Machine-tractor fleet: organization, use, management, maintenance

The organization of the machine and tractor fleet is a very complex process, which is associated with a certain degree of risk. However, an entrepreneurial businessman sees before himself not production problems, but excitement, which can also bring good profits. Of course, when implementing such a business, a huge number of different nuances should be taken into account, which we will be happy to tell about in our article. Also here you will learn a lot about how to manage the machinery park.

Business relevance and a bit of history

For the proper operation of the machine and tractor fleet, it is first necessary to determine the relevance of this type of business. In recent years, the agricultural sector has received serious investment from the state, which means that farmers will need the services of tractor drivers and combine harvesters to cultivate land, as well as harvest. To cope with large volumes of work without equipment will be almost impossible, so opening a mechanical park is a pretty good idea.

The latest tractor.

It is difficult to admit, but in the 90s the country underwent not the most favorable changes - it was literally dismantled and robbed in pieces. This primarily affected agriculture. Most mechanical parks were empty at the beginning of the new millennium, although in the USSR they were packed full of various equipment. The situation began to change after 2012, when the government thoroughly took up the revival of agriculture. Therefore, you can rest assured that by implementing such a business in your locality, you not only help restore the country to its former greatness, but also invest your money in a profitable enterprise.

Why make a business plan?

Business plan on paper.

Before you start operating the machine and tractor fleet, it is necessary to build it first. And before you start construction, it is recommended to draw up a competent business plan that will take into account all aspects of your business. Why do you need to do this? First, to determine the approximate profitability of the enterprise, as well as the payback period. Secondly, if a business plan with clearly defined goals and objectives is constantly in front of the entrepreneur, this will motivate the owner to develop even in the most difficult moments. And thirdly, such a document will attract the attention of investors, without whose money you are unlikely to be able to organize large-scale production. So, a business plan should be drawn up without fail, because the revenue from the enterprise directly depends on this.

Market analysis

The work of the machine and tractor fleet is inextricably linked with agriculture, so it is recommended to organize a business of this kind in the countryside, where your services will be most in demand. However, not in all settlements the construction of a mechanical park will be equally effective. For example, if in a village there is already a similar enterprise with a fairly good assortment of cars, then it is better to refrain from building in this area. However, there are a huge number of regions where it will be very appropriate to implement the idea. It is also worth considering the recent government action in the agricultural field. For example, more recently, land has been distributed to residents of the Far East, and on a rather large scale, which means that very soon farmers will need agricultural equipment that you provide them with.

Site selection for construction

Maintenance of the machine and tractor fleet is almost impossible without a large scale, since the equipment needs a huge amount of free space for storage and unimpeded movement around the territory. This statement is especially relevant if you plan to open a mechanical park with modern equipment, for example, John Deere tractors. This technique has quite large dimensions even without an attached plow or discs.

Land for construction.

Also, do not forget that in the park you will have to implement several different buildings:

  • awnings for agricultural machinery;
  • garages for cars;
  • repair box;
  • gatehouses, etc.

All this should be considered when choosing a site for purchase. However, the most important thing is a convenient access. Ideally, the mechanical park should be located near the fields, so that the equipment does not have to get to the place of work for a long time.

What cars should be stored in garages?

Of course, it would be extremely unprofitable to build garages for all agricultural machinery, but it is recommended that some tractors and cars be stored in garages, especially in the winter season. As a rule, we are talking about complex agricultural machinery (forage harvesters and combine harvesters), as well as vehicles that are highly not recommended to be stored in cold weather in winter (security cars or administration). All agricultural implements can be stored in an open area, and tractors and trucks - under special canopies. Also, one should not forget about a separate room, which will act as a warehouse, since various metal parts are best stored in a place where they will be well protected from corrosion.

Machine Maintenance

Tractor in the service station.

According to the law, the technical maintenance of the machine-tractor fleet should be carried out at special stations, however, some organizations also provide services for the departure of a mobile TVET to mechanical parks. If you want a scheduled technical inspection to take place on your territory, then for this you will have to additionally equip a special box in which the machine operators can place their equipment to perform simple operations. You can also purchase all the equipment yourself to pay only for the call of the master, but for a small park such actions are unlikely to be profitable.

