Lanky is that? Word interpretation

Have you ever heard the word "lanky"? Surely they teased the tallest boy in the class. It is believed that this word does not have a very flattering meaning. But what does it really mean? The article presents the interpretation of the adjective "lanky".

The lexical meaning

If you encounter any difficulties associated with determining the lexical meaning of a word, it is better to turn to an explanatory dictionary. If there is no paper version, the electronic version is suitable, it is no worse.

Lanky man in suit

Ozhegovโ€™s dictionary will help determine what meaning the adjective โ€œlankyโ€ has. He is very tall and thin, even a bony person. Maybe you remember an old cartoon called "Uncle Styopa - a policeman"? There the main character is a tall and thin man.

However, it is worth remembering that the adjective โ€œlankyโ€ is not always appropriate. It can offend a person. Not everyone wants to be called thin or tall. Sometimes this characteristic can hurt feelings, so this word is recommended to be used very carefully.

Lanky guy

Examples of using

It is worth noting that the adjective "lanky" is mainly used in the colloquial style of speech. It gives a person a subjective characteristic, often expresses disapproval of the author, his ridicule. It is unacceptable for an official business or scientific style. Here are some suggestions that will help you better understand the interpretation of the word.

  • Near the bus stop stood a lanky citizen with a cane.
  • Donโ€™t dare call me lanky, itโ€™s uncultured!
  • Then one lanky guy pushed me and did not even apologize.
  • A lanky guy in a red cap hurries to the train.
  • The lanky man was two meters tall.

It is important to use the adjective "lanky" in speech. Not for all speech situations it is acceptable.


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