How to pump up at home. Exercising individual muscles

Many of the men are not satisfied with their figure and physical form, often there is a desire to build muscle. The easiest way to do this is to go to a fitness center and contact a trainer who will help you achieve your desired results. However, this requires certain material and temporary resources. Therefore, many are wondering - how to pump up at home or even how to pump up at home for a month. We will not give groundless hope and answer that pumping up in a month is almost impossible, although positive changes will be noticeable.

So, you have such a desire, how to pump up at home. Just say that one desire is not enough. Most of the attempts made end after a few days of classes, as there are some urgent matters, you are distracted, and so on. Get ready for the fact that you have to work hard and hard on yourself to get at least some effect. If you overcome laziness and other biased reasons and begin to perform exercises, then the result will certainly be, and the question - how to pump up at home will no longer worry you. The maximum training time will be 1.5 hours. More or less is not needed.

How to pump up at home. The main set of exercises.

The main principle of training is the principle of weight gain. The longer you exercise, the more weight you work out should increase. For this, a backpack with various weights may fit. Exercises will be performed on the floor and on the horizontal bar.

Perform a five-minute warm-up before training. Muscles should be warmed up before exercise. After completing a simple set of techniques, grab the horizontal bar of the horizontal bar with your palms facing you, your hands at the same width as your shoulders, and begin to lift uniformly without jerking. Breathe your nose, exhale while lifting, while lowering, inhale. The main thing here is the uniformity of the exercise. Think in advance about how you can distribute forces on all approaches. After making an odd number of pull-ups, we change the position of the hands and grab the bar from above. We also repeat the odd number of pull-ups evenly and at the same speed. Exercise should be matched with proper breathing.

The next exercise is push-ups from the floor. We take the same backpack and do the push-ups an odd number of times. The breathing system is the same as when exercising on the bar. You can start with five push-ups for the approach, between which rest lying on your stomach. Put your hands under your head.

To pump your back muscles, find good leg support and lie on your stomach. You can put a backpack on your back. Then do not quickly bend, lifting the upper body so that you can grab your hands on the socks of the legs bent at the knees.

To pump up the abdominal muscles at home, you need to lie on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle and make uniform body lifts, then lean back. The next time you lift, tilt the case to the left, then to the right, then straight again, and so on. Do not be zealous, otherwise the next day you can really regret it, but we do not need it.

The next exercise is squats. To increase their effectiveness, take some weight and start doing the exercise, holding it on outstretched arms in front of you. The legs are shoulder-width apart. Squat slowly and slowly. 13 - 15 squats in one approach - this is quite enough.

After the completed set of exercises, take a good breath, you can lie down, but by no means sleep. You can take a leisurely walk or eat a little. Everyone needs to know that it is necessary to consume more food containing protein. To increase muscle mass, cereals are very useful. They will also help restore strength. Also, do not forget that muscles should recover after training.

The daily hardworking implementation of a set of simple exercises will bear fruit in solving the difficult task - how to build up at home.


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