Why is pulling up on the horizontal bar useful?

One of the most important exercises for back muscles is pulling up on the horizontal bar. It is this simple exercise that involves a large number of muscles and promotes human growth. All you need is a horizontal bar. This "simulator" can be found in every yard or on the sports ground, as well as installed at home. It will not be possible to significantly increase weight, but you can strengthen muscles and acquire a beautiful body shape. Pulling on the horizontal bar can completely replace the workout in the gym, and also helps to save money and time

It is necessary to start pulling up on the horizontal bar from the first training. To do this, do a little workout, but do not stretch. It is better to attribute stretch marks to the final part of the exercises, as they relax the muscles of the body and the nervous system.

Pull-ups must be done at least from 4 to 6 sets at each workout. And the number of exercises is the maximum possible. The first approach can be made an ordinary grip. To increase the load on the spinal muscles, grip should be done wider than the shoulders. Performing the exercise, pay attention to the coordination of movements, do not twitch on the horizontal bar, pull yourself smoothly and slowly, so that the exercise is more effective. With proper pulling up on the horizontal bar, a technique of movements is developed that promotes rapid muscle growth. After each approach, pause for up to 3 minutes. Do not forget about proper breathing, when you lower, take a breath, and when pulling it up, exhale.

Types of pull-ups:

1. Grip with palms from below at shoulder width.

This type of pull-up is considered the most popular among all lovers and masters of sports. Many people believe that only biceps swing because of this exercise, but this is far from the case. When performing such exercises, the muscles of the chest and back are actively working.

2. Pulling with a narrow grip.

When performing a narrow-grip exercise, the lower back muscles in the waist and pectoral muscles swing actively .

3. Pulling the head with a wide grip.

When performing this exercise, the back muscles are involved, and they also stretch in breadth.

4. Pulling to the chest with a wide grip.

In this exercise, the broad muscles of the back, arms and chest are actively working.

Strength exercises on the horizontal bar

Such exercises are a great way to relieve stress after a tiring working day, help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and arms. You can perform strength exercises on the horizontal bar at home, if you have a horizontal bar.

All exercises on the crossbar are divided into ordinary ones - arms are located directly from you, reverse arms are placed with palms facing you, and cross arms are placed with one palm facing you, and the other on the contrary.

For active muscle growth, use the following strength exercises:

1. For 5 minutes, hang on the horizontal bar, keeping your shoulders at the level of the crossbar.

2. Stretch yourself and try to hang on one hand so that the chin is above the horizontal bar.

3. After hanging, lift your legs up as far as possible. This exercise shakes the abdominal muscles well.

Exits on the horizontal bar

The pull-up on the horizontal bar and strength exercises must necessarily be supported by various outputs. This is done in order to train all the muscles of the body. There are such types of exits as an exit on one hand, an exit on 2 hands, a rivet, a rise with a turn, an exit from behind and an exit on one arm. Each of these exercises includes the muscles of the abs, back, and arms. Depending on the grip of the hand, some exits are easier to do, others are more difficult.

Pulling up on the horizontal bar is strength in the muscles, a sculpted figure and a healthy lifestyle. It perfectly develops and stretches the biceps and forearm muscles, and also strengthens the carpal grip. Biceps develops in width, gradually gaining the shape of a ball when bending the arm.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38961/

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