What “secular” means: interpretation of the word

What does the word "secular" mean? Is it somehow connected with the light? If you do not know the interpretation of this word, then we recommend that you read this article. It indicates the lexical meaning endowed with the word "secular".

Word interpretation

The adjective "secular" has several interpretations:

  • Acceptable or belonging to high society. This value is outdated, it is not used in modern speech.
  • Well-mannered, one that meets the requirements of high society etiquette. So you can characterize a person who is familiar with good manners, knows how to keep himself in society.
  • Non church, civilian. There is such a thing as "secular literature." It is opposed to church literature, texts of religious subjects. A special flowering of secular literature was in the Renaissance, when man, not God, was at the center of all being. There is also the concept of secular education. This is the name of training received without any religious bias.

Secular Humanism

Philosophers also know what “secular” means. There is such a thing as secular humanism. So they call one of the directions of modern philosophy.

Man is proclaimed the highest value that exists in the world. Important is his happiness, development, as well as the manifestation of positive qualities.

Adherents of secular humanism believe that in the world there are no forces that are higher and more important than man. They deny the importance of religion and replace God with man. Such humanism is also called secular. The name comes from the Latin saecularis, which translates as "secular".

Examples of use

As you can see, it is important to know what “secular” means. This word remains relevant, it is used in modern speech. We list some examples of sentences with this adjective:

  • You are a secular person, but you don’t know how to behave in a decent society.
  • The lady received a secular education at one of the best universities in Europe.
  • I am committed to secular humanism.
  • It cannot be categorically asserted that secular literature is more interesting than church literature.
What does secular mean?
  • The young man led an active social life, attended balls and loved to flash his mind.
  • You must familiarize yourself with secular etiquette, otherwise you can behave extremely uncivilized.
  • Good secular manners have not harmed anyone.
  • One arrogant gentleman avoided the poor and workers, he preferred to communicate with secular people.
  • You consider yourself a secular person, but far from elementary standards of decency.
  • The philosophy of secular humanism is often interpreted incorrectly, giving rise to more and more misunderstandings.

Now you know what the adjective "secular" means and know how to correctly use this difficult word.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39014/

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