How to make soft hair tougher: the use of homemade beauty recipes, the use of professional tools and recommendations of hairdressers

Most owners of hard hair dream of making them softer and more supple so that the hairstyle looks more well-groomed and attractive. Why are some girls with naturally soft hair diligently looking for the answer to the directly opposite question, namely, how to make soft hair tougher? The main reason is the desire to maintain the shape of the hairstyle as long as possible, because a lot of money and time was spent on it.

The benefits of coarse hair

Every woman knows that they are easier to style, which is done in order to add volume to the hair and complement the image for any event. Nature also endowed hard hair with increased strength and less susceptibility to environmental influences.

If soft hair became tougher, their fragility would immediately decrease, and it would be possible to wash your hair less often, since hard hair retains its purity longer and does not have such a fat layer. And of course, the path to creating grotesque high hairstyles is significantly difficult or completely closed for owners of soft curls.

Hair after henna

Ways to increase stiffness

Fortunately, ladies with soft hair should not despair, because there are three ways to solve the problem of how to make soft hair more rigid:

  • Homemade (folk) recipes for the beauty of curls, which appeared due to the experience of many girls.
  • Purchase and use of cosmetology products recommended by professional stylists.
  • Simple and effective advice from certified hairdressers who have been dealing with such issues “in the field” for years.

Experts recommend making a choice mainly in favor of natural (or natural) methods, since they are less harmful in the long run. Too frequent perm, for example, can cause irreparable harm to curls. Hair dye and perm products envelop hair, making it heavier and thicker. Hair that is thin and brittle in structure (which is inherent in many of their soft types) undergoes intense destruction due to these effects.

The girl shows strong hard hair

Gelatin mask for hair stiffness

A popular method for solving the problem of how to make thin hair stiff, to this day remains a folk recipe for a mask for curls from gelatin. To prepare it, pour 250 ml of water in one tablespoon of dry gelatin, and then slowly warm the solution in a water bath. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add the yolk and a small amount of a hair wash. The resulting mixture was thoroughly mixed.

A mask neatly applied to the hair lasts about 40 minutes. Immediately after this, you can begin the process of styling curls, using all the same natural components - rosemary oil and gelatin. Such styling will last much longer than usual.

Hair wash and styling at the hairdresser

Washing your hair with soap for hair stiffness

Any baby soap will do. Of course, it is necessary to exclude the use of all types of shampoos, conditioners and balms, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is enough to master this technique and understand how to make soft hair tougher with just one piece of soap. However, you still need a rinse, the role of which is perfect for infusions of nettle, oak bark, burdock root and many other products based on old folk recipes.

First of all, it is necessary to boil selected and pre-chopped medicinal herbs in a pan for about 20 minutes, and then strain the resulting broth and cool. The strands will become noticeably harder and stronger after about 2-3 months of daily use of this method.

Soap washing

Male way to increase hair stiffness

Sometimes this problem lies on the shoulders of the stronger sex, which also has very soft hair. How to make tougher brutal short hair in this case? Given that not every man likes to spend time visiting professional hairdressers, it is highly advisable to find a simple home way.

This is a simple procedure using Borodino bread and plain water. The crumb of bread should be poured with boiled water and insisted for no more than two hours. The resulting homogeneous mixture should be rubbed with light and neat movements along the entire length of the hair. Next, you need to pull an ordinary household plastic bag over your head and wrap a towel around it. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Frequency of use - once every two days. Only a few procedures will give a noticeable result.

Man strengthens hair

Applying Henna for Hair Stiffness

The strands can become significantly denser using this natural component. The advantage of using henna is the complete absence of negative effects and accessibility, fully answering the question of how to make soft hair tougher at home.

Two tablespoons of henna (preferably without color) mixed with half a teaspoon of mustard, and then pour water. The final mixture is evenly applied along the entire length of the strands and is aged for approximately 30 minutes. After - rinse with water. In addition to giving hair sufficient rigidity, henna also contributes to an increase in hair volume.

It is important to note that girls with blond hair can only use colorless henna, otherwise it is likely to get an orange color. But brunettes can not worry and apply any henna with coloring pigment.

Combing hair with mask

Using Horse Shampoo for Hair Stiffness

In the market of professional products, horse shampoo occupies a special place, which has gained considerable popularity among many women due to its amazing ability to restore and strengthen curls. After several applications, horse shampoo with the help of special additives stimulates hair growth, strengthens the roots and increases the density of hair.

Experts in developing the tool empirically found out the mechanisms of how to make light hair stiffer. The main components that create a similar effect, collagen and silicone, are also present in human shampoos, only the doses in them are not equine.

True, experts warn that you should not use such a shampoo on an ongoing basis. After six months of use, you can get the opposite effect: a luxurious horse mane can easily turn into a thin plucked tail.

Hard long hair

If the eyebrows have become too stiff

A common problem of modern ladies is not only the hair on the head, but also the eyebrows. Sometimes the question arises of how to make eyebrows soft. Rigid hairs puff in all directions and interfere with proper styling. The hairs on the eyebrows are too stiff if they do not grow properly, which can be caused by injuries or too aggressive plucking.

Here, again, folk recipes come to the rescue, which include comprehensive care using the juice of plants, fruits and vegetables, liquid vitamins and vegetable oils. A light relaxing eyelid massage using a toothbrush is also used.

Guaranteed effect will have night compresses. To create a compress, you need to use vitamin A in the form of a couple of drops of retinol in combination with oils of burdock, almond, peach or olives. For a noticeable result, you will have to repeat the procedure for at least a few nights, but the effect will justify all the difficulties - hard eyebrows will become obedient, smooth and soft, and also acquire a natural shine.

Girl’s hard eyebrows

Hairdresser recommendations for increasing hair stiffness

In answer to the question of how to make soft hair tougher, all experts agree on certain recommendations, which include not only the procedures themselves, but also the right living conditions, without which all these measures make no practical sense.

Experts advise, first of all, to try to avoid stressful situations, as this affects the general condition of the body and immunity. The next important factor is proper nutrition and the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C and E in the body.

It is highly recommended that you read the composition of the shampoo used and look for components such as sulfates and parabens in it. Their presence should be minimized, ideally, to find funds without these substances. Nutritious and firming shampoos should, accordingly, help the process of strengthening hair, because weakened and brittle curls in any case will not work to make it hard. After washing the hair with shampoo, it should be washed with sparkling water with dissolved calcium.

In addition, hairdressers are well aware of the issue of using home masks and with two hands for their use. Most of these procedures with masks in the salons themselves simply duplicate folk recipes and are either made in the same way from natural ingredients or extracts of various natural substances are applied.

All these methods to a certain extent will strengthen the hair, make it stronger and increase their stiffness.


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