Sorceress Baba Shura from Abdulino: address when accepts

We live in a time when people trust healers and psychics more than official medicine. All kinds of magicians are very popular now. For example, the healer Baba Shura from Abdulin, which is near Orenburg, is known throughout Russia. But does she really help? There are people who call her a quack. There are two ways to find out the truth. The first is to experience her healing on yourself. The second is to trust the information of "experienced". Focusing on the stories of those who have undergone miraculous treatment, we will try to figure out what kind of phenomenon this is, the healer Baba Shura from Abdulino, and whether it is worth contacting her.

What kind of savior is Abdulinskaya?

Not only downy scarves are famous for the Orenburg region. Abdulino, the woman of Shura, working miracles - this is almost the most striking attraction of the region. This amazing woman has been engaged in healing for a long time. Those who knew about her gift were treated with her 15 years ago. But wide popularity came to her after the release of the documentary project “Village Magic”, where, among other stories about Russian folk healers, there is a story about her.

Baba Shura from Abdulino address when accepts

Everyone can find and watch this video. Now hundreds of people want to know if Baba Shura from Abdulino is alive, the address when the healer accepts. The old Shura is called in Russian, but she is not a Christian, but a Muslim, her real name is different. Abdulino is a city of railroad workers. So, woman Shura worked for almost 43 years on a piece of iron, though not on the tracks, but in a railway restaurant. As a child, she surprised the locals with her amazing abilities, for which she received the nickname "witch". Having married, she left healing practice and returned to her, only becoming a pensioner. She looks 60, although she is already 76 years old. The age is quite old, but Baba Shura is still vigorous and full of strength, only the reception hours have been reduced. She now needs to recover the energy spent on patients.

Treatment and religion

Although Baba Shura from Abdulin is Muslim, she does not refuse help to anyone, no matter what faith a person may be. She believes that God is one for all, only he reads prayers for Muslims in his own language, and for Orthodox in Russian. The Church condemns its activities, saying that a demon should not cast out demons. Drive away some, such as addiction to alcohol or tobacco, in their place will come others - gluttony, fornication, and so on. Baba Shura is not offended by these words, she continues to help people. In the room where she leads the reception, there are many icons, so it’s difficult to name a healer. In addition, she gives a substantial part of the money left by patients for the construction of a mosque. She sincerely believes that she brings good to people, making families strong, wives and children happy, and her patients healthy.

Baba Shura from Abdulin

What diseases heals

Baba Shura from Abdulin specializes mainly in three ailments:

- alcoholism;

- smoking;

- addiction.

In addition, the sorceress helps with infertility, relieves damage, treats children. She also sells charmed honey at a price of one and a half thousand rubles for a 3-liter bottle, ointments for joint pain and creams.

How to get rid of addiction to the "green serpent"

Alcoholism Baba Shura from Abdulino not only treats, but encodes, and in a rather interesting way. It is very similar to hypnosis, which is practiced in many clinics of this profile. However, Baba Shura not only inspires the drunkards that drinking is bad. She also warns that after her magical actions you can’t drink, as you can pay dearly for it. One predicts male impotence, the other terrible disease and death. Sessions are conducted not individually, but in groups, about 20 people at a time. What is curious: she always asks relatives for permission to the rite, and drunkards - for how long to encode them. Only women immediately and without question codes for five years. After a short lecture on the dangers of alcoholism, she begins, as she herself says, to “feed” with holy water, which she draws at night, while reading a prayer. All the way for water and back goes without turning around. At the session, each patient gives a drink of this water in a glass. The whole action lasts about 20 minutes. According to eyewitnesses, after the session, patients brighten their faces, the expression of the eyes changes. And those who immediately after the session reaches for the bottle are in trouble in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Baba Shura from Abdulino reviews

Reviews treated

Some make fun of this treatment, others believe in it. Probably, it’s precisely to these people that Baba Shura from Abdulino helps to cope with the misfortune. The reviews of those who experienced its simple method eloquently confirm this. There are patients and their relatives who are infinitely grateful to the healer. Some have given up drinking to a husband, while others have a son-in-law, a son or a father. Some have not been drinking for more than 12 years, and not only because they are afraid of the sale of terrible prophecies, but because alcohol no longer attracts them. But there are those who lasted only a month or less.

Healer Baba Shura from Abdulino
There are also many patients who hold exactly the period for which Baba Shura coded them, and then either go to Abdulino again or start drinking.