The composition of the mechanical park

Management of the machine and tractor fleet implies the purchase of all necessary equipment, as well as equipment that is useful for the implementation of the business. For starters, you can purchase only a few tractors and combines, and then gradually begin to expand volumes. In the table below you will find the approximate number and name of machine brands that are useful for business.

Type of agricultural machineryStampsnumberYear of issue

Also, one should not forget about other equipment: seeders, potato planters, mowing machines, irrigation machines and so on. The purchase of such equipment will cost a tidy amount, so it is so important to draw up a competent business plan and attract investors.


Experienced tractor driver.

To manage the work of the machine and tractor fleet, it will be necessary to recruit a sufficiently large staff. Itโ€™s best, of course, to accept only qualified specialists who have several years of work behind their backs, but the services of such personnel can be quite expensive, so for a novice entrepreneur, hiring two or three newcomers for one master who will train their all wisdom. The staff of a mechanical fleet usually consists of several tractor drivers, combine harvesters, grain truck drivers, mechanics, security guards, a watchman, an accountant and an administrator, the role of which can be played by the entrepreneur himself.

Employee salaries

Not a single employee at any enterprise will work for no reason. All people need to feed their family for something, and if you do not pay your tractor drivers and mechanics a sufficiently high salary, they simply will not work for you. As a rule, the average salary of a tractor driver in a village is 25 thousand rubles, but if you want to attract really professionals, this amount should be increased to 35 or even 40 thousand.

As mentioned earlier, the best option is to hire one professional tractor driver, who will be subordinate to several students who have recently graduated from vocational schools. Such actions will allow you to establish the process of training qualified personnel in your enterprise, as well as save a significant amount of money on staff salaries. The same goes for combine operators, truck drivers and mechanics. But itโ€™s best to appoint a truly experienced and responsible contractor to the position of accountant, who will know all his duties and not make mistakes in the calculations.

Repair of broken tractors

Repair of tractors in boxing.

Repair of the machine and tractor fleet is a topic that requires special attention, since in addition to the salary, mechanics will also have to constantly purchase expensive parts for engines. Of course, it is best to do this directly from manufacturers of agricultural machinery and always have in stock a few parts that are most often to be replaced. However, if you manage to hire several professionals in their field, they can easily repair even the most hopeless equipment that needs to be recycled. If you have several such employees in mind, then saving on their wages is not worth it, since you will be able to extract much greater benefits if you do not buy a new part with a slight breakdown.

What services does the ICC provide?

The use of a machine and tractor fleet is most often resorted to by individual entrepreneurs and farmers who have at their disposal quite large volumes of land. The range of services offered can be very diverse: cultivating the soil, sowing seeds, watering and fertilizing plants, harvesting and so on. If you decide to organize a mechanical park, then you will have to constantly cooperate with local farmers, so as not to spend too much resources on trips to other villages. As for business advertising, it is practically unnecessary, because few local people will not notice the construction of a machine-tractor complex in their village.

Business profitability and payback periods

Money in the hands of a man.

It should be understood that the construction of a mechanical park requires a sufficiently large financial investment from the entrepreneur. As a rule, for the implementation of even a small enterprise, it will be necessary to invest about 30 million rubles, since the purchase of agricultural equipment is not a cheap pleasure. However, with competent leadership, full payback will occur in about 5-6 years. Of course, all the numbers are rather arbitrary and depend on many factors, but one thing is certain with certainty: the machine and tractor fleet is a rather profitable financial investment that will bring its owner a stable monthly income with proper management.

Video and conclusion

We hope the information from our article helped you better understand what constitutes the opening of a mechanical park in a particular locality. If you still have any questions or the information provided didnโ€™t seem enough to you, we recommend watching a short video in which the parkโ€™s chief engineer talks about some of the subtleties of working at such an enterprise. Perhaps this information will be useful to you or you will be inspired by the scale of the business.

As you can see, opening a machine and tractor fleet is quite difficult. In addition to huge financial investments, such an enterprise also requires a competent approach to agricultural management. It is necessary to constantly seek new customers and replenish your fleet with the latest models of technology. Therefore, such a business is more suitable for a professional businessman than a novice entrepreneur. However, do not despair. The state in every way finances the development of the agricultural business in sparsely populated regions, so you can count on material assistance in the form of subsidies and various grants at an early stage of development.


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