Blue clay: application in cosmetology and medicine

You can talk endlessly about all the beneficial properties that blue clay has. Its use in various fields of medicine and cosmetology once again proves the uniqueness of this natural material and its capabilities.

blue clay application
Blue clay includes a large number of important trace elements, mineral salts. This phosphate, and nitrogen, and iron, and silica, and calcium, and magnesium, and potassium. Moreover, all of them are contained in precisely those quantities and in the form that is best absorbed by the human body.

Blue clay, the application of which we are now considering, is the basis of many recipes for masks for the body, face and hair. It has a cleansing effect, is able to disinfect the skin, activate the processes of metabolism and blood circulation. Effective against acne, whitens and tones the skin, and also smoothes wrinkles. You can simply dilute the clay with water and apply it to the skin, or add sour cream, cream, rice flour, olive, peach, rose oil or honey to the mask.

Due to its high silicon content, blue clay effectively fights dandruff and improves hair growth.

blue clay method of application

Speaking about the beneficial properties that blue clay possesses, the use of which in various fields took place hundreds of years ago, one cannot but mention that it is considered one of the most effective means for losing weight. Wraps with such clay make it possible not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to cope with cellulite and stretch marks. Clay diluted with water is applied to problem areas, then they are wrapped with polyethylene in 2-3 layers and insulated with comfortable dense clothing. The duration of one procedure is from half an hour to 50 minutes.

In addition, blue clay, the use of which gives good results, is actively used in medicine.

It contains a rare radioactive element - radium, thanks to which its external and internal use helps to fight against benign and malignant tumors. When treating with clay, the body receives radium in a purified natural form and the desired dose.

Even official medicine recognized the beneficial effects of clay in the healing process of subacute and chronic diseases of the spine, joints, muscles, injuries. Blue clay is an effective treatment for female ailments; it is actively used for chronic constipation and inflammation of the gallbladder. In addition, it is effective for vitamin deficiency, allergies, anemia, tonsillitis, atherosclerosis, insomnia, diseases of the digestive system, respiration, brain, eye diseases, asthma and almost any other ailments.

method of applying blue clay
In addition to external ones (clay baths, body wraps, lotions), there is another way of using blue clay - internal. For example, adults are advised to take blue clay 2-3 times a day, twenty to thirty grams per sitting, for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases (poisoning, colitis, enteritis). You can make clay water. To do this, well-dried clay must be crushed into powder and diluted with water (1-3 teaspoons of powder in a glass of water). The same powder can be used to prepare masks and baths, a component of which is blue clay. The method of application does not matter - in any case, you will feel the miraculous effect that this unique substance has. You can combine different uses with each other - even in large quantities, blue clay does no harm, maximum - may cause slight discomfort.


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