Spiral chemical wave of hair

As you know, girls with straight hair dream of beautiful curls. But the constant use of curlers is an extremely tedious task. To facilitate daily styling, modern beauties use a spiral perm. In our article, we want to talk about the features of this process, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

What is spiral chemistry?

A spiral chemical wave of hair appeared in the vastness of our country in the eighties of the last century, when echoes of Western fashion began to break through to us. At that time, lush curls and fleeces were very popular. To achieve such splendor of hair was possible only with the help of spiral chemistry. The cost of curling in those days was quite high. Therefore, this particular type of chemistry was done only by private masters. Gradually, the fashion for fleece passed, but the curls always remain relevant.

Spiral perm is one of the varieties of vertical chemistry. It is carried out with the help of spiral curlers or boomerangs, depending on what curls you want to receive. Curls can be large and small.

Spiral chemical wave of hair

Procedure cost

It is recommended to do a spiral perm in the salon with a good master. The cost of the procedure is 1200-15 000 rubles. The price depends on the length of the hair, the type of composition and caring cosmetics. If you make a perm at home, then its cost will be significantly lower, since you do not have to pay for the work of the master himself. The cost of curling sets ranges from 400-1500 rubles.

If you have never done chemistry, then it is very difficult to do it yourself for the first time, since there is a high probability of spoiling your hair. It is better to do the first curl in the salon with a good master to see how the whole process goes. For the home procedure, you will need the help of a friend, since it is not easy to cope with the occipital strands on your own.

perms on medium


Just before the procedure of spiral chemical perm, you need to visit a qualified craftsman in the salon, who will consult and tell you whether you should do it. The fact is that there are contraindications for chemistry:

  1. Highly split and brittle hair.
  2. Disease of the scalp.
  3. Recent staining of curls.
  4. Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  5. Individual intolerance.

Benefits of the procedure

A spiral wave (photo is given in the article) has several advantages. It allows you to turn thin long hair into a luxurious mane. With spiral chemistry, curls are distributed for a long time into separate locks. While with a horizontal wave after two months, the curls remain only at the tips.

Spiral chemistry looks equally good on hair of any length. It gives an amazing effect on both short and long hair. So, for example, ordinary horizontal chemistry is effective only on a short hairstyle. But spiral curls can be adapted on all haircuts.

After regrowth of the roots, you do not need to cut the hair, because the curls remain on the tips. And the curl must be repeated only at the roots. This is very convenient, since there is no need to re-apply the chemical composition to all the strands.

Curling Features

Performing a spiral chemical wave differs from other types of chemistry by the technique of winding: the hair on the head is divided into square zones, after which the curls are wound on spiral bobbins that are placed perpendicular to the head.

There are two ways to wind the strands:

  1. Each curl is twisted into a tourniquet, and then wound on curlers. This technique allows you to increase the volume of hairstyles.
  2. The strand is immediately wound onto a bobbin. In this case, curls are placed very tightly to each other.
    Performing a spiral wave

Varieties of curlers

The choice of curlers for a spiral chemical wave depends on the size of curls that you want to receive:

  1. Spiral or conical.
  2. Boomerangs.
  3. Classic bobbins.

Experts argue that the best effect can be obtained using bobbins designed for spiral chemistry. They have a large length, unlike classic curlers. Modern curlers are equipped with spiral grooves in which it is very convenient to stack the locks.

Spiral wave on medium

Preparations for the procedure

The technology for performing a spiral chemical wave involves the use of special tools. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to pH. The higher this indicator, the longer lasting effect you get. But at the same time, the effect on the hair will be more aggressive.

All funds can be divided into the following types:

  1. Acid permanent gives the most powerful and lasting effect. However, they are not currently used, because chemicals cause serious damage to curls.
  2. The alkaline permanent is a classic of perm. True, the substance has a strong ammonia odor.
  3. Acid-balanced permanent is the most gentle way, it is suitable even for weak hair. Due to the delicate effect of the substance, the curls do not last long.

Gel preparations have a thick consistency, therefore they are very convenient to use. They are easy to apply and do not spread at all. Foamy substances are used only to create large curls. They are most harmless.

Curling preparations are sold in the form of sets that already have everything you need for the procedure. But you can purchase the tool and fixative separately. Professionals recommend using kits after all, since substances from the same manufacturer interact with each other better.

