What is the world: several interpretations of this term

In life, there are a huge number of different concepts, which are not so easy to understand. This article will discuss what the world is. Various interpretations of this definition will be given.

what is the world

Interpretation 1. Friendship

So, this concept has a huge number of designations, completely different in meaning. The first of these is a friendly, non-hostile relationship between someone. Those. we can say that in this situation, the world is a certain state of calm in the relations of individuals or groups of people. Speaking more globally, regarding countries, this is the absence of war, various military actions on the territory of a state.

Interpretation 2. Peace

Another interpretation that tells what the world is. There is a phrase "peace in the soul." Thanks to her, you can already understand a lot of things. So, this is the relative calm of a person. It is silence in which a certain personality can rest peacefully.

what is the world around

Interpretation 3. Ecumenical

The following explanation of what the world is: it is a certain part of the Universe, which is located on a single planet. In our version, this is the planet Earth, everything and everything, living or existing on it. This is all that surrounds a person, down to the smallest and most invisible elements: air, water, microparticles at the cellular level. Man himself is also a small piece of such a vast world.

Interpretation 4. Area

What is the world? It can be a specific area of โ€‹โ€‹a personโ€™s life, phenomenon or objects. So, there is a world of music, animals or plants. All this also has a right to exist and can be called a separate, important world for someone.

what is the primitive world

Primeval world

Some people may be interested in what the primitive world is. And this is right, because in order to have a future, you need to know your past. So, speaking roughly, this is the first page of the life of mankind, with which its development began. Scientists can compose modern opinions about primitive civilizations from various archaeological, anthropological and historical sources. This is facilitated by studies of various particles of animals or people found, the first documentary sources - cave paintings, etc. When studying the primitive world, scientists are interested in almost everything: how the first people looked, what they ate, what they dressed, how and where they made their homes. Particularly interesting may be information about the culture of those people, about their social system, about the contacts of various tribes and communities, about their work activities. It is worth saying that without the development of those first civilizations there would be no modern society.

human world what is

Inner world

What is the inner world of man? What does this phrase mean? Generally speaking, this is a process of assimilation, creation and dissemination of those cultural values โ€‹โ€‹that are important for an individual. To fill his inner world, a person uses his feelings and emotions, includes the processes of self-knowledge, and forms his worldview. There is a well-known phrase "rich inner world." What does this mean? First of all, this distinguishes a smart, curious, well-read person, one who is interested in many things and draws certain conclusions from everything he has heard or seen. A person, internally rich, has his own clear views on life, his opinion on a particular issue, this is a self-sufficient person.

The most important criterion that forms the internal content of an individual is his worldview. It can be mundane, i.e. life-like, and include useful knowledge for the simple life of a person, it can be religious (based on this, the views of a person will be formed) and scientific. In addition, the inner world of man also includes the field of the unconscious: these are elements of the upbringing of a certain personality.

The world

It is also interesting to learn about the world around us. It is worth saying that children are told about this in the first grades of the school. What is it? Simply put, this is all that surrounds us. These are trees, animals, objects, people who are always nearby. The world around is one for all people who live on the planet.

However, one can immediately say that for each he is individual and consists of some of his own, important for an individual person, elements. And all thanks to the fact that people have different perceptions of the world. For some, he is hostile and evil, for some it is the embodiment of calm and conciliation. Is there one correct answer to the question of what is the world around? No, for each he will be his own. And if already among adults who have unlearned and received an education, ask about what it is, the answers will be completely different.

Perception of the surrounding world may depend on the worldview of a person, his faith, attitude to objects and people around him. However, this concept and its perception are dynamic in nature, this tendency may change from time to time, depending on both external and internal factors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38978/

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