Children's cafes in Stavropol: addresses, opening hours, menus, reviews

All kids love colorful holidays and funny performances of funny animators. Understanding this, parents wonder where to arrange a grand event. Choosing a place of entertainment, taking into account the feedback from visitors and the description of the place, takes time and certain forces. To find a children's cafe in Stavropol for a birthday or any other important event in a childโ€™s life will help the information in the article below.


Cafe "Veranda"

Children's cafe "Veranda" invites young visitors and their parents to relax, have a tasty meal and have fun in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. The institution has a special children's menu, based on such popular dishes as pizza "Hedgehog" and salad "Jumble".

Customers of this cafe in positive reviews write about what delicious dishes the chef prepares, what a pleasant service and funny animators. Many say that this is not the first time in this institution that children have a holiday, and everything is always held at the highest level.

Cafe "Veranda" is located at: Marshal Zhukov street, 1. Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 00:00.


Family cafe "Ostrovok" is an entertainment complex with a children's town, a dry pool and many slot machines and various attractions. Here, professional animators make grandiose performances with soap bubble shows, face painting and competitive programs, and the service staff politely and tactfully creates maximum comfort for guests. The chef offers to try European cuisine and a special children's menu.

Cafe "Islet"

Judging by the reviews on the Web, this children's cafe is very popular among residents and visitors of the city. The institution and the administration work at a high level, conducting quality events organized daily, and everyone likes the food.

"Ostrovok" is located at: Chekhov street, 79. Opening hours: daily - 11: 00-00: 00.


Cafe "Attic

In the cafe "Attic" is invited to plunge into a friendly atmosphere, try dishes from the chef and have fun with all my heart. To do this, the institution provides a play and dance area, as well as a karaoke and a bar for adults. The organizational part of any event will be able to deal with a qualified director and animators. The menu offers a choice of dishes of Russian and European cuisines. Also, when organizing a holiday for young guests, you can choose branded culinary masterpieces from the children's menu, such as fish pancakes and kebab.

Clients note the highly professional work of all the working staff: here the waiters are polite and the administration is attentive. They write that the quality of technology, the light and sound component of the holiday, remains at the highest level.

Children's cafe "Attic" is located on the street 50 years of the Komsomol, 24A. You can visit the institution daily from 10:00 to 22:00.

"Kids Bar": description and reviews

The kids cafe "Kidz Bar" employs real professionals. Chefs and bartenders prepare excellent European dishes and soft drinks for different age groups. A large children's area allows you to hold various holidays and events under the guidance of qualified animators. Also in the cafe you can spend a cozy lunch or dinner with the whole family.

In the reviews, visitors write about the pleasant work of the staff and the good organization of children's parties. They also note a cozy atmosphere and delicious food, but not a very good solution in terms of planning - the game area is close to the exit. In any case, the positive emotions of the child are the best advertisement of the institution.

Children's cafe in Stavropol is located on the street 50 years of the Komsomol, 113. The institution waits for its young and adult guests daily from 10:00 to 21:00.


Cafe "Hamster"

Children's cafe "Hamster" positions itself as a workshop for family holidays. When planning to arrange a holiday in this place, it is worth considering that the administration of the institution is ready to take responsibility not only for the appetizing component of the feast, but also for an exciting program with professional actors and for the design of the hall, photo and video shooting. The chef has developed a wholesome and tasty children's menu, and a pastry chef can offer a cake for every taste.

Among the positive reviews you can find comments with warm words of gratitude to the work of the staff and administration. They say that the headquarters of the institution is trying to fulfill all the wishes of not only the "culprit" of the celebration, but also its guests of any age. They write not only about the variety of entertainment programs and cuisine, but also about the "home" atmosphere and atmosphere.

In Stavropol cafe "Hamster" is located at the address: Partizanskaya street, 2B. Its doors are open daily from 11:00 to 20:00.

"Apple pie"

Cafe "Apple Pie"

Cafe "Apple pie" offers guests to taste the delicious dishes of local chefs, as well as enjoy a fun and joyful atmosphere. Within the walls of the institution there is a children's entertainment corner, in which all safety rules are observed. The administration of the cafe regularly organizes themed holidays and parties. The culinary feature of the evening will be dishes of European cuisine presented on the menu.

A lot of enthusiastic reviews are left by customers who liked the design solution and the interior as a whole, and also note the variety of gastronomic parts, including both light Caesar and juicy steak. They say that young visitors are delighted with the work of animators and the delights of the playground.

Children's cafe "Apple pie" is waiting for its guests at the address: Mimoz street, 24. Opening hours: weekdays - 11: 00-22: 00, weekends - 11: 00-23: 00.


Cafe "Caramel"

"Caramel" is one of the most popular among residents and visitors of the city representative of children's cafes in Stavropol. Here, quiet family meals in a cozy atmosphere, as well as noisy colorful holidays led by invited animators, are carried out under the guidance of a sensitive administration and caring staff. "Caramel" can offer guests to taste dishes of European, Caucasian cuisine, as well as delicacies of a special children's menu.

Regular customers of the cafe tell how their children like to visit this place. They write here the game area is furnished with various exciting attractions, and the waiters are smiling, and the vegetable dishes are tasty and healthy. The entertainment program is universal and at the same time designed for children of different ages.

Family cafe "Caramel" is located at the following address: 38th Parallel Street, 38. The restaurant is open daily from 11:00 to 21:00.


Cafe "Giraffe"

The family cafe "Giraffe" claims that everything necessary for an unforgettable holiday is located within the walls of this institution. Spacious halls made in different styles will allow you to assemble a large and friendly company. Here, animation programs are carried out, and there is a children's play area with a two-level maze and trampolines, and you can even play a video console and shoot from a blaster. A team of culinary experts will provide the feast with a variety of dishes. The children's menu includes a variety of vegetable, meat, fruit dishes prepared with the freshest ingredients.

According to visitors, this sweet and sincere institution is able to compete for the title of the best in its field. Positive reviews emphasize the high level of work of cooks and waiters, as well as the presence of a special atmosphere that allows you to fully experience the taste and joy of relaxation.

There are branches of this children's cafe in Stavropol on Pirogov street, 20a and Pirogov street 98/1. Both establishments are open daily from 10:00 to 21:00.


Cafe "Teremok"

Children's cafe "Teremok" is located in the park area. In the warm season, it is in this institution that bright and noisy outdoor celebrations are held. The game territory provides for the presence of all kinds of slides and labyrinths, swings and trampolines. The administration of the institution offers entertainment programs with professional animators and photographers. Also, "Teremok" is ready to satisfy the gastronomic whims of both an adult and a child. The menu offers dishes of European, Russian and American cuisines.

On the Web, clients write that they really liked the service and the approach to the implementation of organizational tasks by the administration. Visitors share that they never saw their child so enthralled in the gameplay as on a holiday in this institution.

Cafe "Teremok" is located at Victory Park, Shpakovskaya street, 111. Opening hours: 9: 00-21: 00.


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