How to convince a person to accept your point of view?

All people are different, and everyone has the right to their point of view - this is how almost the philosophical wisdom, known for centuries, says. Say, you need to accept the human right to be yourself and think in your own way. However, reconciling with this fact is extremely difficult. It’s one thing when the question is about neutral enough questions like “what kind of music do you like” or “which is better: comedies or action films” But the situation changes dramatically if the opinion of your opponent affects the adoption of a joint decision. For example, in the case of contracts. And just in cases where it is fundamentally important to convince a person that you, and not he, are right!

In order to convince a person of his innocence, it is enough to know some psychological techniques that make it possible to place an interlocutor with you.

1. Be sincere. Even if everything is in full swing inside you, you need to maintain calm and self-control, otherwise the methods of persuasion will not work. Smile broadly and nonchalantly, you don’t need to crawl under your skin, loosen your grip. Do not pretend that the result of the negotiations is completely indifferent to you - after all, this is not so. Just be open and conversational.

2. Before convincing a person that your proposal or point of view is extremely correct, clearly believe it yourself. This is so, and it cannot be otherwise.

3. Make it clear to the person that you respect him and his point of view. Alternate your beliefs with neutral remarks. Insist, but with a smile. And agree with him. Take it for granted: your interlocutor (most likely) is not a stupid person. His point of view is also worthy of respect! The question, by and large, is not how to convince a person, but how to make him want to accept your point of view.

4. Impose your pace to the interlocutor. However, doing this abruptly and roughly is not worth it. You need to be on the same wavelength. But how! It is important that your pace and timbre of the voice is picked up by the interlocutor, and not vice versa. To do this, after the phrase he said, speak exactly the same pace as he (slowly or quickly), and at the end of the phrase, be sure to increase or slow down the pace. Thus, you not only create conditions convenient for you to negotiate, but also subconsciously make it clear to your opponent that he plays according to your rules.

5. Speak the same language. Before convincing a person to buy something from you or accept your conditions, stand in his place: would you take something that is so diligently “stewed”? Unlikely. However, talk about the benefits that are interesting to the interlocutor. And it doesn’t matter whether you are selling something or just convincing a friend that your ideas are right, make it clear that you hear, listen and, generally speaking, mean the same thing! So you "turn around" to the interlocutor and he willy-nilly has to abandon the defensive position.

6. Do not get bored. Whatever the argument: an attempt to sign a business contract on terms favorable to you or to convince a friend that your favorite movie is better than him - there is no point in throwing some facts. If the person in front of you is erudite and gambling, he may well throw you with facts that speak of the opposite. So you can prove something for a very long time and not prove anything in the end. Agree with him, balance.

7. Provide your arguments in the form of questions. This is paradoxical, but it works. Suppose you are arguing with a friend about whether the role of a certain actor in this film is the peak of his career. Are you sure that yes is. Ask the question: "Can you name the films released during the year where he played better?" And a friend will think a little ... Protection is partially broken.

6. Overcoming resistance. If you successfully managed to overcome the previous stages, you will notice that the person "thawed" and became more complacent and disposed towards you. In other words, some of the barriers to his resistance have been overcome. How to convince a person of your innocence completely? Build questions in such a way that the interlocutor answered "yes." Ask emotional questions, provide a comfortable environment.

The veil over the mystery of how to convince people is now somewhat elevated.


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