One long, two short BIOS signals - what does this combination mean?

Often there are such unpleasant situations when working with personal computers, when users encounter various malfunctions and errors. And if the problem is only associated exclusively with any particular software or application, then it is often possible to fix it quite quickly. In contrast to the error associated directly with the system itself, the only notification about which is transmitted by the BIOS through sound signals. These kinds of problems often have the most critical impact on the overall performance of a computer. And for one of the most common errors that the BIOS alerts with one long and two short consecutive signals, literally every owner of a home PC should be prepared.

What is the role of the BIOS in detecting and alerting the user about system errors?

To understand the essence of the problem and the principle of its further solution, any user should understand the basics of the basic system components of his computer.

When the computer starts up, the BIOS - the basic data input / output system - performs a short analysis of all components connected to the PC. This test is called POST (from the English Power-on-Self-Test), and it usually lasts only a few seconds.

one long two short bios signals

And only after its holding BIOS receives all the information about all the components of the computer. If the whole system is fully and fully operational, then the user will hear one short signal so pleasant to the ear. It is fed through the speaker - the simplest audio playback device that comes with any motherboard.

But if at least one problem with any of the components connected to the PC is detected during the POST self-test, the BIOS will alarm the user with a whole set of different signals, the variations and combinations of which have completely different meanings from each other.

Information about the results of the POST test can also be displayed on the screen of a monitor connected to a computer. This visual alert instantly gives the user specific information about the problem, which eliminates the need for decoding audio signals. However, such a conclusion of information may not always be available to the PC owner for a number of different technical reasons, because of which the speaker remains a more reliable and stable source of information from the BIOS.

One long, two short BIOS signals - more about decryption

The monitor in this case does not display absolutely no information, which is directly related to the type of problem itself. This is a problem with computer elements, in the event of which the user has to recognize the essence of the malfunction only by the sound notification of the speaker. One long, two short BIOS signals indicate a problem .

one long two short beeps bios samsung

In almost all BIOS versions from many different manufacturers (including such well-known philistines as AMI, IBM, Compaq, Quadtel, etc.), such a combination of sounds usually indicates a malfunction of the computer's video system. Or, generally speaking, such a signal notifies of a malfunction of the video card.

Meaning of the same signal in different versions of IBM, AMI, AST and Compaq

However, some individual features of the value of the same signal in different BIOS versions deserve special attention. Even the motherboard manufacturer is not so important when at startup we get one long, two short BIOS signals. Asus, Gigabyte, MSI or ASRock - the company that manufactured the device does not matter. We are only interested in the version of BIOS itself.

one long two short bios asus signals

For example, in the BIOS from IBM and AMI, one long and two short signals are generated only if a Mono / CGA-type video card is built into the user's computer. These days, such iron has almost disappeared without a trace from the market, giving way to more modern developments. So, your chances of encountering such a signal on this type of BIOS are practically zero.

In the AST version, the signal notifies only about a specific problem of the video card - about problems with the frame scan of the signal. Owners of this type of BIOS, pay special attention - you will be warned about completely different video card errors with completely different sound combinations.

This error takes on a slightly different meaning in the Compaq and Quadtel versions. One long, two short BIOS signals in this case indicate problems with initializing the video card. The system is corny cannot correctly determine it. Therefore, it is far from a fact that users whose computer is equipped with one of these types of BIOS, have really encountered a breakdown of the video card itself.

A similar situation is with the Award BIOS, however, a similar signal can occur if the monitor is not connected to the computer.

One long, two short BIOS signals: what to do and how to solve the problem

The ideal start for such a problem would be, firstly, to accurately determine the BIOS version on the user's computer. The image will not be displayed on the monitor, so the information should be read first in the documentation that comes with the motherboard. If you have an alternative video card available (spare, outdated, taken from a friend for a while, etc. - the main thing is to be working), then the task is greatly simplified. It will be enough to press the Pause / Break key during the POST self-test procedure. In the above information list, find one of the above names - this will be the name of the BIOS manufacturer on your motherboard.

one long two short bios signals what to do

Owners of the Award BIOS first need to check the connection of the monitor to the corresponding connector on the video card - the simplest procedure that solves most of these malfunctions. In any other cases (including manufacturers Compaq and Quadtel), you should carefully disconnect the video card from the PCI-Express connector and then reconnect it again - problems with initializing the video card at home are solved in this way.

None of the above help? Do you still hear one long, two short BIOS signals? Is the laptop or computer still not functioning properly?

Before rushing to the nearest service center, find out one important detail. Find for a short time a working video card to replace one with which the BIOS reports a problem. If the problem part is replaced by an alternative one and the BIOS gives one short signal when turned on, the problem was clearly in the video card itself. And if even after such a replacement the same annoying signal is still heard, then the problem lies deep in the skeleton of the computer - in the motherboard. For example, an inoperative slot for PCI-Express graphics cards is a common problem, but it is still a problem at times.

So you precisely determine in which component the problem is concentrated, and you will know what exactly to carry to the diagnostics service center.

If the laptop ordered to live long with one long and two short BIOS signals ...

And even on laptops, the ill-fated one long, two short BIOS signals may one day sound. Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, etc. - the brand does not play a special role here, because not a single computer is immune from such a problem. Therefore, owners of laptops should also consider a couple of nuances in the event of a similar problem. Fortunately, in most of these cases, everything is solved using the same methods that apply to desktop PCs.

one long two short signal bios laptop

However, the problem is not always with the laptop video card. And if this is so, then first of all, replace the RAM strips with third-party working analogues. The problem may be precisely in this element of the system.


As you can see for yourself, such a problem with computer hardware can easily be resolved at home. However, measures like "reconnect the video card / monitor cable" are completely useless when it comes to a really broken video card or motherboard. In such cases, you should immediately contact a specialist in the field of repair of computer components.


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