fatal mistake, because a haircut is very multifaceted and has many interesting options.

square is always in fashion

Determine the shape of the face

To understand what kind of bob cut, you need to evaluate yourself as critically as possible. There are seven types of faces. The classification is based on fruit and geometric shapes - oval, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, square. Fruit is a pear.

There are many tests and ways to determine your face type. If we talk about the selection of the type of haircut, then for a round face an elongated square without bangs would be ideal. This is a great way to visually change its proportions, to make it thinner. It is only important to avoid straight parting or clear horizontal lines.

A thick straight bang and a wide graduation will look great, creating some kind of negligence. These two components are perfect for owners of the oval. It is curious that in this case, nothing is needed for styling, except for styling products and fingers to ruffle the hair.

A square or rectangular face will be rounded off due to elongated front strands. In some cases, it is better to make a long bang. Many girls fit bangs in the form of an arch.

For a pear-shaped face, do not do an extended square with a bang. In this case, clear strands in front and a high neck will look perfect. Everything needs to be done so that the forehead is open, and the whole emphasis is created on the eyes, and not on the cheeks and cheekbones.

With a triangular face, you need to visually reduce the forehead. This result can be achieved by making a neat bang and a sloppy square. You can enhance the effect by choosing an interesting coloration.

In any case, the result will depend on the professionalism of the hairdresser. This idea is especially relevant based on the fact that a hairstyle having the same name can look completely different. What is it about?

Are bob and elongated caret different

Some girls mistakenly believe that the difference between these haircuts is only in the name. In fact, although the hairstyles are somewhat similar, they are very different. Sitting down in the barberโ€™s chair, you should name the haircut that you really want to get, and not the one that is stylishly called. It is believed that it is best to just show a photo of the desired hairstyle. But what is the difference between a bean and a bob? let's figure it out.

Bob is a derivative of men's haircuts. It is often done without a pronounced bangs and with some chaos in the installation. This is categorically the opposite to a hairstyle, in which clear lines and evenly lying curls are important. Moreover, the classic square needs daily styling, which can not be said about the bean.

The second difference between bean and quack is versatility. In the classic square, any modernization of the hairstyle is achieved with different options for bangs, and bob is always a wide selection of curls and hairstyles suitable for the appearance and mood of the girl.

But the most important thing you should pay attention to when trying to find out what is the difference between these hairstyles is the style of their implementation. The classic square is cut, combing all the strands down and cutting them with straight lines. Bob, on the other hand, implies that the curls on the face will be longer than on the back, and the crown will be raised by graduation.

What conclusion should be made, given the above information? Elongated caret is not quite the right definition of the haircut that everyone has in mind. If you want to get elongated strands and a fluffy crown - this is a bean, and if straight lines are expected - this is a classic square. Now we know how to correctly name different hairstyles. Consider the principles of their implementation.

Simple caret with extension

Such a haircut allows you to visually increase the density of hair due to long strands in front and shortened at the back. The back of the head is usually not very open. This hairstyle differs from the classic square only in that it has not straight lines, but a small bevel. Usually the longest part of the hairstyle barely reaches the chin.

In beauty salons, they often offer to make an elongated caret with highlighting. This is an interesting option both for owners of dark hair and for fair-haired girls. For blondes, this makes it possible to interestingly beat the natural tone and increase the density of curls. Those who want to carefully cover the barely appearing gray hair can also consider this option. For such purposes, it is ideal.

elongated shoulder

Long square to the shoulders

This haircut was a real trend in 2017. It is unlikely that the world will love her less in 2018. Her difference with the hairstyle described above is that in this case all the hair lies on the shoulders. The back of the head is usually down, but shorter than the bulk of the hair.

Especially chic option is considered balayazh or ombre on an elongated square to the shoulders. These types of dyeing are created using professional dyes and change the color of only the ends of the hair, almost without getting to the roots.

Styling a long square under the force of anyone who is not indifferent to their hairstyle. It is only necessary to take into account several rules that will be set out at the end of the article.

Extra long square on the leg

This is not a very popular type of haircut. The fact is that leg hairstyles are considered old-fashioned. Nowadays it is better to make a heir tattoo. This is a pattern that is made with a razor or trimmer on the back of the head.

Often a square on the leg is combined with bangs. How advantageous this option will be for you, the stylist will definitely say, but you should not reject such a haircut.

