Herbal collection for the liver: types, composition, how to take

The liver is daily attacked by a mass of toxic substances. Therefore, organ tissues need high-quality cleaning. Fees for the liver based on medicinal herbs can help in this. We are talking about the use of all kinds of teas, infusions and decoctions. Ready-made ingredients for such formulations can easily be found in the nearest pharmacy. Which herbs should be used for the liver? About the composition, methods of preparation and features of the reception of funds of this kind will be discussed in our publication.

Corn stigmas - medicinal properties and contraindications

corn stigmas medicinal properties and contraindications

Numerous clinical trials have proven the benefits of using corn stigma remedies for liver repair. The product has the following healing properties:

  • reduces the concentration of bilirubin in the blood;
  • liquefies bile, ensuring its quality discharge;
  • acts as an effective diuretic;
  • helps break down small mineral deposits in the structure of the bile ducts.

How to use corn stigma liver collection? A simple solution is the preparation of a healing infusion, which helps to avoid stagnant processes in the structure of the organ. Take a glass of boiled water. A tablespoon of corn stigmas is poured with liquid. The container is tightly covered with a lid. The tool is allowed to infuse for an hour. Then the medicine is qualitatively filtered and consumed in a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The course of taking the infusion is at least 2 weeks. The tool allows you to activate the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and start the processes of restoration of liver tissue.

Helping in the treatment of cholecystitis and hepatitis (along with medications) may be a decoction of corn stigmas. Prepare it in a water bath. In an enameled mug stack 2 tablespoons of raw materials. Stigmas are poured with warm water in an amount of a little more than a glass. The mug is placed in a pan filled with water and heated to moderate heat. The tool is languishing for 15-20 minutes. Then the medicine is removed from the bath and allowed to cool to room temperature. The composition is filtered and drunk in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day shortly before meals. After a week and a half course of taking a break for a month.

So we examined the healing properties of corn stigmas. Contraindications also act as an important point in the restoration of the liver in this way. The product should not be used by persons who are prone to the development of allergic reactions. Forbidden infusions and decoctions based on corn stigmas for women in the process of bearing a child. Doctors advise caution in approaching such therapy to people who suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Oat-based products

herbs for liver treatment

Highly effective liver collection for liver cleansing can be prepared using oats. The use of medicinal products from this cereal contributes to a speedy reduction in the concentration of harmful substances in the structure of organ tissues. Substances in the composition of the product not only neutralize toxins, but also saturate the liver cells with a number of useful enzymes.

A good solution is to eat oatmeal jelly. Grain grains are boiled. The fluid is decanted and again placed on fire. Heating over low heat is continued until the contents of the container become thick. To make barley kissel more palatable, you can add a little butter or natural honey here. In order to cleanse the liver, the drug is used several times a day for 2-3 weeks.

A good option for cleaning the body is the use of oat broth. Initially, water is boiled in a volume of about 1.5 liters. 150 grams of oat grains are added to this. The composition is boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The product is removed from the stove and insisted for 3 hours. The fluid is decanted and absorbed before each meal. The course lasts 2 weeks, after which they take a short break and again resort to the use of a decoction.

Monastery gathering

monastery fee for the liver

A good cleanser, which helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, is the monastery collection for the liver. A healing composition is prepared according to such a scheme. Take 10 grams of birch buds, pharmacy chamomile, linden inflorescences, buckthorn bark, motherwort and thyme. Add about 15 grams of bitter wormwood, as well as 20 grams of immortelle and 35 grams of sage. The ingredients are combined and ground to a homogeneous consistency in the mortar.

A tablespoon of ground herbs is brewed with slightly cooled boiled water in a volume of 500 milliliters. Collection for the liver insist for half an hour. This time is enough to concentrate the abundance of beneficial substances from medicinal plants in water.

Brewed herbs for the liver are sent to the refrigerator, where they are stored for several days. Before taking the composition is not heated on the stove. Only a small amount of boiling water is added to this. Drink a glass three times a day. Liver treatment is continued for two weeks.

People who previously suffered from serious diseases of the body are advised to use the composition as a preventative measure. It is about taking a small amount of medicinal collection for the liver once a day in courses of 1-2 months.


burdock for the liver

Useful for liver and burdock. He has proven effective as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of various forms of hepatitis. Using the product allows you to cleanse the blood of toxins, remove excess fluid from the tissues of the body, activate the passage of bile, eliminate inflammatory processes.

In order to obtain medicine, fresh leaves of the plant are taken. The raw materials are qualitatively washed under running water, and then twisted through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is carefully squeezed. Bitter herb juice is consumed in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is continued for a week. Then take a break for a similar period of time. Further therapy is resumed. This principle is followed throughout the season, while there is access to fresh leaves of burdock.


elecampane for the liver

In case of toxic poisoning of the body, it is recommended to take elecampane - this is a good help for the liver. The roots of the plant contain an abundance of vitamin E, essential oils, vegetable resins. These substances have a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, general strengthening effect.

The root of the herb intended for the treatment of the liver is carefully ground. About two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is simmered over low heat for half an hour. The composition is cooled to room temperature. Liquid is consumed 2-3 times a day before meals.

The roots of the plant can be used to create a kind of pills. The product is ground into flour using a coffee grinder. The resulting mass is combined with candied honey, and then roll up small round pieces. Products are stored in a refrigerator. Use such pills for the treatment of the liver, 2-3 pieces at a time before each meal.


You can use knotweed for the liver. It is valuable for its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hemostatic qualities. The use of infusion based on medicinal herbs provides the breakdown and excretion of mineral deposits from the body. The tool helps to cleanse the tissues of the body from accumulations of toxic substances.

