Plum "stenley": description, characteristics, photos and reviews

In order to get a good plum crop, you must first choose the right variety. There are many such today. One of the most interesting and popular varieties is plum plum. This variety is very well suited for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory.

The story of plum "stenley"

This variety was bred in the United States. In our country, it was first brought to the State Register in 1983. Moreover, he was assigned to the North Caucasus region. The variety is popular not only in our country, but also around the world. At the moment, it is he who is most often used in the production of prunes.

plum plum

Stenley plum: variety description

This variety is not a very high tree with a compact enough and at the same time rounded and sparse crown. The stem of this plum is distinguished by a dark gray color, straight and slightly flaky. Wood does not tend to crack during growth. Shoots a tree gives straight, slightly ringed.

The leaves of the plum of this variety are rounded, with a blunt end, differ in average size (7 cm in length, 4 cm in width), almost even, with no pubescence on top. From below, plates along the veins are covered with small villi. The concavity of the leaves is medium, and the tissues are quite loose.

Plum blossoms "stenly" with white flowers. The petals are not pressed against each other. Stamens and pistils are quite large in length. The first grow up to 7-12 mm, the second - up to 11 mm. There are usually a lot of stamens in a flower - up to 28 pcs.

plum variety

Fruit Description

The plum variety "stenley" has large, neat fruits. In length, they can reach 53 mm, in width - 40 mm, in thickness - 37 mm. Their average weight is 50 grams. In shape, the fruits are ovoid, unequal. The abdominal suture is very pronounced, but they are not prone to cracking. The wax coating on the fruits of this variety is clearly visible and practically hides the very dark purple color of the skin. The latter is hardly separated from the pulp, has an average thickness and a loose consistency. The flesh of the plum is sweet, fibrous, of a medium degree of juiciness, and is yellow in color. The top of the fetus is rounded, the base elongated. The funnel of the peduncle has an average depth. The bone is quite large, elongated. Its weight is approximately 3.3% of the pulp.

plum wall description

Fruit composition

Plum "stenley", the characteristic, productivity and pollinators of which will be discussed below, gives fruits containing the following substances.

The composition of the fetus (per 100 g)


Percentage ratio









In addition, the plum fruits of this variety contain: ascorbic acid 8.9 mg / 100 g and polyphenols - 460 mg / 100 g.


Plum variety "stenley" refers to partially self-fertile. However, planting other plums alongside will still be nice. Especially good for this purpose are the varieties "president" and "express".

wall discharge characteristic

Variety Characteristics

Plum "stenley", the description of which was given above, has a very good yield. Fruits this variety regularly and very abundantly. It blooms around mid-April. The fruits ripen late - in late August and early September. The variety is winter-hardy. To fungal diseases, resistance is not different. Rarely infected with polystigmosis and scarlet. Unfortunately, moniliosis is not very stable. The first plum crop can be obtained already in the third year after planting.

Plum "stenley", the characteristic of which makes it possible to judge it as a very good variety, is recommended for cultivation both in personal household plots and on an industrial scale.

Reviews about "stenley"

Gardeners have a pretty good opinion about this variety. Its high productivity is especially noted. From one tree "stenley" can be collected per year up to 60 kg of fruit. However, it is recommended to plant this plum only in areas located in the warm regions of the country. Although this variety is declared winter-hardy, it tolerates the cold of the middle zone of Russia quite poorly. Positive reviews are also available about the quality of the fruits themselves. Very good they are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for canning. In addition, they can also be dried. With regard to transportability, in this regard, "stenley" also earned quite good reviews.

plum stenley reviews

Plum "wall", the description of which we have presented to your attention above, many gardeners also like because of their unpretentiousness. The fact is that it is able to grow on almost any type of soil. However, experienced summer residents do not recommend forgetting to water the "wall". Drought tolerance, unfortunately, this variety is no different.