As for the coloring of such a hairstyle, most often stylists recommend touching on exactly the pattern on the back of the head. Change the main color at the moment is not relevant.

Bangs as a way to diversify a haircut

An elongated graduated square with a bang is not uncommon, although it is not considered a classic. But when choosing such a hairstyle, you should trust only a professional, because bangs can both improve the perception of the hairstyle and make your face small and inexpressive.

Such a hairstyle looks quite feminine, and its owner is fashionable and dynamic. Long curls with bangs should not be done to the owners of curly hair.

As for the shape of the bangs, it is better to trust the hairdresser. It is believed that for an oval, circle and square, you can make a slanting bang. It is important that it is elongated.

Coloring can be chosen based on personal preferences - ombre, balayazh, locks or highlighting.

elongated square without bangs


Another interesting option is an extended square. This is perfect for curly hair. This haircut looks airy and light. It greatly increases the visual volume of hair and is easy to style.

If we consider the technique of cutting, then it does not have straight lines. She is sheared in steps, making uneven cuts. Due to the multi-layered hairstyle looks stylish and feminine. By removing all the excess from behind, you can get a truly luxurious volume.

Asymmetric haircuts

Asymmetric elongated caret entered the world of fashion not so long ago, but has already become popular with many girls. Why?

Modern models and bloggers have such a concept - the working side. This is the part of the face that is most successfully obtained in photographs. She is usually shown in the frame, focusing on her all the attention. Although the second part of the face is not much different from the "working" one, it is usually covered. For such situations, the most interesting option is an elongated slanting square.

The best option for asymmetry are considered to be curls on the collarbone. One part is usually not cut, but only made more attractive. The second side is always noticeably shorter. The resulting asymmetry should not look like a bad hairdresser. It should be bright and expressive.

There are two types of asymmetry - angular and drop. The first got its name because of the angle that the master makes on the back of his head. Roughly speaking, the master divides the hair into two parts. He makes one side long, and the other shortened. The place of separation is the point on the back of the head, from which two lilies go to the face, forming an angle.

Drip asymmetry is done without an angle. Such a haircut is performed from the short side, smoothly turning into the long. If you depict a hairstyle schematically, as is done when training hairdressers, it will look like a drop.

But it is not necessary to let the hair go to the collarbone to make yourself an asymmetric elongated caret. Other ways can make one side shorter than the other. Now some are shaving their temple. It looks fashionable and even shocking.

asymmetric elongated rack

Ball with extension

The name of the hairstyle speaks for itself. Such a haircut is not recommended for a thin or square face, because it creates the illusion of relief, highlighting the cheekbones and chin.

In a ball with elongation, curls are permissible. Some desperate girls shave their heads, which gives them an image of mystery and passion.

Rare hair and caret

As soon as the haircut appeared, it was believed that it was not suitable for curly and thin hair. But above we already talked about a haircut for curls. Is it just as easy to choose a hairstyle for those who have not so thick hair?

Those who had long long thin hair made a fatal mistake. The fact is that achieving volume on them is not just difficult, it is almost impossible without daily styling, which also does not always bring results. That is why qualified specialists offer to trim the hair, forming a graduated elongated caret from them. This option will visually brighten up the problem somewhat, make the hair style voluminous, and the image pretty.

There are several options for elongated caret on thin hair:

  • Asymmetry. Complete the haircut with bangs trimmed with the tips of the scissors. You will not be disappointed.
  • Kare on the leg. Open or lift the back of your head as much as possible. Heir tattoo will be the perfect complement to the overall image.
  • Textured caret. The maximum volume should be focused on the top of the head. Beat the haircut with color and styling.

In addition to the style of elongated caret, it is worth considering several rules regarding styling. Do not use a large amount of styling products, as they make hair heavy and reduce volume. Do not pile too often, because it spoils the hair, breaking them. And the last thing - do not dry your hair with exclusively hot air, but sometimes switch it to cold.

elongated caret on rare hair

Bob curly hair

There are some more interesting options for a fashionable elongated caret for naughty hair. To implement these ideas, you do not need to spoil your hair daily with an iron. On curly hair, some types of hairstyles look even better!

Nowadays, you can find many master classes where girls are cut with an extended square below their shoulders, asymmetry, square with a leg and so on. Notice that combines almost all the final results? Winding on a curling iron or with tongs! So why align the curls if they are at the peak of popularity?

