Is biohairing safe: reviews

The Niagara bio-curl is a gentle perm of the delicate action of a new generation. In there is no toiglycolic acid, its derivatives and ammonia. But one has cysteine ​​in its composition - it is an amino acid of organic origin, which is able to provide a sparing effect and ultimately guarantee well-groomed, uniform, natural curls. As the product penetrates the hair, the latter gradually change the structure, but only a small part of the gray bridges undergoes hair strength.

The Niagara biowave contains provitamin B5, and its pH value is close to neutral. Also, the Niagara biowave has a neutral smell, which makes the process of its use unobtrusive and even pleasant. Maximum hair care and a delicate effect - this is what Niagara is, a vitamin biowave: reviews on the Internet say that this tool is suitable for use on any type of hair and copes with curling hard, previously dyed, bleached and damaged hair.

Classical perm, as a rule, is applied only to healthy hair, while the new generation of Niagara softly affects even weakened hair. However, like ordinary chemistry, biochemistry is contraindicated during pregnancy, during lactation, with reduced immunity, or if the hair needs treatment.

Bio-curling "Niagara": reviews of specialists

"Niagara" is a gentle generation of new generation perm that can minimize the harmful effects of chemicals on the hair, in addition, it can be selected according to your hair type. This tool belongs to the most modern: in the process of exposure, it nourishes the hair with amino acids and proteins, thereby contributing to their restoration. The latest products, which are included in gentle perm, - a unique complex of keratin, as well as a neutral pH value - are safe for sensitive scalp.

Not all awarded nature with thick beautiful hair. Curly hair loose on the shoulders is the dream of many women. The easiest way to do it is with a perm, and, of course, best for maintaining healthy hair, if it is a biochemical perm.

Before deciding on a procedure, study the experience of other women and make sure that Niagara is a biowave, the reviews of which are exceptionally positive.

Any manipulations with the hair in which chemicals are used is a lot of stress, and for this reason, masters prefer to use the most gentle means. The gentle gentle wave, popular today, does almost no harm to the hair. After this procedure, the hair is treated with a special rinse.

Biohairing: reviews of women

β€œI really liked the Niagara biowave! I have thin and oily hair, which, if not washed on time, can only be worn in the tail. For the second month I have been going with a wave - and there are no problems. You just have to twist the hair into papillots - and the head looks beautiful. And the volume! No wonder this biowave reviews has the very best! ” - Lily.

β€œI’ve been walking with the Niagara biowave for a month and a half already - I’m very pleased! I will repeat it for sure! What does my hairstyle look like today? When the hair is wet - a small spiral on the head. Lightly twist the tips on large curlers and get a crazy volume. Hairstyle is not crushed. I recommend to everyone!" - Natalya.

β€œI am very pleased with the result of the curling based on the Niagara product! Hair looks completely healthy, not burnt, not overdried. The main thing is to moisturize curled hair as much as possible, and everything will be fine! ” - Catherine.


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