Job description mechanic for motor vehicles. Job description of the chief mechanic of vehicles

Recently, the profession of a mechanic in automotive transport has become very popular. And this is not surprising: experts who are competent in cars are needed everywhere. All about the profession of a mechanic in motor transport will be described below.

Who is a motor mechanic?

In many cities, there are so-called fleets. They are intended for parking of fixed-route vehicles, for trucks or for ordinary cars. Of course, such parking is necessary for someone to service. A person who is able to provide quality service to a car and carry out repair work is called a mechanic for vehicles (less commonly, a mechanic in a convoy).

Such an employee has rather high requirements. For example, the job description of a motor mechanic prescribes that the specialist in question is required to have a higher technical education, some work experience and, of course, a lot of knowledge. In addition, a professional worker must also have certain character traits. This includes, for example, responsiveness, stress tolerance, good memory, the ability to work in a team and much more. Possesses a mechanic for vehicles and a number of responsibilities. They are also regulated by the job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles.

Responsibilities of a mechanic in motor vehicles

What responsibilities does the representative of the profession in question have? It is worth giving some basic functions of a specialist.

job description mechanic for motor vehicles

For example, an employee should:

  • organize scheduled and timely repairs of existing vehicles;
  • periodically draw up plans related to the maintenance of vehicles;
  • control the schedule of repairs;
  • make applications for any specific technical elements;
  • to develop measures for the economical use of technical equipment;
  • instruct novice workers

...and much more. In fact, the employee has many functions. The job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles prescribes a really large number of duties, and it will only be possible to consider them all with great difficulty. Above, however, the most basic functions of the employee were named.

What is a road transport mechanic at school?

A mechanic for vehicles is not present in every educational institution, especially in the CIS countries.

job description of the chief mechanic of vehicles

What can not be said, for example, about European states or the United States. There, the employee in question is a really important person who monitors the school transport fleet. And yet in Russia there is a job description of a mechanic for vehicles at school, and therefore, there are also specialists. It is worth bringing the main functions of such an employee. So, the employee is obliged to perform all the same duties as an ordinary specialist. However, in addition to this, he must:

  • be able to provide first aid;
  • be able to carry out evacuation;
  • know safety precautions;
  • participate in the modernization of vehicles, etc.

It is also worth noting that the specialist in question is appointed directly by the director (or dean) of the educational institution - this is also prescribed by the job description of the mechanic for motor vehicles.

Responsibilities of the chief mechanic for vehicles

The chief mechanic, of course, has a wider range of responsibilities than an ordinary specialist - that's why he is the main one.

job description mechanic for automobiles sample

What features does this face have? The chief mechanic must:

  • to control the entire process of high-quality and uninterrupted operation of transport;
  • control the process of repair work in a convoy or fleet;
  • competently organize planning, set goals, outline any work tasks, etc .;
  • monitor the financial part of the enterprise and request funding from management;
  • organize all the necessary work equipment;
  • make timely checks;
  • and generally manage the activities of specialists.

All of the above and other functions and responsibilities are prescribed, of course, by the job description of the chief mechanic of vehicles.

Rights of a mechanic in motor vehicles

Each employee under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is endowed with certain rights, and also bears a certain responsibility. The expert in question is no exception. The rights and responsibilities of the employee are prescribed by the job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles. LLC, OJSC or ZAO - any type of organization is obliged to provide its specialist with working rights.

job description mechanic for motor vehicles at school

Among them, for example:

  • The right of the employee to request the necessary documents and regulations.
  • The right to submit to the management for consideration any ideas, suggestions or plans to improve the organization.
  • The right to demand protection and social guarantees.
  • The right to work clothing and footwear.
  • The right to upgrade your qualifications
  • And much more.

Responsibility of a motor mechanic

As mentioned above, the employee in question bears certain responsibility for his work functions. What does the job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles (Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, or Ukraine) say about this? The employee must be responsible:

  • for complete failure to perform or improper performance of their duties;
  • for causing any material damage to the organization;
  • for committing an offense at the workplace;
  • for violation of labor discipline or safety precautions;
  • for systematic absenteeism or being late;
  • for providing incorrect information to superiors or other enterprises;
  • for the disclosure of work secrets;
  • for failure to comply with orders of the authorities, etc.

Actions of the employee according to labor protection before the shift

The duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee are prescribed by the job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles. On fire safety and work discipline, there is another document. It is referred to as "labor protection". All the necessary safety rules for workers are spelled out there.

job description mechanic for motor transport rk

In particular, the actions of a specialist before the start of a shift there are as follows:

  • It is necessary to check the availability of overalls and safety shoes, to track the presence of malfunctions in personal protective equipment (and only if these tools are fully functional can they be used for their intended purpose).
  • It is necessary to request a task from the head of the organization or from the chief mechanic.
  • It is necessary to prepare all the means necessary for the work, namely tools, electrical appliances, tools, etc.
  • It is necessary to check the integrity of the existing tools; Check for equipment grounding.
  • It is necessary to check the optimal level of illumination necessary for efficient operation.

Only after all of the above factors are met, the employee will be able to start work.

About safety during work

The employee must observe safety precautions during work. This is prescribed by the job description of a mechanic in motor vehicles. A sample of such a document is presented below.

job description mechanic for motor vehicles llc

Prescribes this and labor protection. The latter document, in particular, reads as follows:

  • The employee is obliged to work with the available transport carefully and even carefully; must know the technical characteristics of the machines and work in accordance with them.
  • The employee must be clean.
  • The employee is obliged to constantly monitor the presence of warning and prohibitory labels.
  • The employee is forbidden to carry out any experimental actions with existing equipment without permission of the management.
  • The employee must monitor the various parts and elements and prevent their loss.

Of course, a labor protection document prescribes a much larger number of requirements for an employee. All of them can be found in the appropriate samples or requested from the authorities (in case of work in the fleet).

Employee actions according to labor protection after a shift

No less important are the actions of the employee at the end of the work shift. After all, you can easily not keep track of some technical trifle, which in the future can turn into a huge problem.

job description mechanic for motor vehicles for fire safety

The document on labor protection prescribes the following in this regard:

  • The employee must clean the workplace.
  • The employee must de-energize all available power tools.
  • The tools must be hidden in a safe place to store.
  • Management must report any problems identified during the work process.

Only observing all these requirements, it is possible to exclude the occurrence of emergency situations in the fleet.


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