Curly-haired girls only need to adapt their hair to go as it should for the chosen hairstyle. To do this, ask your hairdresser to cut your hair so that the curls need minimal styling.

Add a highlight to the hairstyle will help the ombre on an elongated caret. Due to the wave on the strands, the transition from dark to light will be even more smooth and flirty. However, not only ombre can do. With curly hair, do not be afraid of experimenting with color and shapes!


According to surveys, in most cases, people are satisfied with their hair only at the master. And this is not surprising, because the hairdresser has been honing his hair styling skills over the years. But there is no hairdresser at home, therefore, it seems to many girls that it is impossible to independently give the hairstyle a look, as in the picture. To tie hair in a ponytail is not the most reasonable decision.

There are at least five options for laying an elongated square. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. But you can quickly learn to style your hair yourself, if you want.

Easy styling

In many instructions, you can find recommendations that first you need to divide the hair into strands, and then lay an elongated caret. It is difficult both in description and execution.

In fact, everything is much simpler. For everyday styling you will need:

  • Hair dryer.
  • Round brush.
  • Foam or mousse as desired.

After washing the hair and drying it, tilt your head forward and dry the roots. Since the hair will not be directed over the head, but from it, the roots will rise. Thus, root volume can be achieved. You do not need to completely dry your hair.

When the strands remain barely wet, twist them with a round brush and a hairdryer. Everything is ready. With enough hair dryer power you can do it in 5 minutes!

Whip up

It is worth noting immediately that this option is not suitable for those who have made an elongated caret on thin hair or curls. In any other case, the installation takes place in four stages:

  1. Dampen hair from a spray bottle.
  2. Dry all the hair, directing them in one direction, then repeat this action, directing them in the other direction.
  3. Lean forward and comb your hair, then raise your head.
  4. Separate hair with a part and fix with a varnish.

Simple and easy styling ready.

Sloppy waves

The main advantage of all types of elongated caret, as mentioned earlier, is universality. If there is no time for a beautiful and even styling, make sloppy curls.

To get them, you can use any of these options:

  • Curling iron.
  • Ironing.
  • Curlers.
  • Wrap on braids.
  • Hair dryer.

The last item on this list was no coincidence. To make curls a hairdryer, use a thin brush - a round brush. If the length allows, wind a lock of hair and heat it with a hairdryer. Then carefully remove the brush, twisting the strand. In the case when the hair is short, grab the strand so that it clings to the bottom of the comb and heat it with a hairdryer from below. So you get a twisted tip.

As for any other type of wrapping, they are no different from those that do on long hair.


It is not necessary to create a complex hairstyle to look gentle and feminine. You can iron a few individual curled locks and disconnect them. In this case, it is necessary to perform this only on the upper part of the curl.

You can complement the image with accessories or a light pile for volume.

elongated square with a wave

Simpler than steamed turnips

There is another styling option. It is suitable for those who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. Most interestingly, it looks on bright or colored hair.

The essence of laying is based on a basal corrugation. To do this, the hair needs to be dried by bending upside down so that the roots are already raised. No need to keep track of how the tips fit.

Next, starting from the frontal zone, you need to make a basal corrugation. Now apply styling to your fingertips and shape your hairstyle. It should turn out fluffy and disheveled. .


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Short hair is easier to style. They dry faster, without requiring special attention.

Interestingly, an elongated square on dark hair will allow you to beat a balayazh or ombre better than long. And with light shades, you can noticeably refresh your face and lose it for several years.

But the haircut has a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is a regular correction. Kare is not a hairstyle with which you can walk for years after a visit to the hairdresser. It needs to be updated at least once every two to three months. Timing depends on the type of haircut and the type of hair.

On long hair, you can create different hairstyles and weave an abundance of braids. With a rack of such options it becomes much less. But to be realistic, is it often that the owners of long hair do with them something more than a ghoul, tail or braid?

Is it worth doing bangs

As mentioned above, elongated caret is a rather multifaceted hairstyle, which implies the most different and interesting options. That is why it is worth thinking three times about what kind of haircut you want to get in the end. When making a decision, it is worth guided by several aspects.

Firstly, your face shape. It has already been said above that for a round face you need to be careful, and with a pear-shaped one, completely forget about short bangs.

Secondly, think about the thickness of your hair. Perhaps to emphasize it, you should not do bangs. However, in some cases, it will help to hide the ugly edge line of hair growth and make the image more pretty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38929/

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