How to fight smoking

Smokers Baba Shura from Abdulin eliminates the craving for cigarettes also in group sessions, letting 20 people into their yard at once. The ritual of treatment is faster and consists in the parting words “do not smoke”, after which a small fraction of charmed tobacco is placed in the patient’s nostrils. Reviews who have undergone such therapy are very different. Some smokers, even those with long experience, quit smoking forever; on others, the method of Baba Shura does not work at all or a short time. It depends on the desire of the patient himself to be healed, as well as on how much he gives in to suggestion. No studies of water and tobacco spoken by Baba Shura were conducted. Who knows, maybe, apart from the psychological aspect, there is something else.

How to save from drug addiction

Healer Baba Shura from Abdulino does not want to advertise her work with drug addicts. The reason here is the most trivial - afraid of the drug mafia. They say that local drug dealers paid a visit to the healer, threatened to punish them for reducing the number of their clients, even took the money from her. Therefore, she does not take a lot of patients with such a problem. The treatment session is longer. It begins again with a lecture on the dangers of drugs. Then comes the intimidation of all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. After this introductory part, addicts go to the house where a woman feeds them with honey, scooping them out of a can. She pounds the negligent patient on the forehead, specifying whether he will continue to prick, smell and if he wants to live. Assistant Baba Shura gives a negligent patient a back massage, and then puts them to bed. Sleep lasts about three hours. Next, the treatment with honey and a spoon is repeated. The sorceress accepts juvenile drug addicts only in the presence of parents.

Address of woman Shura from Abdulino

Opening hours and days

About whether Baba Shura from Abdulino really helps, the reviews are very different. There are completely negative ones. So, the mother of a young man who underwent treatment at a healer accuses her of the death of her son. Despite this, hundreds of sufferers are wondering when Baba Shura accepts. The work schedule, as befits every self-respecting institution, hangs right on the fence of the house of Baba Shura. It says that admission of adult alcoholics and smokers is carried out on Saturdays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Moscow time, from 4 to 11 in the morning. Children are accepted on Fridays at the same hours. Weekends are Monday and Sunday. Pre-recording does not exist, reception is carried out according to a live queue. Nothing is written on the fence about the treatment of drug addiction and other diseases, but (according to eyewitnesses) it is also being carried out.

Orenburg Region Abdulino Baba Shura

How to find a healer

The address of Baba Shura from Abdulino is very simple - Proletarskaya street, 47. It is not a problem to find the house you are looking for, in the city almost every resident knows where the healer lives. Not knowing her mansions is difficult. As the locals say, on Proletarskaya only her house is so rich. Another landmark - in front of her house is a school.

For those who are going to go to the woman Shura from afar: Abdulino is a fairly large city ​​in the Orenburg region. It is located in the Urals on the Tiris River. You can get there by car along the Kazan-Orenburg highway or by train. On w. the city’s station stops trains from St. Petersburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Anapa, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Adler, Makhachkala, Ufa, and Yekaterinburg. Further to Proletarskaya can be reached by taxi. For taxi drivers, this is a kind of business - to carry people to a healer. On the Internet there are also advertisements of private traders about the delivery service to Baba Shura and back by motor vehicles or comfortable minibuses. You can also have a snack near the house - the enterprising neighbors, the healers, immediately put out for sale pies and some other food.

alcoholism Baba Shura from Abdulino

Cost of treatment

Many are interested in how much Baba Shura from Abdulino takes for her services. The reviews of those who visited her in this matter are unanimous - there is no fee. That is, every alcoholic and smoker pays as much as he can. Baba Shura does not touch the money with her hands. The fee is paid to a special iron can in the room where the reception is being held. However, for drug addicts there is still a fee and it is, according to the latest data, 700 rubles. Baba Shura explains this by saying that she has already been tortured by the tax authorities.

Here, perhaps, is all about the famous woman Shur from Abdulino. To go to her or not to go, everyone must decide for himself. We only note that there are a lot of grateful people. But there are opponents of her method too. The most famous opponent is the psychiatrist of the Volkov Abdulinsk regional hospital . But, in fact, those who decide to go to the healer do not lose anything. So you can try. The main thing is not to get on the hook of real charlatans. On the Internet you can stumble upon the phones of secretaries of women Shura, making an appointment. These people offer to make a preliminary payment, allegedly for candles, holy water and other attributes of treatment. This is a real deception. Baba Shura has no secretaries, there is also a record, it’s very difficult to get through to her. And there is no special need. She will surely accept everyone who arrives on the days and hours indicated in her work schedule.


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