Business motivation as a way to make work more productive and efficient.

The world of business is quite severe and complex and cannot exist without constant ups and downs, especially at the start. And, of course, the ability to stay afloat in the most adverse periods is necessary here, which, unfortunately, not everyone has. Business motivation is precisely that tool that stimulates active actions, gives strength and faith in a favorable outcome of events. It is motivation that is the key that opens up not all, but many doors.

Motivation and its role in business development

Business motivation carries a major role in business development and is of paramount importance. A leader who does not know how to motivate his employees and does not know how to do this will never achieve high results in building a prosperous business.

business motivation

For the owner of his company, business motivation for success is the main driving force. It is the focus on achieving high results, contrary to all difficulties and obstacles, that distinguishes the winner from the loser. Of course, before motivating his employees, he must learn to motivate himself. It is no coincidence that W. Clement Stone (a famous businessman, millionaire and writer) once said: "A clear goal is the first step towards any achievement."

business motivation success

Methods to increase employee motivation

If the employee has a high motivation to work, then there is a desire to invest all his strength in work, which means that labor productivity will be at the highest level. Therefore, increasing motivation is so important. To achieve this goal helps the use of different methods and techniques. Below is a detailed description of the most effective of them. It is worth noting that motivation can be both tangible and intangible.

Better Engagement

It is necessary to organize the work process so that all employees and managers intersect periodically. It is wonderful if general meetings and events are held periodically, at which there is the possibility of communication between all employees. It unites and, accordingly, motivates to work in this particular team.

Further training and free training

If an employee, especially a novice specialist with no experience, who has just graduated from an institute and is interested in developing precisely in his chosen field, receives a referral to free advanced training, trainings or courses, this will serve as an excellent incentive for him to work intensively in this organization.

Award for individual contribution to the common cause

Employee motivation to work is easily regulated if the organization has a certain system of remuneration for work, individual achievements and contribution to the common cause. You can track the results of each employee by daily reports provided to management.

Let employees express their ideas

Everyone wants to be heard. Especially if it concerns the place in which he works, and everything connected with it. Perhaps the employee has his own ideas or suggestions for improving the production process. Creating a certain bank of ideas in the form of a folder on the desktop of a computer or a special file where everyone can speak out and leave their wishes and ideas is also an excellent business motivation for employees.

Find an individual approach to each

As a rule, at any enterprise there is a certain system, its own rules and requirements, which are not suitable for everyone. If the manager strives for high rates of his employees and the enterprise as a whole, it will not be amiss to try to find an individual approach to each subordinate. How to do it? To ask the employee what he would like, under what conditions he is most comfortable and comfortable working, what goals he plans to achieve and what he will come to after a year of successful work.

motivation to work


Since material motivation, namely raising wages, does not always contribute to improving indicators, trainings on non-material motivation are more relevant .

What results can be achieved after the training?

- Gain knowledge on how to motivate your employees.

- Save payroll.

- Improve the performance of the enterprise.

- Identify effective ways, methods and ideas of intangible motivation.

As a rule, a training program consists of several important points, which include:

  • clarification of the term "business motivation";
  • what is the difference between material and non-material motivation;
  • when to motivate and how to do it, on whom methods of influence act better, and on whom worse;
  • mistakes of leaders with an incorrect attempt to motivate;
  • what types of employees are divided into;
  • how to influence large groups of people, etc.

The bulk of the program is practice, and only a small percentage is theory.

training program

Intrinsic motivation

You can spend a lot of time and effort motivating an employee. But is it worth it if the employee is not initially interested in the position that he occupies, or the area in which he works? Probably no. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to a personโ€™s interest in a particular job, to internal motivation already at the stage of staff selection (during the interview process). If you immediately select the right employees, this will help to avoid many difficulties in the future. It is clear that the first impression and the information that can be obtained at the interview is sometimes not enough. In this case, attention should be paid to the presence or absence of recommendations. And itโ€™s better if the applicant indicates in the questionnaire the phones of previous places of work, by calling on which you can find out a lot of new things, including understanding how intrinsically motivated is the person applying for a certain place in the company.


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