How to stop crying for any reason and scream?

Excessive emotionality is inherent in many representatives of the fair sex, and sometimes men possess this character trait. Do you cry while watching a sad movie, are very worried with any criticism and do not know how to avoid conflicts, bringing every little thing to a grand scandal? Then you should think about your own behavior and involuntary emotional reactions. How to stop crying and get nervous for any reason?

Calmness is the key to health

How to stop crying

Let's see why you should not be nervous. Stress and nervous tension are daily companions of all people living in modern cities. This is a constant rush, domestic problems, queues and minor conflicts. So why does one person maintain a positive attitude and convince himself that all this is trifles, while another seriously worries every situation - from scandal in the store’s line up to ten minutes late for work? It all depends on personal mental stability and the mood of a particular person. To be really nervous is very bad. Stress is one of the causes of many chronic diseases. Any experience negatively affects mental performance. Even if it seems to you that you have cried and calmed down, for a long time it will be difficult to concentrate and quickly make difficult decisions. Any experience negatively affects the nervous system and inhibits it. As a result, constantly nervous, a person gets tired faster and more often remains in an unproductive state.

Should I use sedatives?

Today in any pharmacy you can see a whole arsenal of medications for peace. These are pills, syrups and a variety of sedative drops. How to stop yelling and crying? Is it really enough to start taking a special medicine? Some sedatives give a good effect, after others emotions become dull, while others seem to completely block the production of tears, regardless of the experiences experienced. However, for continuous use, pharmacological agents of this category are not too good. Firstly, they have side effects, most often it is drowsiness, a slowdown in reaction, and a deterioration in concentration. When taking such medications, you can not drive vehicles and complex mechanisms. Secondly, pills and drops do not bring peace, but enter into a state of inhibition and dullness. Many people compare the effect of these drugs with alcohol intoxication. And the most important minus of sedatives is a high probability of addiction. Accordingly, the use of pharmacological agents makes sense only once, in particularly difficult situations. Daily stress should be dealt with by willpower.

Simple tricks to calm

How to stop yelling and crying

Feel that you are about to burst into tears or are you ready to start proving your righteousness with a cry? Stop and mentally count to ten. Another good way to take a short break and calm down is to drink some water, and it’s not for nothing that personal bottles and glasses are always placed at the table before a meeting or important negotiations. If you don’t know how to stop crying, try the same method. Pour a glass of cool water and drink in slow sips, this will help normalize breathing and distract. Breathing exercises are another great way to quickly find peace. Do not know how to do any special exercises? It does not matter, go to an open window or go outside and breathe in fresh air with full breasts.

Declare war on stress!

How to stop crying for any reason

Not sure how to stop crying for nothing? Learn to manage your attention. Are your nerves depleted so much that your eyes begin to water with any aggressive criticism of you or comments from even strangers? Learn to ignore the flow of incoming negativity. Are you scolded or voiced complaints? Listen only halfway, think about something personal and pleasant, or be distracted by the surroundings, re-examine the wallpaper in the room or the view from the window. Remember, about 80 percent of what today seems scary or insoluble to you, in reality, the problems are insignificant. There is oriental wisdom dedicated to this topic: “Before you get nervous, think about whether you will remember this in a year?”. Try to remember this statement, and then you do not have to think about how to stop crying for any reason.

Positive thinking

How to stop crying for nothing
Try to learn to value yourself and optimally evaluate. Think, does such a wonderful and talented person deserve to be seriously upset about trifles? But how to stop crying due to other people's problems and worries? Sentimentality is typical of many women, it is not shameful to start a tear after watching a touching film or remembering some sad story. However, if the fate of the heroes of the series excites you more than your own, or you are upset every time too much, you should think about your health.

Remember that only what happens to you is important. If you do not know how to stop crying over other people's stories and troubles, try to protect yourself from such information. Watch funny films and read positive books. Some kind of positive image will help to calm down simply and quickly. In difficult moments, think about something that endlessly pleases you. It can be your own child, your loved one or pet. Or just imagine a beautiful landscape. As soon as something unpleasant happens to you and you are ready to break loose, think about this little miracle, imagining it visually in detail.

Take time for yourself

How to calm down and stop crying
No matter how strange it may sound, but scientists have proved that a person's stress resistance directly depends on his physical health. Do not be lazy to take care of yourself. Try to eat more healthy foods, be physically active, try to get enough sleep, and don't forget to be outdoors enough. And believe me, with this lifestyle, you will become much less nervous. It is also useful to give up bad habits. It is believed that cigarettes and alcohol soothe, but this is not so - these drugs are more likely to depress the nervous system and make you forget for a short period of time. If all the tips given in this article did not help you, it makes sense to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. Believe me, in some situations only a specialist is able to teach how to calm down and stop crying, and you should not be afraid to visit him at all.


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