International transfers. How to transfer money through Western Union

International transfers are a popular and highly demanded financial service. They allow you to quickly send money anywhere in the world. In this article, read about international transfer through Western Union. How to send money, what rules apply today, where you can perform an operation, etc.

Where is the transfer made through Western Union

money to transfer

How to transfer money through Western Union? In order to perform such an operation, you need to come to the point of sending / issuing transfers. Such branches can exist either as fixed points or as windows in a bank or post office. For example, you can issue a money transfer through Sberbank through Western Union. There are also stationary dispatch points, post offices that provide this service, etc. Addresses of points for processing transfers through Western Union in Russia can be viewed on the official WU website. They are painted separately for each locality where this transfer can be sent or received. There you can also find additional information about the service: the mode of operation of the item, the size of the commission, etc.

How to transfer money through Western Union

translating "western union" in Sberbank

In order to arrange an international transfer, you need to contact the point of departure of the transfer through Western Union (the addresses of all points for each city in the Russian Federation are indicated on the official WU website). For the operation you will need a passport and money. The operator will need to provide the following information:

  • country to which the transfer is sent;
  • Name of the recipient (as written in the Latin passport);
  • the currency in which you want to send the transfer;
  • amount.

The operation takes place within a few minutes. The sender is issued a confirmation of sending money, certified by the seal and signature of the operator, as well as the signature of the sender. It must indicate the details of the sender (including passport data), recipient data, control number, etc. Before you put a signature on the document, make sure that the information specified is correct.

In addition, you can transfer money through Western Union both by visiting the point of departure and using the "mobile bank" system. This service is provided by Sberbank.

Signature of documents

How to get a transfer

The points where you can get the Western Union transfer in your city can be found on the official website. To receive money, you must contact one of these points with a passport and provide the following data:

  • transfer number (for the recipient);
  • surname name and patronymic of the one who sent the funds;
  • amount to be received.

Please note that this type of transfer is addressless. That is, money is sent to the country. This means that the address where you can get the Western Union transfer can be chosen anywhere you like.

Payment Transfer

The commission for the service depends on the amount of departure, currency, country of destination, type of transfer. You can find out exactly how much you have to pay in person at the departure point or by calling one of the Western Union offices in Russia.

When sending an international transfer, specify what currency the recipient will receive. In some countries, only local money is issued, regardless of the type of currency sent.

Varieties of translations

Through Western Union, you can issue two types of transfers:

  • regular or twelve-hour (money arrives within 12 hours after departure, at any point of issue);
  • urgent (you can get it in 5-10 minutes, after departure.

The commission for the urgent option of departure will be higher. In some countries, only an urgent transfer can be issued.

What to do if a mistake was made

error sending transfer

When registering a transfer through Western Union, it is important to correctly indicate the details of the recipient. But sometimes there are errors in the spelling of the name, country of destination, etc. If an error was found after the departure, contact the Western Union departure point. The operator will accept the application of the established form and make the necessary corrections to the system. You must have a passport with you and a statement confirming the sending of money, certified by the signature and seal of the operator. Corrections to the system are made within 15-30 minutes from the date of application. The control number after such an operation remains the same.

Can I return a transfer?

If we figured out how to transfer money through Western Union, then what should I do if the recipient cannot receive it for one reason or another? Such a transfer can be returned. To do this, you need to come to the departure point β€œWestern Union” and write a return application. It must indicate the reason for the return. To confirm the legality of such a procedure, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • papers confirming the transfer.

After filling out the application in the prescribed form, the employees of the departure point will check the data and return the transfer amount. Please note that the fee for sending a transfer can only be returned if the client contacts the point of departure of Western Union international transfers on the same day.

The return procedure is simple and takes 15-20 minutes.

Payout transfer

What to do if the documents confirming the transfer are lost?

Even if the documents are lost, you can try to return your money. True, it will take more time. Company employees will have to not only verify the data, but also make sure that such a translation really exists. To do this, you will need to provide an identification document and give the operator the following data:

  • F. I. O. of the person to whom the money was sent;
  • country of departure;
  • Amount and currency of transfer;
  • control number (if you remember).

The more information you provide, the faster the refund request will be considered. It is better to contact the Western Union address where the transfer was sent.

Are there any limits for sending in the Western Union system

To date, there are the following restrictions on the amounts of departure in the Western Union system:

  • 100 000 rubles and 3 000 dollars for the transfer of 12 hours;
  • no more than 600,000 rubles per month according to the "mobile bank" system, while a one-time shipment must not exceed 100,000 rubles.

Please note that these figures may differ when sending money to countries with a high level of terrorism, corruption, etc.

Western Union transfers are an easy and convenient way to send money to your friends and relatives. The Western Union international transfer system is used by millions of people around the world.


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