It is not difficult to prepare a medicine for treating the liver from knotweed grass. Take a few tablespoons of dry raw materials and pour a glass of boiled water in an enameled saucepan. The composition is heated over low heat for 20 minutes. The product is removed from the stove and insisted for an hour. An additional 200 milliliters of boiling water is added to the expressed liquid. The infusion is stored in a cool place. Take the medicine for 2 tablespoons shortly before meals.


chamomile for liver treatment

The plant is part of the most numerous pharmaceuticals, as it acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory and absorbent product. The herb contains many biologically active substances that contribute to the elimination of toxins from the liver. The use of chamomile-based products restores the healthy functioning of the gallbladder.

Chamomile for liver treatment is used as follows:

  • The plant is combined in equal proportions with the dry collection of calendula, St. John's wort and chicory.
  • A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 7-10 minutes.
  • In order to restore normal liver function, the drug is consumed at 250 milliliters on an empty stomach.
  • The remaining amount of liquid is drunk 3-4 times after each meal.

There is another remedy that will help to overcome the unpleasant consequences of the development of cirrhosis. Chamomile is combined with chicory root, horsetail grass, St. John's wort and yarrow. About 2-3 teaspoons of the collection is poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The drug is insisted for half an hour. Then the liquid is carefully filtered through cheesecloth. With cirrhosis, the medicine is absorbed in a glass in the morning and evening.

Calendula and immortelle

The calendula and immortelle bring invaluable benefits to the liver. The use of herbal decoction helps to eliminate the discomfort of pancreatitis. The substances in the plants relieve tissue inflammation, activate the secretion of the bile ducts.

In the case of pancreatitis, such a drug is prepared. Combine one tablespoon of dried collection of calendula and immortelle. Ingredients pour a glass of boiling water. The medicine is insisted all night, after wrapping the container with a cloth. The liquid is filtered and taken orally by a third of a glass shortly before meals. Therapy is continued daily for two months. In order to achieve high efficiency in the treatment of pancreatitis with the help of the product, they stop consuming sugar, replacing the product with natural honey.

Dogrose and nettle

collecting herbs for the liver

A proven folk remedy that stops the development of cirrhosis of the liver is an extract of rose hips and nettles. Prepare the drug according to this recipe:

  • About 20 grams of carefully chopped rose hips are combined with 10 grams of nettle leaves.
  • The mixture is poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water.
  • The tool is insisted for 15 minutes.
  • The medicine is filtered through cheesecloth.
  • The liquid is absorbed in 3 divided doses throughout the day.

The medicine qualitatively saturates the liver tissue with useful substances, normalizes metabolic processes, removes excess fluid from the body, and also improves digestion in general.

Peppermint, Yarrow, Helichrysum and Wormwood

The collection of herbs presented makes it possible to relieve hepatic pain and colic. To prepare the medicine, take two parts of yarrow and peppermint. The ingredients are combined with one part of bitter wormwood and three parts of immortelle. Herbal harvest is crushed. Use about 15 grams of the resulting mixture, which is poured with hot water in an amount of 0.5 liters. The tool is insisted for 6-8 hours under the lid, wrapping the container with a cloth. Take the medicine for 2-3 sips several times throughout the day. In general, no more than 100 milliliters of the drug should be drunk per day, which will remove the feeling of discomfort in the liver.


medicinal herbs for the liver

The plant is rich in biologically active substances that provide the dissolution of mineral deposits in the ducts of the gallbladder. In order to obtain a healing product, use a large spoonful of dry, pre-ground grass. The ingredient is poured with boiled water in the volume of one and a half glasses. The composition is kept in an enameled container under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Then the liquid is expressed through gauze, folded in several layers. Absorb the infusion shortly before breakfast on an empty stomach. The procedure is performed daily for three months.

Already at the end of the first weeks from the start of therapy, the pain syndrome will noticeably decrease. After about a month, an abundance of sand excreted from the body will begin to be observed in the urine.

Dill, mint, wormwood and immortelle

The collection of medicinal plants is advisable to apply in case of impaired liver function, the occurrence of severe discomfort. Nearly 10 grams of dill seeds are combined with a similar amount of dried peppermint, as well as 50 grams of bitter wormwood and 15 grams of Helichrysum. Grass rubbing quality. A few tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water in a volume of about half a liter. The tool is insisted for 6 hours under the lid. The resulting norm of the drug is drunk throughout the day a couple of sips at a time.

Milk thistle and peppermint

A universal recipe for cleansing the liver and eliminating pain is an infusion of dry collection of milk thistle and mint. It is advisable to adopt the recipe for anyone who regularly suffers from malfunctions in the functioning of the body. After all, these ingredients are affordable, and the preparation of the medicine does not take much time.

To prepare a healing composition, take a few tablespoons of milk thistle. The grass is combined with peppermint in the amount of one dessert spoon. Ingredients are poured with boiled water in a volume of 400 milliliters. The medicine is insisted for an hour. The entire amount of the drug is gradually drunk throughout the day. Therapy is carried out for about three days in a row. Then they take a break for a couple of days. In case of return of pain in the liver, the treatment is repeated.


An excellent solution for cleaning the liver from an excess of toxins is the use of celandine-based infusion. Biologically active components in the plant structure produce a pronounced analgesic effect, activate the outflow of bile.

A healing composition is prepared according to a rather simple recipe. To get a healing product, take about 2 tablespoons of dried plant harvest. The grass is qualitatively chopped and poured with boiling water in the amount of half a liter. The vessel is covered with a lid and the liquid is left to infuse for 3-4 hours. The finished medicine is absorbed daily on an empty stomach. At a time, drink about a glass of infusion. Take the drug is stopped after the disappearance of severe pain in the liver.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38941/

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