"Barber" is a profession of the past, relevant in the XXI century

Thanks to the active borrowing of foreign words, the Russian language is regularly updated with amazing terms. However, due to the large number of synonyms and fashion for everything foreign, domestic terms fade into the background and are forgotten even by native speakers. Contemporaries believe that the โ€œbarberโ€ is a mysterious animal of the times of the Russian Empire. Although they intuitively break into morphemes and feel the true meaning.

From the depths of centuries

Let's follow this logical example. A compound word with an obvious connective โ€œoโ€ will instantly fall into two parts. What do they mean? Listen carefully, rearrange the sounds and get:

  • beard;
  • shave.

A good and useful profession. Many specialists in Russia resorted to the help of such specialists. Why does the name focus on the facial area vegetation? Because the barber is the main assistant to men. Historically, women grew their hair and then braided it in braids or more complex hairstyles. They could be trimmed in time at home, so the main consumers of the service were the stronger sex.

barber who is this

Although barbers did not deal exclusively with hair. Professionals of a wide profile worked on an equal footing with blacksmiths: they performed the functions of healers, tore teeth. Since hair was associated with vitality, it was an object of interest for fans of various superstitions, and a good hairdresser was considered almost a sorcerer. In the realities of the 21st century, the mystical image has been dispelled, but the struggle for gender equality has made the profession again relevant.

Not a beauty salon

It is believed that women are going to gossip with friends and masters during procedures. Gradually, the list of hairstyles was supplemented by manicure and peeling services. And what about a man? Head to the barbershop! Such establishments are very popular, they choose the most brutal target audience, and at the entrance you are met by a real barber. This is a stern person who does not understand anything about cutting the cuticle. But in his power:

  • trim the hairstyle;
  • to cut a mustache and beard;
  • curl, remind, lay facial hair;
  • to cut a design drawing, etc.

Good old hairdresser with a postscript โ€œfor boysโ€. And they gossip there not about fashionable collections of dresses, but about sorts of beer and about the power of comic book heroes.

good hairdresser

Outdated and current

At the beginning of the century, the term remained bookish and outdated. To say to his master in the salon: โ€œThis is a barber, and one of the best,โ€ it was possible only in an ironic manner, albeit without purpose to belittle his professional qualities. Now more and more specialists are taking their original name to give a clear signal to the audience: if you want to be stylish and courageous - come to us!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39032/

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