Objective indicators of self-control: description, features, types and list

Professional athletes, as well as people who are actively and systematically involved in physical exercises, use subjective and objective indicators of self-control to maintain the correct, safe rhythm of training.

objective indicators of self-control

Types of control and their features

Obtaining data on how physical exercises affect the body of the trainees, their analysis and correction in accordance with the norm are called control. In practice, this control is a special test, which is included in the program of physical education classes to optimize the educational process. With their help, observers are available to conduct systematic accounting in two of the most important areas:

  1. How mastered the technique of motor actions.
  2. At what level of development are physical qualities.
    objective indicators of self-control include

The control may be as follows:

  • Step-by-step: assessment of what sports, technical and tactical training those involved in a particular stage have.
  • Ongoing: fixing daily changes in the preparation process.
  • Operational: quick assessment of the state of the student at a given time.

Control technique

To achieve these goals, observers conduct a survey of trainees, analyze the working documentation of the process, monitor the progress of classes, record functional and other indicators, and also test the level of preparedness in various aspects.

Along with external observations, the study of indicators and the condition of the trainee, self-monitoring is of great importance. Its means are subjective and objective indicators of self-monitoring of the physical state, fixed by the student himself, and the result is an ordered set of data. By analyzing this information, specialists who participate in the preparation of the athlete can receive unique information (inaccessible to other types of studies) and make many important conclusions.

objective indicators of self-monitoring of physical condition

Self-control content

The athlete, resorting to self-monitoring, regularly monitors the state of his health, physical development and physical fitness , as well as how these indicators change as a result of training. This is necessary to maintain the training effect of classes and to eliminate the likelihood of health problems. The athlete measures and fixes his condition using subjective and objective indicators of self-control during physical exercises and between them.

What is self-control for?

Its function is not only to cultivate the correct view of training, but also to form a more conscious attitude towards them, observing the rules of personal hygiene, educational, labor and everyday conditions, the rules of rest and recovery.

To account for the results obtained in self-control, the athlete is instructed to keep a self-control diary. Subjective and objective indicators of self-control should be recorded on time in the appropriate columns in order to ensure their correct and relevant analysis.

The tasks of working with the diary are:

  • Expanding knowledge of the possibilities and rules of physical development.
  • Acquisition of the skills necessary for an adequate assessment of psychophysical training.
  • Acquaintance with a set of the simplest available self-control techniques.
  • Determining the level reached by physical development and fitness for timely adjustment of loads.

Objective indicators of self-control

There are two groups of indicators used to exercise self-control: subjective and objective.

Objective indicators of self-control include those data that show the degree of influence of training on the cardiovascular system and the whole organism. Among them:

  • Pulse and its frequency.
  • The indicator of vital capacity of the lungs (VC).
  • Respiration and its frequency.
  • Arterial pressure.
  • Athlete's body weight.
  • Samples and tests of a functional or physiological nature.
  • Sports results.

These objective indicators of self-control most accurately illustrate the state of the trainee. To get a reliable picture, the data should be fixed at certain intervals (for each indicator there are norms and rules of measurement). For example, objective indicators of self-control, such as heart rate and blood pressure, are measured after training at intervals of several tens of seconds until complete stabilization.

More details about objective indicators

The pulse is what can be attributed to objective indicators. The heart rate of well-trained athletes differs significantly from the pulse of physically inactive people. An indicator of 40 beats per minute indicates physical endurance of the heart or can be regarded as a result of some pathological process.

self-control diary subjective and objective indicators of self-control

The dynamics of VC indicators is often used to determine the intensity of a given load: the lower the level, the higher the tension of the trainee.

The athlete’s breathing rate from 20 to 25 times per minute is characteristic of a low load, more than 25 and less than 40 indicates a moderate level of tension, and an indicator exceeding 40 breaths per minute indicates a high (maximum) load. With an increase in the level of fitness, the person’s breathing in a calm state becomes less and less. This reduces the recovery time after intense physical exertion.

Blood pressure is one of the most important parameters in the list of what is an objective indicator of self-control. The function of the cardiovascular system can be perfectly characterized by the level of pressure: good physical training stimulates the endurance of all muscles, so after exercise the pressure is restored in just a few minutes.

what is an objective indicator of self-control

Weight loss after a workout is a direct proof of the effort and a criterion for the intensity of stress.

The objective indicators of self-control include some common tests and tests, which consist in the short-term supply of a certain load, fixing the state of the athlete and its results, as well as comparing these data with the standards. Most often, trainees are subject to breath holdings, counting hand movements, climbing a bench for five minutes, squats and other tests.

What are called subjective indicators in self-control

Objective indicators of self-control are those that can be measured using any instruments and are characterized by certain average numerical or quantitative parameters. Along with this, the subjective have only an estimated characteristic (good, bad, a lot, a little) and cannot be fixed or accurately measured.

Among them are the following indicators:

  • General well-being.
  • Sleep.
  • Appetite.
  • Efficiency in the mental and physical aspects.
  • The balance of positive and negative emotions (stress).
    subjective and objective indicators of self-control

Filling the diary, the athlete regularly evaluates the quality of these parameters. With a decrease in subjective assessments, the observer can conclude that the condition of the body worsens as a result of excessive stress, overwork, non-compliance with the schedule or the onset of the disease.

Features and specifics of self-control

The main goal that self-control pursues is independent, regular monitoring (using simple and affordable methods) of how the body develops in the physical aspect, as well as how exercise and sport affect it.

Thanks to the correct keeping of the diary and the accuracy of the indicators entered into it, it becomes possible to identify the adverse effects of physical exercises on the trainee.

objective indicators of self-control during physical exercises

Despite this, self-control should be taken only as an integral element of medical control, but not as a substitute for it. The purpose of self-control can be medical, pedagogical or complex (including both directions). Having studied the diary data, the teacher or the curator of the athlete will be able to adjust physical activity, and the doctor will be able to notice deviations from the norm of important indicators in time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38986/

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