How to plant

Plum β€œwall”, reviews of which, as you already understood, are mostly positive, can be planted in the soil both in spring and autumn. However, in the first case, the trees will be taken, most likely, better. The seedling is placed in a pit with a depth and diameter of the order of half a meter. The excavated soil is thoroughly mixed with humus in a ratio of 1: 2. The pit is filled to half. The operation to prepare the hole in this way should be done about a week before landing. During this period, the soil will have time to settle. The seedling is buried in the hole so that its root neck is at a level with the surface of the soil or is 4-5 cm above it. The roots are sprinkled with ordinary soil without fertilizers, which must be lightly tamped in order to get rid of voids.

After planting, a root circle is made around the trunk and the tree is watered with 3-4 buckets of warm water. At the final stage, mulching with dry leaves, humus or straw is performed.

Signs of Moniliosis

The plum β€œwall”, the characteristic of which makes it possible to judge it as unpretentious, is nevertheless not very resistant to fungal diseases. Symptoms of gray stone rot rot are as follows:

  • Browning of shoots and branches.
  • The appearance of gray small growths on the cortex.
  • Decay of the fruit. At the same time, gray small, randomly located growths appear on their surface. This differs from gray rot fruit. When infected, the growths are in the form of concentric circles. First of all, lesions occur in places with mechanical damage.
  • Cracking old branches. At the same time, gum emerges from the faults with the formation of sagging. With the development of the disease, these branches die.

plum wall photo

Moniosis Prevention

As already mentioned, the plum β€œplum”, reviews of which are mostly positive, is not very resistant to gray rot. In order to prevent infection with this disease, a number of measures should be taken. First of all, when harvesting, you need to try not to damage the fruits and branches. It is also very important to carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing damage to trees of various kinds by pests - caterpillars, moths, etc. The fact is that spores of moniliosis can spread not only through the air, but also on the legs of insects. Late autumn, headquarters and skeletal branches are preferably whitewashed.

Moniliosis Treatment

Of course, plum "stenly" (a photo of this variety can be seen on the page) can be saved from this disease. The causative agent of this disease overwinters on the affected branches and fruits. Therefore, they must be removed. The treatment is done by spraying the soil and the trees themselves. In this case, you can use iron or copper sulfate, 1% Bordeaux liquid, oleocoprit or nitrafen. Spraying with these drugs is carried out in the spring, before the flowering of plants begins. Watering the plants and the soil should be quite plentiful.

Repeat this procedure with a variety such as plum "stenley", carried out after flowering. It also uses Bordeaux fluid, vitriol, fungicides (cuprozan, captan, phthalan or a solution of cineb). Previously, it is worthwhile to carry out a control spraying. It is necessary in order to make sure that the drug does not burn the leaves. At the same time, several control branches are selected and sprayed. After a few days, they look for burns. They represent a grid on the fruits and necrotic spots on the leaves.

Bordeaux fluid

The easiest way is to process the plum with a solution of copper sulfate in milk of lime. Bordeaux liquid is prepared as follows:

  • 300 g of copper sulfate and lime are bred in 2-3 liters of hot water (separately).
  • Add to both cold water solutions so that its total amount is 5 liters.
  • A solution of vitriol is poured into a filtered lime in a thin stream.

plum stenley grade description

Other popular varieties

Of course, stenley is not the only late-ripening variety popular in our country. Summer residents also respond very well about:

  • Plum "president." This variety is planted next to such as plum "wall". Pollinators are very good for each other. In addition, the "president" itself is notable for good productivity, winter hardiness and large-fruited. Up to 100 kg of fruits can be harvested from one tree per year. "Stanley" for the "president" is also a good pollinator. The main distinguishing feature of this variety is that the pulp of the fruit - even fully ripened - is dense and crunches with food. At the same time it tastes very sweet.
  • Plum "Hagant". This is a German variety that produces abundant crops. Its main distinguishing feature is unusually large fruits - up to 60-80 grams. Not too sweet, they are just perfect for canning and baking.

As you can see, plum plum can be just a great choice for summer residents of the southern regions of our country. High productivity, unpretentiousness and good resistance to diseases make its landing in suburban areas more than appropriate. It is especially good to land it next to the same late-ripening "president."


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