Spiral Curling Technology

Hair length

The technology of spiral chemical perm allows you to use it for hairstyles of any density and length. But for different curls there are recommendations. So, for example, curls of any shape and diameter look good on long hair. The longer the hairstyle, the greater the amount of the drug will be needed to process it.

A spiral perm on medium hair also looks very good and allows you to create curls of any diameter. But on short hair, small and medium curlers are used, since large ones are too noticeable.

Curling visually significantly shortens the hair. Depending on the type of curl, the hairstyle may become 2-5 centimeters shorter. Curly hair not only looks different, but also lies differently than straight. If you plan a haircut before curling, then this point should be taken into account.

Curling Procedure

For a spiral chemical wave of hair (the photo can be seen in the article), you will need the following tools:

  1. Latch.
  2. Chemical drug.
  3. Ceramic container.
  4. Comb with rare cloves.
  5. Brush or sponge for applying the substance.
  6. Daddy for swimming.
  7. Whooping cough.
  8. Jar with a spray.

It is very important to remember that metal objects cannot be used for the procedure. They react with chemicals, which can lead to hair coloring.

The sequence of actions during the procedure:

  1. Preparation of the drug.
  2. Checking the skin for chemical tolerance.
  3. Hair before the procedure must be washed with shampoo. But do not wash your skin thoroughly. In the future, fatty residues will protect the head from the effects of chemicals. Do not use shampoos with oils and silicones, as well as alcohol-containing substances.
  4. The hair is not dried, but left moist and combed.
  5. Before working with hair, it is necessary to close the shoulders and neck.
  6. Vaseline or any cream to protect against the drug can be applied to the skin of the face and neck.
  7. Hair must be raised and secured in such a way that it can be conveniently divided into thin locks.
  8. They begin to wind the curls from the back of the head, moving up. It is necessary to take such strands that fit comfortably on the pertussis, since the solution should completely saturate the curls.
  9. Each strand is covered with a composition, and then wound on curlers. The composition is applied to wet hair, so as it dries, they need to be moisturized.
  10. After all the curls are wound onto bobbins, the residues of the chemical substance are impregnated once more.
  11. From above, the hair is wrapped in cellophane or put on a special hat.
  12. After a certain time specified in the instructions, the head is washed, without removing the curlers.
  13. Apply a fixative, abundantly soaking strands.
  14. The solution is kept for a certain time, after which the bobbin is removed.
  15. The head is thoroughly washed without using shampoo. Balms can not be used either.
  16. Clean hair can be slightly dampened with a towel, after which the curls should dry on their own.

During the first days after the procedure, you can not stab, braid or physically affect them. This can lead to deformation of the curls.

Spiral wave photo

Effect duration

The duration of the effect of curling can be observed from 3 to 8 months. Much depends on:

  1. Varieties of composition.
  2. The duration of exposure to the hair.
  3. From the structure of the hair: on thick and hard curls, the curl holds much less than on thin strands.

Care for curls

No matter how gentle the curl is, aggressive ingredients are used during the procedure, therefore, further curls require careful care:

  1. It is impossible to use hair dryers for drying, as this leads to even more dry curls.
  2. It is necessary to regularly use cosmetics for brittle and dry hair.
  3. It is not recommended to dry curls with a towel or go to bed with a wet head.
  4. In the first two to three weeks you can not dye your hair. To give a certain shade, only tonics are allowed.

Very often, each subsequent waving gives less and less effect. This is because keratin in curls is converted to beta-keratin, which is completely immune to drugs. To obtain an excellent effect, you must wait until the curls grow back.

There is a prejudice that hair after chemistry does not need to be styled. But this is completely wrong. Without proper care, curls can turn into a tangled cloud. In order for your hairstyle to look beautiful, you will need mousses and products for a wet effect. You can create beautiful curls with a hairdryer with a diffuser.


True Curl Facts

Curling allows for a long time to get beautiful curls that have a natural look. After the procedure, there is a decrease in hair fat due to the influence of chemicals.

But at the same time, drugs have an effect on the hair. In addition, for some time you can not return to straight hairstyles. Therefore, before the procedure, you should think carefully about how much you want to get curls.

Perm has its pros and cons. The prospect of spoiling hair is alarming for women. However, modern drugs are not as aggressive as they were before. And a large number of care products can cope with dryness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39019/

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